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Witness to Selma IREHR
January 16, 2015

Witness to Selma

David Goldstein, the executive director of the Greater Kansas City Jewish Community Relations Bureau / American Jewish Committee from 1972 until 1998, marched in Selma during the voting rights fight in 1965—twice.  So IREHR sat down with him as he remembered those days, now commemorated in the movie Selma.
IREHR’s Exposure of the “Confederate Cuban” in Raw Story IREHR
December 19, 2014

IREHR’s Exposure of the “Confederate Cuban” in Raw Story

Masthead This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information. Call to Action On December 18, IREHR's exposure of white nationalist leader Roan Garcia-Quintana's scheduled appearance at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention was picked up by the popular…
South Carolina White Nationalist Roan Garcia-Quintana
Media Release: IREHR Condemns White Nationalist Scheduled to Speak at South Carolina Tea Party Convention Press
December 18, 2014

Media Release: IREHR Condemns White Nationalist Scheduled to Speak at South Carolina Tea Party Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 18, 2014 IREHR Condemns White Nationalist Scheduled to Speak at South Carolina Tea Party Convention (Kansas City) The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) today expressed concern that a South Carolina white nationalist leader is scheduled to appear alongside members of Congress and…