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Tea Party leaders are celebrating their victories at the polls. An examination of the results of the 2014 general elections by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights reveals that Tea Party endorsed candidates continued to outperform at the ballot box this year. National Tea Party groups, most notably FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots, endorsed 80 candidates for federal office in yesterday’s general election. Tea Party endorsed candidates ended up winning 58 of those races—a 73% winning percentage.

The House

Despite all the talk of the “establishment” successfully beating back Tea Party challenges earlier in the year, Tea Party endorsed candidates for the House of Representatives won 41 and lost just 18 races during the primaries—a 69% winning percentage. While it received scant attention this year, Tea Party victories in the primaries gave them a significant footing heading into November.

In the general election, of the 59 Tea Party endorsed candidates in 30 different states, 48 won while only eleven lost – an 81% success rate. Of the eleven that lost, several lost to fellow Republicans. For instance, Tea Party favorite Clint Didier in Washington State’s 4th Congressional District race who was defeated by Republican Tom Newhouse.

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Tea Party Endorsed Candidates – US House





Gary Palmer Alabama 6th Win
Andy Tobin Arizona 1st Loss
Matt Salmon Arizona 5th Win
David Schweikert Arizona 6th Win
Trent Franks Arizona 8th Win
French Hill Arkansas 2nd Win
Chris Mitchum California 24th Loss
Arturo Alas California 32nd Loss
Doug Ose California 7th Win
Tom McClintock California 4th Win
Dana Rohrbacher California 48th Win
Ken Buck Colorado 4th Win
Doug Lamborn Colorado 5th Win
Mike Coffman Colorado 6th Win
Steve Southerland Florida 2nd Loss
Ron DeSantis Florida 6th Win
Bill Posey Florida 8th Win
Curt Clawson Florida 19th Win
Ted Yoho Florida 3rd Win
Barry Loudermilk Georgia 11th Win
Rick Allen Georgia 12th Win
Tom Graves Georgia 14th Win
Raul Labrador Idaho 1st Win
Rod Blum Iowa 1st Win
David Young Iowa 3rd Win
Tim Huelskamp Kansas 1st Win
Mike Pompeo Kansas 4th Win
Tom Massie Kentucky 4th Win
Zach Dasher Louisiana 5th Loss
Paul Dietzel Louisiana 6th Loss
John Fleming Louisiana 4th Win
Bruce Poliquin Maine 2nd Win
Dan Bongino Maryland 6th Loss
John Moolenaar Michigan 4th Win
Dan Benishek Michigan 1st Win
Justin Amash Michigan 3rd Win
Stewart Mills Minnesota 8th Loss
Tom Emmer Minnesota 6th Win
Jason Smith Missouri 8th Win
Lee Terry Nebraska 2nd Loss
Marilinda Garcia New Hampshire 2nd Loss
Steve Pearce New Mexico 2nd Win
Mark Walker North Carolina 6th Win
David Rouzer North Carolina 7th Win
Vince Coakley North Carolina 10th Win
Mark Meadows North Carolina 11th Win
Jim Jordan Ohio 4th Win
Steve Russell Oklahoma 5th Win
Jim Bridenstine Oklahoma 1st Win
Mark Sanford South Carolina 1st Win
Jeff Duncan South Carolina 3rd Win
Mick Mulvaney South Carolina 5th Win
John Duncan Tennessee 2nd Win
John Ratcliffe Texas 4th Win
Louie Gohmert Texas 1st Win
Mia Love Utah 4th Win
Dave Brat Virginia 7th Win
Clint Didier Washington 4th Loss
Alex Mooney West Virginia 2nd Win


National Tea Party groups endorsed fewer candidates in 2014 than in previous years. By contrast, in 2012, national Tea Party groups endorsed 83 candidates, 68 won and 15 lost. The 2012 winning percentage in the House of over 80% was above the 2010 winning percentage of 63%, when 85 of the 135 endorsed candidates won.

Another growing trend among Tea Party endorsed candidates is incumbency. Nearly two-thirds of the candidates endorsed by national Tea Party groups in this year’s general election were incumbents. Of the 48 winners, 30 were incumbents, while only 18 were challengers. For all intents and purposes, the Tea Party has become “the establishment” in many of these districts.

The Senate

Tea Party endorsed candidates for the Senate fared significantly better in 2014 than in previous years.

In the primaries this year, Tea Party endorsed candidates ran in 21 races, winning 10 primaries and losing 11 races—a 48% winning percentage.

Despite some nasty primary contests, like that between Greg Brannon and Thom Tillis in North Carolina, national Tea Party groups often backed the winners of those contests in the general election. It seems winning control of the Senate took precedence over ideological purity. National Tea Party groups endorsed 21 Senate candidates in yesterday’s general election. Of the 21 candidates, 17 won while just 4 were defeated–also an 81% success rate. By comparison, just two of thirteen Tea Party Senate candidates won in 2012, a 15% winning percentage. In 2010, ten of sixteen Tea Party endorsed candidates won – a 63% winning percentage.

Given the number of Senate seats that had been controlled by Democrats, it’s not surprising to find that 13 of the 21 Tea Party endorsed Senate candidates were challengers. All eight incumbents endorsed by Tea Party groups won, while 9 of the 13 challengers were successful at the polls.

Tea Party Endorsed Candidates – US Senate

Rob Maness Louisiana Loss
Scott Brown New Hampshire Loss
Jeff Bell New Jersey Loss
Monica Wehby Oregon Loss
Jeff Sessions Alabama Win
Tom Cotton Arkansas Win
Cory Gardner Colorado Win
David Perdue Georgia Win
Joni Ernst Iowa Win
Pat Roberts Kansas Win
Steve Daines Montana Win
Ben Sasse Nebraska Win
Thom Tillis North Carolina Win
Tim Scott South Carolina Win
Mike Rounds South Dakota Win
James Risch Idaho Win
James Inhofe Oklahoma Win
Mitch McConnell Kentucky Win
Susan Collins Maine Win
John Cornyn Texas Win
Shelly  Moore Capito West Virginia Win
Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

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