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Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

New Report Documents Far Right Opposition to Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Compact with State of Montana Uncategorized
April 20, 2015

New Report Documents Far Right Opposition to Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Compact with State of Montana

A new report from the Montana Human Rights Network documents the opposition of Tea Party, wise use and anti-Indian activists to a water compact between the State of Montana and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT).
White, Far Right and Armed: Tea Party and Militias Mobilize to Defend Nevada County Supremacy Activist Uncategorized
April 17, 2014

White, Far Right and Armed: Tea Party and Militias Mobilize to Defend Nevada County Supremacy Activist

From April 5 to April 12, people around the country watched as Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, backed by often armed supporters, stood in defiance of federal court orders to remove cattle he had illegally grazed on federal lands since the 1990s. Bundy supporters cast the drama a David versus Goliath…
“Take these Tribes Down” The Anti-Indian Movement Comes to Washington State Uncategorized
April 26, 2013

“Take these Tribes Down” The Anti-Indian Movement Comes to Washington State

This IREHR Special Report takes you inside the April 6 meeting hosted in Bellingham, Washington by the anti-Indian groups Citizens Equal Rights Alliance and Citizens Equal Rights Foundation. The report sheds light on these groups’ anti-Indian ideas and goals, their legal strategy and their plans to re-invigorate anti-Indian activism in…
Keno River Dam - Photo: Diane -
Tea Parties, Property Rights and Anti-Indianism in the Klamath River Basin Uncategorized
August 2, 2012

Tea Parties, Property Rights and Anti-Indianism in the Klamath River Basin

IREHR has previously examined the Tea Party movement's anti-immigrant nativism and documented the presence of racists, anti-Semites and militia advocates in its ranks. This article documents the intersection between so-called property rights groups and Tea Party racism, and analyzes the threat the movement poses to the sovereignty of Indian nations,…
Correlation Between Unemployment Levels and Tea Party Membership? Uncategorized
October 20, 2010

Correlation Between Unemployment Levels and Tea Party Membership?

{jb_dropcap}A{/jb_dropcap}n IREHR analysis of Tea Party online membership and unemployment data demonstrates that there is very little if any relationship between unemployment and Tea Party membership. To look for a correlation between Tea Party membership and unemployment rates, we examined the unemployment rate data for all 372 cities available from…