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IREHR’s report, Breaching the Mainstream, was cited in the Salt Lake Tribune;

Political Correspondent  Bryan Schott writes, “A new study from the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights found nearly 900 state legislators have joined at least one of 789 Facebook groups the organization defined as on the “far-right” of the political spectrum.”

Schott continues, “These groups included COVID denial, far-right paramilitary groups and posse comitatus or sovereign citizen-focused pages. The study also defines Tea Party-related groups as “far-right” because many of them overlap COVID-denial, anti-immigrant or other right-wing economic philosophies.”

Schott continues to detail the Utah state legislators that were identified in Breaching the Mainstream and the groups the legislators joined.

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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