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Steve Bannon Lambasted by Libertarians and Morning Joe in Wake of Health Care Failure Featured
April 3, 2017

Steve Bannon Lambasted by Libertarians and Morning Joe in Wake of Health Care Failure

In the wake of the failure of the Trump administration to push through the American Health Care Act (AHCA), several prominent libertarian organizations have stepped up attacks on top adviser and former Breitbart editor Steve Bannon. The criticisms stem in large part from a meeting Bannon held with the House…
Who is Milo Yiannopoulos? Featured
January 6, 2017

Who is Milo Yiannopoulos?

Misogynist, White Nationalist-Defending, Anti-Muslim Bigot Milo Yiannopoulos is Coming to a College Campus Near You. The recent presidential election has raised many concerns about the coming four years. Donald Trump amplified these worries by elevating Steve Bannon to a top advisory position in his incoming administration. Bannon’s step into the…
Richard Spencer: Alt-Right, White Nationalist, Anti-Semite Featured
January 5, 2017

Richard Spencer: Alt-Right, White Nationalist, Anti-Semite

During a recent broadcast, longtime neo-Nazi and vicious anti-Semite, David Duke, lavished praise upon his guest, “Alt-Right” white nationalist poster-boy Richard Spencer. Duke told the audience of his eponymous program, “We can’t help but love the guy, and he’s really coming around to our opinion.” The “opinion” David Duke is…