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NY 26 DC candidates
A Brief Note About New York’s 26th Congressional District: Its Not What You Think Uncategorized
June 8, 2011

A Brief Note About New York’s 26th Congressional District: Its Not What You Think

By now the Democratic Party's hoopla about winning a seat from this staunchly Republican district has died down.  With the smell of victory in their noses, how can you fault anyone for thinking that pro-Medicare politics defeated the let-them-eat-cake program of the Republicans.  A quick look at the numbers, however,…
Oregon Tea Party Convention
The 2nd Annual Oregon Tea Party Celebration: A Movement in Which Ideas Seem to Have Growing Importance Uncategorized
May 31, 2011

The 2nd Annual Oregon Tea Party Celebration: A Movement in Which Ideas Seem to Have Growing Importance

The following article is a first-person account of a Tea Party "celebration" on February 26, 2011, held at the Shilo Inn near the airport in Portland, Oregon.  The author, Mike Edera, found the importance of ideas within Tea Party ranks of particular note.  Read alongside two articles by Devin Burghart,…