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Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

The nativist political committee Protect Oregon Driver Licenses was among the reasons Measure 88 went down to defeat in Oregon
Dissecting the Nativist Victory in Oregon Uncategorized
November 13, 2014

Dissecting the Nativist Victory in Oregon

Despite the valiant efforts of unions, immigrant rights and progressive groups, nativists successfully led an effort to repeal hard-fought legislation to provide driver cards to undocumented immigrants in Oregon. IREHR examines the behind-the-scenes political committees, uncovers the network of anti-immigrant and Tea Party groups in the state, and follows the…
2014 Election Entrenches Tea Party Support in the North Carolina General Assembly Uncategorized
November 7, 2014

2014 Election Entrenches Tea Party Support in the North Carolina General Assembly

While much of the national attention focused on Tuesday’s election of former North Carolina Speaker of the House, Thom Tillis, to the United State Senate, scant attention has been paid to the composition of the General Assembly that Tillis used to lead. Post-election, it appears that Tea Party support has…
Preface Uncategorized
October 8, 2014


Preface By Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II President, NC NAACP Conference of Branches This report by Leonard Zeskind and Devin Burghart both grieves us and grabs us. It grieves us because almost 14 years into the 21st century it exposes the Tea Party agenda and how the North Carolina…
NAACP leadership at the 2014 national convention in Las Vegas (left). Deneen Borelli's FreedomWorks flop near the NAACP convention (right).
IREHR research featured in Brookings Institution piece on failure of immigration reform IREHR
August 19, 2014

IREHR research featured in Brookings Institution piece on failure of immigration reform

Data on Tea Party nativism by IREHR was included in the August 4, 2014 Brookings Institution article “The (Real) Reason Why the House Won't Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform” by University of Washington political scientist, Chris Parker, co-author of Change They Can’t Believe In: The Tea Party and Reactionary Politics in…