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White Nationalist Bob Vandervoort (right) is scheduled to speak at the 2012 CPAC Convention
Alert: White Nationalist to Speak from Podium at CPAC 2012 Uncategorized
February 9, 2012

Alert: White Nationalist to Speak from Podium at CPAC 2012

Bob Vandervoort is scheduled to moderate a Thursday afternoon panel at the CPAC 2012 conference, entitled, "The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the Pursuit of Diversity is Weakening the American Identity." Vandervoort listed his organizational affiliation as executive director of ProEnglish—an English-Only outfit founded by John Tanton. What he left out…
Beyond FAIR Appendix B: Nativist Establishment Financial Data 2001-2010. Uncategorized
January 18, 2012

Beyond FAIR Appendix B: Nativist Establishment Financial Data 2001-2010.

  Federation for American Immigration Reform and Related Nativist Institutions Year FAIR Immigration Reform Law Institute FAIR Congressional Taskforce US Inc Center for Immigration Studies 2001 $3,384,027     $2,282,532 $672,655 2002 $3,627,678     $1,429,707 $895,104 2003 $3,311,569     $1,456,770 $869,280 2004 $4,256,992   $1,440,098 $1,659,197 $1,015,055 2005…
Beyond FAIR Appendix A: Nativist Leaders Involved in Tea Party Activity. Uncategorized
January 18, 2012

Beyond FAIR Appendix A: Nativist Leaders Involved in Tea Party Activity.

  Name Nativist Title Nativist Group City State National Tea Party Membership Local Tea Party Activity Al Garza Vice President Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Cochise County AZ   Founder, Patriots Coalition; Member Central Valley Tea Party Barbara Coe Chairwoman California Coalition For Immigration Reform Huntington Beach CA   Spoke At…
Beyond FAIR Uncategorized
January 17, 2012

Beyond FAIR

In this special report the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) delineates the intersection of two trends. One is a measureable drop in the number of local and national anti-immigrant organizations that were established prior to the presidency of Barack Obama. Along the same lines, those organizations which…
Thank You Mr. Darrell Pope of the NAACP – Racism and Anti-Semitism in the Kansas Tea Parties Uncategorized
December 14, 2011

Thank You Mr. Darrell Pope of the NAACP – Racism and Anti-Semitism in the Kansas Tea Parties

Thank you Darrell Pope, the president of the Hutchinson, Kansas branch of the NAACP. The Tea Party in his area, the Patriot Freedom Alliance, put a skunk on its website and said it represented President Obama. Why? Thomas Hymer, who runs the website, said it was because Obama was half…