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The National Policy Institute, Aryan Nations and Tremors Uncategorized
November 2, 2011

The National Policy Institute, Aryan Nations and Tremors

The National Policy Institute opened its Washington D.C. September conference with a direct invocation of Enoch Powell's infamous Rivers of Blood speech. Using video of recent riots in England with tape of Powell's 1968 speech, Richard Spencer, NPI's executive director, talked of the catastrophe that Latin, Asian and African immigrants…
Who is Alex Jones? Uncategorized
October 18, 2011

Who is Alex Jones?

His YouTube channel has over 30 million views and over 200,000 subscribers. He's had cameo appearances in two Hollywood films. Yet he's hardly a household name. Nonetheless, over the last fifteen years, Austin, Texas-based radio talk-show host Alex Jones has made a career pumping out bigotry and conspiracies for profit.…
Tom Zawistowski of the Ohio Liberty Council
The John Birch Society and Tea Party Patriots: Inside the Ohio “We the People Convention” Uncategorized
September 16, 2011

The John Birch Society and Tea Party Patriots: Inside the Ohio “We the People Convention”

An Ohio state Tea Party convention featured workshops that advocated for dismantling public education, states' rights, voter suppression and against unions. Racist rhetoric about how black people who receive welfare "have no souls," that "Obamacare" is reparations, and the persistent refrain that president Obama is "not American" once again marred…
Teamsters President James Hoffa Jr attending a Teamsters rally. Tea Partiers protested the rally.
Tea Party Protests Union Uncategorized
September 16, 2011

Tea Party Protests Union

Teamsters President James Hoffa Jr. visited Washington state on September 9 to support the hundreds of union members and their community partners backing the 362 grocery warehouse workers of Teamsters Local 117 in their fight for a new contract. Those union members at the Fred Meyer distribution center are currently…