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Remembering the 1987 King Holiday Weekend and Thinking about the Racist Opposition Today IREHR
January 20, 2014

Remembering the 1987 King Holiday Weekend and Thinking about the Racist Opposition Today

On Saturday, January 17, 1987, about 100 white-sheeted Klansmen and uniformed Aryan Nations members marched through Pulaski, Tennessee in opposition to the federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.  They came to Pulaski because it was the birthplace of the Klan in 1866, after the Civil War.  A different Klan…
Moral Mondays Comes to Yadkinville IREHR
September 27, 2013

Moral Mondays Comes to Yadkinville

About 100 demonstrators gathered in front of the Yadkin County, North Carolina Courthouse on Monday, September 23rd to protest what they called the immoral legislation of the NC General Assembly. Organized by the NAACP-led Forward Together movement, the crowd represented a broad array of North Carolinians. Participants included undocumented immigrant…