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Far-Right Calls for Violence Against Wet’suwet’en Defenders and Anti-Fascists Featured
March 12, 2020

Far-Right Calls for Violence Against Wet’suwet’en Defenders and Anti-Fascists

The outburst of protest across Canada and beyond that followed the RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en territory has inspired all who support Indigenous rights to political and territorial sovereignty. Unfortunately, the Wet’suwet’en defense of their homelands and allied protests have been met by threats of violence and retribution from the far…
An Affinity for Bigotry: Jaden McNeil of America First Students Featured
February 27, 2020

An Affinity for Bigotry: Jaden McNeil of America First Students

In the wake of the IREHR special report, From Alt-Right to Groyper: White Nationalists Rebrand for 2020 and Beyond, and subsequent media attention, Jaden McNeil, a “groyper” activist and leader of the Kansas State University (KSU)-based America First Students (AFS), cried foul in a statement published to Twitter. The 64-page IREHR…
IREHR Statement of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation Featured
February 14, 2020

IREHR Statement of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation

The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) stands in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation and the inherent right of the Unist’ot’ten to defend their unceded homelands, and their people, from threats posed by the Coastal Gaslink pipeline project. IREHR condemns the arrest and removal from their lands…
Freedom Foundation Expands to Pennsylvania, State Outreach Director a Fan of Family Research Council Featured
February 5, 2020

Freedom Foundation Expands to Pennsylvania, State Outreach Director a Fan of Family Research Council

In October 2019, IREHR reported that the Olympia, Washington-based Freedom Foundation had expanded its efforts to undermine union democracy to Ohio, adding to its existing Washington, Oregon and California chapters. In late January the group announced the formation of a new Pennsylvania chapter. Publicizing the Pennsylvania expansion, Freedom Foundation National…
Far Right “Constitutionalist” Krisanne Hall Back at the White House Featured
December 13, 2019

Far Right “Constitutionalist” Krisanne Hall Back at the White House

Krisanne Hall was back at the White House this week. This time, the far right activist reported attending a briefing with 120 to 150 people, including some who “self-identified as constitutionalists.” In October Hall attended meetings with leaders of the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (CFOI) in the Department…