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Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

Racists Respond to Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Murder Trial Featured
April 20, 2021

Racists Respond to Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Murder Trial

Earlier today a Minnesota jury found Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the May 25, 2020 killing of George Floyd. While the verdict confirms what all with an ounce of compassion saw with their own eyes when Chauvin was recorded…
“White Lives Matter” Mobilization Grows on Telegram, Shapes Up as National Socialist Event Featured
March 29, 2021

“White Lives Matter” Mobilization Grows on Telegram, Shapes Up as National Socialist Event

Since IREHR reported last Friday on the “White Lives Matter” marches being promoted on Telegram, two things have come into relief. First, the event continues to build online momentum. As of this writing, the main page promoting the event, White Lives Matter – 04/11, has grown to 1253 subscribers. Meanwhile…
“White Lives Matter” Marches Announced, Attracting White Nationalists and Antisemites Featured
March 26, 2021

“White Lives Matter” Marches Announced, Attracting White Nationalists and Antisemites

The social media site Telegram has become widely known for offering a smorgasbord of the worst our society has to offer – providing a haven for a wide variety of racists and antisemites booted from Twitter and Facebook as these social media giants have moved slowly, and generally ineptly, to…
White Nationalist Conference Attracts Former Trump Data Director Featured
March 11, 2021

White Nationalist Conference Attracts Former Trump Data Director

While U.S. Representative Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) appearance at Nick Fuentes’ white nationalist AFPAC II conference drew national press attention, another attendee from the Trump-orbit also caught the attention of IREHR researchers. Matt Braynard, the Executive Director of Look Ahead America (LAA) and a onetime director of data and strategy for…
IREHR in Kansas City FeaturedIREHR
March 11, 2021

IREHR in Kansas City

The day after the white riot in Washington D.C., Leonard Zeskind wrote an op-ed on the event using data collected by Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) and submitted it to the Kansas City Star newspaper.  They printed it the following week, on January 14, 2021 as…
AFPAC II Speaker: “I am in complete support of the Siege on the Capitol” Uncategorizedwhite nationalism
February 25, 2021

AFPAC II Speaker: “I am in complete support of the Siege on the Capitol”

An announced speaker at the white nationalist-led America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) II slated for tomorrow in Florida declared on Telegram recently, “In case I haven’t been clear, I am in complete support of the Siege on the Capitol.” Jon Miller, host of the White House Brief on The…
KrisAnne Hall on the Road, Bridging the Gap Between Far-Right and White Nationalism COVID-19Featured
February 16, 2021

KrisAnne Hall on the Road, Bridging the Gap Between Far-Right and White Nationalism

In the wake of the January 6 insurrection and certification of Joe Biden’s election to the presidency, IREHR is tracking several trends in far-right and nationalist organizing. One is the tendency of the barriers between distinct segments of the far right to lower as these movements morph from jockeying for…