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Ammon Bundy and People’s Rights Mobilize Following Arrest of Idaho-Based Ally COVID-19FeaturedUncategorized
July 31, 2020

Ammon Bundy and People’s Rights Mobilize Following Arrest of Idaho-Based Ally

Far right figure Ammon Bundy’s group, People’s Rights, is holding a protest on Saturday in Nezperce, Idaho. Best known for leading the 2016 armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and, more recently, helping kick off protests against public policies aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, the…
“Canada Day” – far-right nationalists mobilize against COVID-19 restrictions and more COVID-19FeaturedUncategorized
July 24, 2020

“Canada Day” – far-right nationalists mobilize against COVID-19 restrictions and more

On July 1, thousands of Indigenous people and allies gathered from coast to coast under the auspices of the Idle No More movement’s Cancel Canada Day, a call to “honour all of the lives lost to the Canadian State – Indigenous lives, Black Lives, Migrant lives, Women and Trans and…
Kansas State University Football Players Stand Up Against “Groyper” Activism FeaturedFight the RightUncategorized
July 2, 2020

Kansas State University Football Players Stand Up Against “Groyper” Activism

The Kansas State University football team is taking a strong stand against racism in the wake of an incendiary racist tweet by student “groyper” activist, Jaden McNeil. A June 27 statement circulated by a member of the team stated that “we as a football team, after consultations with students...are demanding…
Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer Protest Clark County Sheriff, City Prosecutor COVID-19Featured
June 23, 2020

Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer Protest Clark County Sheriff, City Prosecutor

Following a weekend rally on the Clark County Courthouse steps, about thirty-five far-right protesters mobilized in Clark County, Washington on June 22, demanding that the sheriff pledge to “protect” a fellow activist from legal consequences for opening her business in defiance of state COVID-19-related restrictions. Patriot Prayer Fan Kelly Carroll…
Far-Right, Militia to Press Clark County Sheriff to Join Reopen Cause COVID-19Featured
June 22, 2020

Far-Right, Militia to Press Clark County Sheriff to Join Reopen Cause

Far-right activists in southwestern Washington are mimicking the efforts of Michigan militia groups who helped turn a small-town barber into a martyr of the insurrection against COVID-19 safety precautions. This time, they want to use the case of a pet groomer to merge far-right hostility to COVID-19 restrictions with militia…
Mapping Paramilitary and Far-Right Threats to Racial Justice AppFeatured
June 19, 2020

Mapping Paramilitary and Far-Right Threats to Racial Justice

About this Resource Working with Political Research Associates, the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights has been tracking reports of paramilitary and other far-right actors that are showing up at or adjacent to protests demanding an end to racist policing, justice for its victims, and a reallocation of resources…
Three Percenters Pose with Olympia Police Officer, Sparks Need for Thorough Investigation Featured
June 18, 2020

Three Percenters Pose with Olympia Police Officer, Sparks Need for Thorough Investigation

Following IREHR’s reporting on troubling relationships between far-right paramilitaries and law enforcement, this article opens a series looking at militia organizing in Olympia, Washington that surfaced after a police officer was photographed with a group of heavily-armed Three Percenters. In the midst of nationwide protests over police killings of African-Americans,…
Dangerous Liaisons: Some in law enforcement look to militia groups COVID-19Featured
June 4, 2020

Dangerous Liaisons: Some in law enforcement look to militia groups

The protests demanding justice for George Floyd, and an end to police racism, have mobilized people across the country. As these protests have unfolded, nationalist militias, boogaloo boys, and other far-right and racist activists have inserted themselves into the protests in various ways in dozens of instances across the country.…