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Appendix D: Tea Party Chapters in North Carolina Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Appendix D: Tea Party Chapters in North Carolina

  Group Location 9.12 Project Polk Co NC Columbus 9-12 Project - Haywood County (Haywood County Tea Party) Waynesville Alamance Conservatives Burlington Alamance County Tea Party Alamance Alleghany County Tea Party Sparta Anti-Islam Anti-Illegal North Carolina Onslow Asheville Tea Pac Asheville Asheville Tea Party Asheville Beaufort Patriot Tea Party Beaufort…
Appendix C: Tea Party Member Data Collection and Analysis Methodology Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Appendix C: Tea Party Member Data Collection and Analysis Methodology

The data in this report was derived from a collection of online directories on the major national Tea Party faction websites: Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, 1776 Tea Party (also known as, FreedomWorks Tea Party, and Patriot Action Network (formerly known as ResistNet). The data for the sixth…
Appendix B: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings – NC Senate Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Appendix B: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings – NC Senate

  Appendix B: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings - NC Senate District  Representative  Party  Assumed office Rating 1 Bill Cook Republican 2013 Strong Tea Party 2 Norman Sanderson, Jr. Republican 2013 Mild Tea Party 3 Clark Jenkins Democratic 2003 None 4 Angela R. Bryant Democratic 2013 Opposition to Tea…
Appendix A: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings – NC House Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Appendix A: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings – NC House

  Appendix A: Tea Party Support and Opposition Ratings - NC House District  Representative  Party Assumed office Rating 1 Bob Steinburg Republican 2013 Strong Tea Party 2 Winkie Wilkins Democratic 2005 Opposition to Tea Party 3 Michael Speciale Republican 2013 Tea Party 4 James Dixon Republican 2011 Tea Party 5…
North Carolina General Assembly Tea Party Support & Opposition Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

North Carolina General Assembly Tea Party Support & Opposition

Fusing together an engaged membership, an extensive network of local chapters, and support from national organizations, the Tea Party movement in North Carolina has become bigger than the sum of its parts. Other studies, such as the Democracy North Carolina Annual Report Card on the legislature have done a superb…
North Carolina General Assembly Tea Party Support & Opposition Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

North Carolina General Assembly Tea Party Support & Opposition

using together an engaged membership, an extensive network of local chapters, and support from national organizations, the Tea Party movement in North Carolina has become bigger than the sum of its parts. Other studies, such as the Democracy North Carolina Annual Report Card on the legislature have done a superb…
Beyond Policy: North Carolina Tea Party’s Racially Divisive Posture Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Beyond Policy: North Carolina Tea Party’s Racially Divisive Posture

Much has been written about the Tea Parties’ legislative impact in North Carolina, with discussion of regressive changes in everything from education, environmental and tax policy, to the rolling back of civil rights legislation. Often left out of that discussion is how Tea Party groups – both nationally and locally…
Tea Party Membership in North Carolina Uncategorized
October 8, 2014

Tea Party Membership in North Carolina

Wealthy donors like the Koch Brothers and North Carolina’s Art Pope have been extensively examined.  National groups with an impact on North Carolina, such as Americans for Prosperity, have been similarly investigated and exposed.  Nevertheless, significant indicators suggest that the current political conjuncture is a result of more than just…