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Fight the Right

Anti-Racists Swamp White Nationalists in D.C., Racists Draw Mixed Lessons FeaturedFight the Right
August 14, 2018

Anti-Racists Swamp White Nationalists in D.C., Racists Draw Mixed Lessons

On Sunday in Washington D.C. a crowd of thousands opposed to white supremacy and fascism overwhelmed in numbers some two dozen attendees at white nationalist Jason Kessler’s Unite the Right 2. Despite the low numbers, white nationalists are taking mixed lessons from the event – some admiring Kessler’s efforts at…
Reverend William Barber II, IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Washington D.C. Teach-In to Counter White Nationalism Fight the RightIREHR
August 9, 2018

Reverend William Barber II, IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Washington D.C. Teach-In to Counter White Nationalism

The Reverend William J. Barber II, President of Repairers of the Breach, and IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind will speak August 10 at a regional teach-in hosted by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) and Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) in Washington D.C. The event is aimed at offering effective ways to counter white nationalism.…
Tohono O’odham Nation Rejects National Guard Deployment to their Lands FeaturedFight the Right
April 13, 2018

Tohono O’odham Nation Rejects National Guard Deployment to their Lands

Tohono O’odham Nation – On April 9th, 2018 the Tohono O’odham Nation issued a statement to its Tribal citizens ensuring them that no National Guard troops will be deployed to their lands. The response comes on the heels of President Trump’s request for National Guard troops to be deployed to…
Knoxville, Tennessee Rejects White Nationalism AppFeaturedFight the Right
March 1, 2018

Knoxville, Tennessee Rejects White Nationalism

In February 2018, the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) kicked off a multi-state campus tour, entitled “National Socialism or Death,” at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). Thus, Tennessee’s flagship campus became the latest in a long line of universities recently targeted by white nationalist and white supremacist groups. These organizations…
Please Donate to Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund FeaturedFight the Right
February 19, 2018

Please Donate to Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund

Please make a donation to the Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund. Red Line Salish Sea has been a leader in fighting for water quality, addressing climate change and countering the organized anti-Indian movement. These water and land protectors are facing charges from the Whatcom…