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Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

Larry Pratt
Larry Pratt Uncategorized
November 24, 2010

Larry Pratt

Larry Pratt of Virginia is a member of two different national Tea Party networks: Tea Party Nation and 1776 Tea Party. He is also executive director of Gun Owners of America, which bills itself as a "no compromise" organization opposed to all forms of gun control.
Karen Pack Uncategorized
November 10, 2010

Karen Pack

Karen Pack is the leader of the Tea Party Patriots local group, the Wood County Tea Party. She is also listed as a member of Tea Party Patriot and the 1776 Tea Party factions.  A 30-year old resident of of Winnsboro, Texas, Pack describes herself as "a Christian, a Tea Party…
Peter Gemma Speaking at a 2007 Tribute to the Late White Nationalist Leader Sam Francis
Peter Gemma Uncategorized
November 7, 2010

Peter Gemma

Peter Gemma, a resident of a Sarasota, Florida, is a Tea Partier signed up to the ResistNet Tea Party faction. Gemma is also a professional white nationalist. He served as head of Design, Marketing, and Advertising for the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens newsletter, the Citizens Informer.