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As Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans Surge, Six Asian Women Gunned Down in Atlanta Featured
March 18, 2021

As Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans Surge, Six Asian Women Gunned Down in Atlanta

Georgia officials announced on March 18 that they will be charging Robert Aaron Long, 21, with eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault. Long allegedly shot and killed at least eight people on March 16 after opening fire in three Atlanta area spas. The businesses were Asian-owned…
White Nationalist Conference Attracts Former Trump Data Director Featured
March 11, 2021

White Nationalist Conference Attracts Former Trump Data Director

While U.S. Representative Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) appearance at Nick Fuentes’ white nationalist AFPAC II conference drew national press attention, another attendee from the Trump-orbit also caught the attention of IREHR researchers. Matt Braynard, the Executive Director of Look Ahead America (LAA) and a onetime director of data and strategy for…
IREHR in Kansas City FeaturedIREHR
March 11, 2021

IREHR in Kansas City

The day after the white riot in Washington D.C., Leonard Zeskind wrote an op-ed on the event using data collected by Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) and submitted it to the Kansas City Star newspaper.  They printed it the following week, on January 14, 2021 as…
KrisAnne Hall on the Road, Bridging the Gap Between Far-Right and White Nationalism COVID-19Featured
February 16, 2021

KrisAnne Hall on the Road, Bridging the Gap Between Far-Right and White Nationalism

In the wake of the January 6 insurrection and certification of Joe Biden’s election to the presidency, IREHR is tracking several trends in far-right and nationalist organizing. One is the tendency of the barriers between distinct segments of the far right to lower as these movements morph from jockeying for…
A Brief Look at Reproductive Justice in Indian Country FeaturedUncategorized
January 22, 2021

A Brief Look at Reproductive Justice in Indian Country

The Roe v. Wade decision issued on January 22, 1973 affirmed women’s right to abortion without excessive government interference. However, not all women are able to exercise this right - even in 2021. Native women in particular have not had equal access to this fundamental right. Access to health care,…
People’s Rights Leader in D.C. Jan. 6, Claims a Return for Inauguration COVID-19Featured
January 14, 2021

People’s Rights Leader in D.C. Jan. 6, Claims a Return for Inauguration

While Ammon Bundy’s far-right group, People’s Rights, had spent weeks using the January 6 pro-Trump rally in Washington D.C. as a recruiting tool,  Ruby Lefeau, the groups' Washington State Area 3 Assistant, had something else mind - making the trek from Lakewood, Washington across the country to attend the event that…
Beyond DC – Mapping Stop the Steal Insurrection Rallies in the States AppFeatured
January 8, 2021

Beyond DC – Mapping Stop the Steal Insurrection Rallies in the States

While attention was focused on the far-right insurrection Wednesday in Washington D.C., nationalist protests aimed at overturning election results also took place in states across the country. As in D.C., violence and breaches of government property also occurred in several instances. Also, like the insurrection at the Capitol Building, far-right…
“My mission…is to destroy the GOP,” says white nationalist Nick Fuentes FeaturedUncategorized
November 25, 2020

“My mission…is to destroy the GOP,” says white nationalist Nick Fuentes

Yesterday, IREHR reported on white nationalist Nick Fuentes’ prominent place in recent “Stop the Steal” events in Atlanta, Georgia; the “groyper” cheerleader’s plans to continue pushing his agenda in the GOP; and how Fuentes’ speech at the November 14 “Million MAGA March” offers insight into how he and his fellow…