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“Purging the Party” – Far-Right Takeover of the Idaho GOP Featured
July 11, 2023

“Purging the Party” – Far-Right Takeover of the Idaho GOP

Nationally, the far right capture of state and local Republican Party chapters has intensified moves to “purge” the party of leaders who don’t conform to this movement’s orthodoxy. Nowhere is this more visible than in Idaho. Vincent James Foxx, a leading figure among white nationalist Groypers, declared last year that…
In Missouri, Three White Nationalist Groups Grow Bigger and More Dangerous Featured
May 19, 2023

In Missouri, Three White Nationalist Groups Grow Bigger and More Dangerous

In Missouri, the number of white nationalists has grown, constituting a new danger to the promise of equality and democracy. White nationalist groups compete and collaborate. Some have similar tactics for spreading propaganda, while others want to influence politics. Regardless, they are gaining recruits and expanding their base. While there…
Proud Boys Leaders Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy and the Far Right Responds Featured
May 4, 2023

Proud Boys Leaders Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy and the Far Right Responds

Four leaders of the Proud Boys were convicted today of seditious conspiracy in connection to their role in the January 6 nationalist insurrection aimed at overturning the 2020 presidential election. The verdict represents a dramatic victory for federal prosecutors and comes on the heels of the recent conviction of six…
IREHR’s Letter to Illinois Legislators Featured
February 24, 2023

IREHR’s Letter to Illinois Legislators

Dear legislator: I write you today to ask you and your colleagues in the legislature to take bold and decisive action against a new danger. Recent reports indicate that an out-of-state group with ties to insurrectionists and white nationalists is attempting to infiltrate Illinois law enforcement, particularly county sheriffs. Using anger over the Protect Illinois Communities Act as…
Roots in Far Right Conspiracism: CSPOA On-the-Ground in Illinois Featured
February 17, 2023

Roots in Far Right Conspiracism: CSPOA On-the-Ground in Illinois

This article is the second in a multi-part series looking at the far-right Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) and other “Constitutional Sheriff” efforts to capitalize on the reaction by dozens of sheriffs in Illinois against a recently passed gun control law. In this article, IREHR looks at another…
Far-right “Constitutional Sheriffs” Group Launches Effort to Infiltrate Illinois Law Enforcement Featured
February 17, 2023

Far-right “Constitutional Sheriffs” Group Launches Effort to Infiltrate Illinois Law Enforcement

In the wake of dozens of Illinois sheriffs declaring their refusal to enforce a recently-passed gun law, the far-right Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) has stepped up a campaign to infiltrate Illinois law enforcement and galvanize far-right efforts across the state. Passed in January, the Protect Illinois Communities…
An Open Letter to Illinois Sheriffs Regarding CSPOA Infiltration Efforts Featured
February 14, 2023

An Open Letter to Illinois Sheriffs Regarding CSPOA Infiltration Efforts

Today, the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) sent the following letter to all 102 Illinois Sheriffs' Departments asking them to refrain from participating in the upcoming event by the far-right Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). In the coming days, we will update you on…