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IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Kansas City NAACP “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment” Event FeaturedIREHR
March 6, 2018

IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Kansas City NAACP “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment” Event

On March 3, IREHR Board Member Leonard Zeskind spoke at a Kansas City, Missouri NAACP Black History event entitled “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment.”  Below is a slightly edited version of his talk. Good afternoon! My name is Leonard Zeskind. I am a Lifetime member of the NAACP. I…
The Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas Brings National Socialism to Michigan State University Featured
March 2, 2018

The Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas Brings National Socialism to Michigan State University

On March 4-5, the Clinton Township, Michigan-based Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas (FMI), will hold events in Michigan, near and apparently on the campus of Michigan State University (MSU). The two-day conference is billed as “an opportunity for Identitarian and Alt-Right activists and leaders to discuss the future of…
What is the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas? AppFeatured
March 2, 2018

What is the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas?

The name, Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas (FMI), suggests a gathering of libertarians or free-marketeers. According to the group, FMI aims “TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE FREEDOMS GUARANTEED BY THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AND PEOPLE WHO AND ORGANIZATIONS WHICH STRIVE TO USURP SAID FREEDOMS” (capitals in original). However,…
Knoxville, Tennessee Rejects White Nationalism AppFeaturedFight the Right
March 1, 2018

Knoxville, Tennessee Rejects White Nationalism

In February 2018, the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) kicked off a multi-state campus tour, entitled “National Socialism or Death,” at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). Thus, Tennessee’s flagship campus became the latest in a long line of universities recently targeted by white nationalist and white supremacist groups. These organizations…
Washington State Attorney General Attacks Tribal Sovereignty, Again: Challenges Skokomish Tribe’s Ownership of a River Featured
February 28, 2018

Washington State Attorney General Attacks Tribal Sovereignty, Again: Challenges Skokomish Tribe’s Ownership of a River

On February 21st 2018, Washington State Assistant Attorney General Mike Grossmann announced that their office will be seeking to challenge the Skokomish Tribe’s ownership of the Skokomish river in order to open the river up to fishing for non-Tribal members. In 2016, the Skokomish Tribe blocked public access to the lower stretch…