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Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer Protest Clark County Sheriff, City Prosecutor COVID-19Featured
June 23, 2020

Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer Protest Clark County Sheriff, City Prosecutor

Following a weekend rally on the Clark County Courthouse steps, about thirty-five far-right protesters mobilized in Clark County, Washington on June 22, demanding that the sheriff pledge to “protect” a fellow activist from legal consequences for opening her business in defiance of state COVID-19-related restrictions. Patriot Prayer Fan Kelly Carroll…
Far-Right, Militia to Press Clark County Sheriff to Join Reopen Cause COVID-19Featured
June 22, 2020

Far-Right, Militia to Press Clark County Sheriff to Join Reopen Cause

Far-right activists in southwestern Washington are mimicking the efforts of Michigan militia groups who helped turn a small-town barber into a martyr of the insurrection against COVID-19 safety precautions. This time, they want to use the case of a pet groomer to merge far-right hostility to COVID-19 restrictions with militia…
Dangerous Liaisons: Some in law enforcement look to militia groups COVID-19Featured
June 4, 2020

Dangerous Liaisons: Some in law enforcement look to militia groups

The protests demanding justice for George Floyd, and an end to police racism, have mobilized people across the country. As these protests have unfolded, nationalist militias, boogaloo boys, and other far-right and racist activists have inserted themselves into the protests in various ways in dozens of instances across the country.…
New Far-Right Groups Protesting COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Directives (Updated 05/06) AppCOVID-19Featured
April 23, 2020

New Far-Right Groups Protesting COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Directives (Updated 05/06)

Latest Count New far-right groups ("Liberate", "ReOpen", "Against Excessive Quarantine", "Operation Gridlock", "Lockdown", etc.) formed on Facebook to protest COVID-19 Stay-at-Home directives. Some groups may share the same name, but they are different Facebook groups with different memberships.  This list is updated regularly.  GROUP City State 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr…