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Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

Tea Party-aligned group Americans For Prosperity camped outside Michigan legislature to get anti-union law passed.
Tea Party Helps Cram Through Michigan Anti-Union “Right to Work” Law Uncategorized
December 10, 2012

Tea Party Helps Cram Through Michigan Anti-Union “Right to Work” Law

Ben Stewart presents an on-the-ground look at anti-union events in Michigan Almost three thousand union members and supporters streamed into the Michigan state capital in Lansing on Thursday, December 6.   Many arrived via the Walter Reuther Expressway from Detroit.  Protestors donned hard hats, scrubs and overalls, chanting “Hey Hey! Ho…
Petition: Tell Senator Graham, Hands off the Fourteenth Amendment IREHR
December 4, 2012

Petition: Tell Senator Graham, Hands off the Fourteenth Amendment

Just days before negotiations began with Senate colleagues to reform the nation’s broken immigration system, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) sent out notice that he wanted to eviscerate the birthright citizenship clause in the Fourteenth Amendment. On November 8, Graham tweeted, “Without changes in birthright citizenship we will have future waves of…
House Immigration Reform Caucus Results - 2012 Election
Nativist Bloc in Congress Mostly Intact After Election (Map) Uncategorized
December 3, 2012

Nativist Bloc in Congress Mostly Intact After Election (Map)

The anti-immigrant House Immigration Reform Caucus (HIRC) remained largely intact after the 2012 election, with the notable exception of its chair, Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA). In a close election, he narrowly lost his race for California’s newly created 52nd district. His defeat was one of just four losses HIRC members…
Celebrating Marriage Equality Victory in Washington State
Election 2012: Results of Ballot Measures Important to Human Rights Uncategorized
November 15, 2012

Election 2012: Results of Ballot Measures Important to Human Rights

The November 6 election was an historic day for LGBT rights. In Maine, Maryland, and Washington voters approved marriage equality ballot initiatives, and an initiative to ban same-sex marriage was voted down in Minnesota. Wisconsin elected Tammy Baldwin, who will become the first openly LGBT member of the Senate. And…