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Zeskind on Roeder Trial IREHR
January 11, 2010

Zeskind on Roeder Trial

IREHR President Leonard Zeskind will be following and writing about the trial of Scott Roeder, the accused killer of Dr. Tiller, as it proceeds. His first story is available now on the Huffington Post - click here to read it.  Check back often for updates as the trial progresses.
Hope Not Hate Bus
Issue Areas IREHR
October 1, 2009

Issue Areas

Nation, State and Citizenship The development of trans-national economies is connected to both changes in the structure of nation-states and the increased mobility of labor across borders.  The human rights of immigrants demand our respect.  Ultra-nationalism and nativism needs to be examined and opposed.  The spark and the motor inside…
Hope Not Hate Bus
Our New Website IREHR
September 19, 2009

Our New Website

We're pleased to bring you the new website for the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights. We're still in the process of fine-tuning it, and it's very much still in beta. Please let us know what you think. If there are things you particularly like, things you don't,…
September 18, 2009


Devin Burghart is president of IREHR and coordinates the Seattle office. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin began as a research analyst with the Coalition for Human Dignity in Seattle and was…