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Russia’s International Conservative Forum Draws American White Nationalists Uncategorized
May 20, 2015

Russia’s International Conservative Forum Draws American White Nationalists

In St. Petersburg, formerly Leningrad, an international mélange of Holocaust deniers, Hitler apologists, white nationalists and Russian ultra-nationalist met in March at the Holiday Inn.  They pressed the case for Russian opposition to American foreign policy and American multi-racial democracy, they supported the rebels in the eastern reaches of the…
American Renaissance Meets in the Tennessee Woods Again Uncategorized
May 12, 2015

American Renaissance Meets in the Tennessee Woods Again

Over the April 17-18 weekend, the so-called scientific racists around the American Renaissance newsletter and website once again met at the Montgomery Bell State Park, less than 60 miles west of Nashville, Tennessee.  They discussed whether or not the change they wanted would come from involvement in “American political system,”…
New Report Documents Far Right Opposition to Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Compact with State of Montana Uncategorized
April 20, 2015

New Report Documents Far Right Opposition to Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Compact with State of Montana

A new report from the Montana Human Rights Network documents the opposition of Tea Party, wise use and anti-Indian activists to a water compact between the State of Montana and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT).