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Deciphering Nick Fuentes’ “Stop the Steal” Speeches Featured
November 24, 2020

Deciphering Nick Fuentes’ “Stop the Steal” Speeches

White nationalist and “groyper” leader Nick Fuentes’ prominent role in the Atlanta “Stop the Steal” rallies, and the content of his political framing at the “Million MAGA March” in Washington D.C., highlights the threat of radicalization amidst a conspiracy-theory-driven mobilization against a Biden government that will be seen by many…
White Nationalists prominent at “Stop the Steal” mobilization in Georgia COVID-19Featured
November 24, 2020

White Nationalists prominent at “Stop the Steal” mobilization in Georgia

On Thursday, November 19, “groyper” leader Nick Fuentes rolled past the Capitol Building in Atlanta, Georgia in the armored vehicle bearing the name Infowars, the media outlet of far-right antisemitic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. As he passed by a crowd chanting “We Want Trump!,” Fuentes exhorted those gathered to turn…
“Stop the Steal” Mobilizations and Emerging Far-Right Coalitions COVID-19Featured
November 13, 2020

“Stop the Steal” Mobilizations and Emerging Far-Right Coalitions

With the last gasps of a Trump defeat, nationalists are morphing toward opposition--and possibly revolution. With a projected electoral victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with continued Trump administration maneuvers to undermine the transfer of power, a dramatic shift is visible amongst far-right and nationalist groups in the…
Far Right Controversy in Canadian Military – Again… Featured
September 18, 2020

Far Right Controversy in Canadian Military – Again…

The Canadian military is once again embroiled in controversy following the much publicized arrest of Corey Hurren, who faces 22 charges after crashing his truck, with an arsenal of weapons, through Rideau Hall (Government House) in Ottawa. Further investigations have revealed additional far right members of the 4th Canadian Ranger…
People’s Rights Protest Demonstrates Far Right Roots, Again COVID-19FeaturedUncategorized
August 17, 2020

People’s Rights Protest Demonstrates Far Right Roots, Again

Ammon Bundy’s Emmet, Idaho-based People’s Rights touts itself as protecting people from a tyrannical government. “Who would you call right now,” the group asks, “if you needed help protecting your rights?” – rights threatened by a government that won’t allow you to “educate your children” or “operate your business,” or…