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IREHR Impact: Zeskind at NAACP Event Remembering Mississippi Freedom Summer IREHR
August 25, 2014

IREHR Impact: Zeskind at NAACP Event Remembering Mississippi Freedom Summer

On June 26, 2014, the Kansas City, Missouri Branch of the NAACP held a special event commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer in Mississippi.  Leonard Zeskind was one of two speakers, and his discussed the significance of the murders of Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman by white…
NAACP leadership at the 2014 national convention in Las Vegas (left). Deneen Borelli's FreedomWorks flop near the NAACP convention (right).
IREHR research featured in Brookings Institution piece on failure of immigration reform IREHR
August 19, 2014

IREHR research featured in Brookings Institution piece on failure of immigration reform

Data on Tea Party nativism by IREHR was included in the August 4, 2014 Brookings Institution article “The (Real) Reason Why the House Won't Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform” by University of Washington political scientist, Chris Parker, co-author of Change They Can’t Believe In: The Tea Party and Reactionary Politics in…