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Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

IREHR in Boise Weekly IREHR Clips
October 12, 2015

IREHR in Boise Weekly

IREHR vice president, Devin Burghart, is extensively quoted in Harrison Berry's article, "Paradise Lost: Parsing the Patriot Movement."  The story delves into the militia members, threepers, Tea Partiers and other so-called "patriots" running amok in Idaho. The story was the feature article in the October 7, 2015 edition of the Boise…
Take Action: Ask Senator Fielder to Reject Anti-Indian Bigotry Uncategorized
September 24, 2015

Take Action: Ask Senator Fielder to Reject Anti-Indian Bigotry

In a September 24 article The Missoulian revealed that Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder (R-Thompson Falls) is slated to appear at the Citizens Equal Rights Alliance conference in Kalispell on Saturday. Fielder's scheduled appearance provides an example of the support CERA has garnered from a handful of far-right state and…
IREHR in the Missoulian IREHR Clips
September 24, 2015

IREHR in the Missoulian

An Op/Ed piece by IREHR advisory board member, Charles Tanner Jr. and Rachel Carroll Rivas of the Montana Human Rights Network (MHRN) entitled "Say no to anti-Indian bigotry" ran on September 21, 2015. A piece by Missoulian reporter, Vince Devlin, entitled "Anti-Indian or not? Controversial conference on tap in Kalispell" ran on September…
Native Generational Change to Protest CERA Conference in Kalispell Fight the Right
September 23, 2015

Native Generational Change to Protest CERA Conference in Kalispell

Native Generational Change is organizing a protest rally outside the Red Lion Inn in Kalispell on Saturday, September 26, 2015 to oppose "the Citizens Equal Rights Alliance anti-native conference and followers." The Native Generational Change Facebook page adds that "All Native Nations are encouraged to attend and supporters of anti-hate groups…
Media Release: Groups Release Report Critical of Anti-Indian Activist’s Move to Montana Press
September 11, 2015

Media Release: Groups Release Report Critical of Anti-Indian Activist’s Move to Montana

  Media Release For Immediate Release: Groups Release Report Critical of Anti-Indian Activist's Move to Montana “The Revolutionary War for Citizens of Montana” New Report by Human Rights Groups Documents National Anti-Indian Leader’s Moves to Ronan, Montana to Fight Tribal Water Compact On the heels of state approval of the…