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Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

Keeping the Hard-Core Racist in the Dog House in South Carolina IREHR
June 4, 2013

Keeping the Hard-Core Racist in the Dog House in South Carolina

On May 24, IREHR published an article detailing the white nationalist, Tea Party and anti-immigrant activities of Roan Garcia-Quintana, who South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley had named as a co-chair of her re-election campaign. Four days later, Gov. Haley asked for and received Garcia-Quintana’s resignation from that post.  While it…
Setting the Record Straight on Tea Parties, their Electioneering and the IRS “Scandal” IREHR
June 4, 2013

Setting the Record Straight on Tea Parties, their Electioneering and the IRS “Scandal”

On May 17, IREHR published, “The Tea parties and the IRS ‘Scandal:’ The Actual Facts of the Case,” a special report by Devin Burghart.  Four days later, May 21, we followed up with Mr. Burghart’s, “Tea Party Group Protesting IRS Has History of Questionable Political Involvement.” The first story showed…
Council of Conservative Citizens Board Member Roan Garcia-Quintana
White Nationalist Tea Partier Co-Chairing South Carolina Governor Re-Election Committee Uncategorized
May 24, 2013

White Nationalist Tea Partier Co-Chairing South Carolina Governor Re-Election Committee

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced in February the co-chairs of her statewide grassroots re-election steering committee. Included on the steering committee is, Roan Garcia-Quintana a Tea Party activist who serves at the same on the board of the largest white nationalist organization in the country, the Council of Conservative…
Tea Party Group Protesting IRS Has History of Questionable Political Involvement Uncategorized
May 21, 2013

Tea Party Group Protesting IRS Has History of Questionable Political Involvement

Tea Party Patriots, originally formed as a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation in 2009, has a history of questionable electoral activity.  Nevertheless, as one of the largest of the movement’s national factions, it is taking advantage of the so-called IRS scandal to re-ignite the anger of Tea Partiers, encourage their (false) sense…
IREHR in The Columbian Press
April 28, 2013

IREHR in The Columbian

IREHR vice president, Devin Burghart, expressed concern about Richard Mack speaking at a Washington State Republican Lincoln Day Dinner.   As IREHR documented in Tea Party Nationalism, Mack, the former Graham County, Arizona sheriff popular in white supremacist and militia circles during the 1990s, found his speaking career rejuvenated with…