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Montana Creativity Movement Members
Tea Partying Militia Leader Arrested for Rape, Possessing a Grenade Launcher Uncategorized
January 26, 2010

Tea Partying Militia Leader Arrested for Rape, Possessing a Grenade Launcher

Tea Partying Militia Leader Charles Dyer A former Marine with ties to Tea Parties and militias who talked openly about using his training “to become a domestic terrorist” has been charged in separate complaints with raping a child and possessing an unregistered grenade launcher. His arrest may signal that a…
Montana Creativity Movement Members
Still Picking the Jury for Roeder’s murder trial in Wichita, Kansas Uncategorized
January 20, 2010

Still Picking the Jury for Roeder’s murder trial in Wichita, Kansas

Leonard Zeskind will be following and writing about the trial as it proceeds. Picking the jury that will vote on whether Scott Roeder murdered Dr. Tiller in the first degree or whether he simply committed voluntary manslaughter is continuing. Thevoir dire process appears to be fairly thorough. Prospective jurors spend…
Tea Party Sovereignty Winter Fest
Hundreds of Tea Partiers Gather in Olympia for Sovereignty Winter Fest Uncategorized
January 20, 2010

Hundreds of Tea Partiers Gather in Olympia for Sovereignty Winter Fest

Despite the pouring rain, nearly three hundred Tea Party supporters from across the state gathered on the steps of the Washington State capitol for the “Sovereignty Winter Fest” on January 14. The event featured state legislators, candidates for state and federal seats, Tea Party leaders, and other far-right activists from…