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IREHR’s Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was quoted in Raw Story;

Author Jordan Green writes, “The “We the People’s Grand Jury” concept is drawn from the far-right Posse Comitatus, according to Devin Burghart, who has monitored far-right extremists for the past three decades and heads the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights.”

“In the 1990s, it returned thanks to groups like the Freemen in Montana and other ‘Common Law Court’ groups,” Burghart told Raw Story. “These ideas made a comeback during the pandemic, particularly among more militant COVID denial groups.”

Guns & Gavels, written by Devin Burghart and Robert Crawford, was cited as well;

Green continues, “Devin Burghart from the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights and co-author Robert Crawford described common-law courts in a 1996 report as “self-elected vigilante organizations that claim the authority of law.”

Green writes, “Far from being an anti-government movement, as is commonly misconceived, Burghart and Crawford wrote, so-called “Christian Patriots” seek to replace the existing government with a more authoritarian version.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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