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Guns and the New Amalgamated Hard Right Uncategorized
June 4, 2013

Guns and the New Amalgamated Hard Right

The following article appeared first in Searchlight magazine’s May 2013.  It incorporated enough new material to warrant its republication by IREHR, despite including some information that had been previously released on this site.  Searchlight, a London-based anti-fascist anti-racist monthly with an international cast of correspondents, will celebrate 50 years of…
Guns and the New Amalgamated Hard Right Uncategorized
June 4, 2013

Guns and the New Amalgamated Hard Right

The following article appeared first in Searchlight magazine’s May 2013.  It incorporated enough new material to warrant its republication by IREHR, despite including some information that had been previously released on this site.  Searchlight, a London-based anti-fascist anti-racist monthly with an international cast of correspondents, will celebrate 50 years of…
Council of Conservative Citizens Board Member Roan Garcia-Quintana
White Nationalist Tea Partier Co-Chairing South Carolina Governor Re-Election Committee Uncategorized
May 24, 2013

White Nationalist Tea Partier Co-Chairing South Carolina Governor Re-Election Committee

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced in February the co-chairs of her statewide grassroots re-election steering committee. Included on the steering committee is, Roan Garcia-Quintana a Tea Party activist who serves at the same on the board of the largest white nationalist organization in the country, the Council of Conservative…
Tea Party Group Protesting IRS Has History of Questionable Political Involvement Uncategorized
May 21, 2013

Tea Party Group Protesting IRS Has History of Questionable Political Involvement

Tea Party Patriots, originally formed as a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation in 2009, has a history of questionable electoral activity.  Nevertheless, as one of the largest of the movement’s national factions, it is taking advantage of the so-called IRS scandal to re-ignite the anger of Tea Partiers, encourage their (false) sense…
“Take these Tribes Down” The Anti-Indian Movement Comes to Washington State Uncategorized
April 26, 2013

“Take these Tribes Down” The Anti-Indian Movement Comes to Washington State

This IREHR Special Report takes you inside the April 6 meeting hosted in Bellingham, Washington by the anti-Indian groups Citizens Equal Rights Alliance and Citizens Equal Rights Foundation. The report sheds light on these groups’ anti-Indian ideas and goals, their legal strategy and their plans to re-invigorate anti-Indian activism in…