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Magdelane Martel

Far Right Controversy in Canadian Military – Again… Featured
September 18, 2020

Far Right Controversy in Canadian Military – Again…

The Canadian military is once again embroiled in controversy following the much publicized arrest of Corey Hurren, who faces 22 charges after crashing his truck, with an arsenal of weapons, through Rideau Hall (Government House) in Ottawa. Further investigations have revealed additional far right members of the 4th Canadian Ranger…
“Canada Day” – far-right nationalists mobilize against COVID-19 restrictions and more COVID-19FeaturedUncategorized
July 24, 2020

“Canada Day” – far-right nationalists mobilize against COVID-19 restrictions and more

On July 1, thousands of Indigenous people and allies gathered from coast to coast under the auspices of the Idle No More movement’s Cancel Canada Day, a call to “honour all of the lives lost to the Canadian State – Indigenous lives, Black Lives, Migrant lives, Women and Trans and…
Far-Right Calls for Violence Against Wet’suwet’en Defenders and Anti-Fascists Featured
March 12, 2020

Far-Right Calls for Violence Against Wet’suwet’en Defenders and Anti-Fascists

The outburst of protest across Canada and beyond that followed the RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en territory has inspired all who support Indigenous rights to political and territorial sovereignty. Unfortunately, the Wet’suwet’en defense of their homelands and allied protests have been met by threats of violence and retribution from the far…
Canadian Anti-Fascists Targeted by “John Southern” FeaturedFight the RightIREHR
November 22, 2019

Canadian Anti-Fascists Targeted by “John Southern”

Known as “doxing,” the practice of circulating photos and personal information of human rights and environmental activists has been used by a wide range of white nationalist groups. Sometimes doxing by such groups and associated individuals is accompanied by threats and harassment. Vancouver, Canada is no exception. Large-scale climate change…