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Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

Importing Bigotry: Heidi Mund and the Kitsap Patriots Tea Party Featured
March 24, 2018

Importing Bigotry: Heidi Mund and the Kitsap Patriots Tea Party

On Monday, March 19, the Kitsap Patriots Tea Party (KPTP) hosted an internationally-known speaker who promotes anti-Muslim misinformation and bigotry. Some 50 people showed up to the Baymont Inn & Suites in Bremerton, Washington to hear Heidi Mund disparage Muslims and promote Christian nationalism. Outside the KPTP event about 50…
IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Kansas City NAACP “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment” Event FeaturedIREHR
March 6, 2018

IREHR’s Leonard Zeskind at Kansas City NAACP “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment” Event

On March 3, IREHR Board Member Leonard Zeskind spoke at a Kansas City, Missouri NAACP Black History event entitled “African Americans and the Fourteenth Amendment.”  Below is a slightly edited version of his talk. Good afternoon! My name is Leonard Zeskind. I am a Lifetime member of the NAACP. I…
The Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas Brings National Socialism to Michigan State University Featured
March 2, 2018

The Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas Brings National Socialism to Michigan State University

On March 4-5, the Clinton Township, Michigan-based Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas (FMI), will hold events in Michigan, near and apparently on the campus of Michigan State University (MSU). The two-day conference is billed as “an opportunity for Identitarian and Alt-Right activists and leaders to discuss the future of…
Vanguard America: National Socialism American Style AppFeatured
February 24, 2018

Vanguard America: National Socialism American Style

Vanguard America is a white nationalist organization, of the national socialist variety, which promotes the creation of a whites-only nation-state in the United States. The group espouses a vicious brand of anti-Semitism, endorsing revolution against a fantasized international Jewish conspiracy. Vanguard America’s affinity for fascism (of which national socialism is…
Please Donate to Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund FeaturedFight the Right
February 19, 2018

Please Donate to Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund

Please make a donation to the Red Line Salish Sea – Defend the Defenders Legal Support Fund. Red Line Salish Sea has been a leader in fighting for water quality, addressing climate change and countering the organized anti-Indian movement. These water and land protectors are facing charges from the Whatcom…
Armed Standoff Redux? Washington State Three Percenters Support Rancher in Conflict with Federal Government Featured
February 14, 2018

Armed Standoff Redux? Washington State Three Percenters Support Rancher in Conflict with Federal Government

In the wake of the December 2017 mistrial in the case of Cliven Bundy – the racist Nevada rancher charged in connection with a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents – and the October 2016 acquittal of leaders of the paramilitary takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Reserve in southern Oregon,…
Seattle “March Against Sharia” Features Anti-Muslim Bigotry, Emerging Paramilitary Coalitions AppFeatured
June 15, 2017

Seattle “March Against Sharia” Features Anti-Muslim Bigotry, Emerging Paramilitary Coalitions

On Saturday, some 120 people attended an anti-Muslim “March Against Sharia” at city hall in downtown Seattle. One of more than 20 such events organized around the country by the anti-Muslim ACT for America, the event showcased the bigoted forms of nationalism that have emerged during the Trump presidency. It…