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On the Fourth of July, the “Arise USA” buses roll into Keystone, South Dakota, for the “Resurrection Tour.” The stop is the fortieth of the Arise USA: The Resurrection Tour’s scheduled 110-day, eighty-nine stop journey across the country.

At the Keystone stop, for $1000 per person, VIPs can visit Historic Deadwood, take group photos at Mount Rushmore and Custer State Park, mingle with Arise USA speakers at a cash bar, and get a ride to the big rally. Beyond the pomp and circumstance, the stop is also billed as “the beginning of the second American Revolution.”[1]

Behind the bunting and vinyl bus wraps, Arise USA is a fusion of two far-right strands: deeply antisemitic Qanon-style conspiracies combined with a return of the Posse Comitatus as the solution to the “Deep State.”

The tour is organized under the auspices of the Earth Intelligence Network, a non-profit run by former CIA employee turned antisemitic QAnon conspiracy monger, in partnership with the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) of longtime militia figure Richard Mack.

Lead tour organizer, Robert David Steele, is a prolific purveyor of antisemitism who spews conspiracy theories about “satanic Zionists” engaged in a global plot against white people; deems Jews “a secret society that believes itself to be exempt from all laws and customs of others;” promotes Holocaust denial; calls for jailing all Jews not sufficiently “loyal to the Republic;” and declares that we must “eradicate every Zionist who refuses to be loyal to their country of citizenship and the rule of law.”[2]

Former sheriff Richard Mack, a feature on the militia speaking circuits since the early 1990s, created the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association to woo law enforcement officials to side with the far-right and revive Posse Comitatus ideas.

Steele and Mack are now working side by side on this tour. In interviews, the two have talked of using the journey to build a movement together. As Steele noted in one interview onscreen with Mack,

“Sheriff Mack inspired in me a burning fire to take his message and mine on the road. I’m the top-dog on three topics: election fraud and reform, Wall Street treason and crime, and Satanic pedophilia with child trafficking. But those topics are not going to be understood by the American people unless they see the solutions that Sheriff Mack represents. Sheriff Mack represents elected Sheriffs deputizing armed engaged citizens to push back against the abuse of power. And together we represent faith, family, and freedom, which is the covenant.”[3]

The movement of Mack and Steele envisions armed vigilantes working sheriffs round-up and eradicate those behind the conspiracy. This dangerous mix of far-right paramilitarism and antisemitism puts a contemporary spin on the old Posse Comitatus vigilante framework.

Richard Mack and the Sheriffs

While the other major far-right paramilitary group aimed at law enforcement recruitment, the Oath Keepers, is still reeling from member participation in the January 6 insurrection, Richard Mack’s Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has continued unabated. The Arise USA tour is part of the plan to recruit more sheriffs into the far-right ranks.

Richard Mack, the former Graham County, Arizona sheriff and leader of the far-right Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, has morphed Posse Comitatus-style ideas about the political power of county sheriffs into a national effort to recruit law enforcement officers into the far-right cause, is a headliner for the ongoing Arise USA Tour. He is also the inspiration for the tour, according to Robert David Steele.

“A major part of this tour is about reaching those sheriffs who call themselves ‘statute sheriffs’ as opposed to Constitutional sheriffs. A statute sheriff is a servant to the Deep State and is in betrayal of their Constitutional oath. And that’s why Sheriff Mack is so important to this tour.”[4]

Mack and Steele’s ARISE USA tour call on supporters to “Be part of the experience. Change the nation. Change the world.”[5] The Posse Comitatus, a violent far-right movement that emerged across the 1970s and 1980s and whose ideas undergirded the militia and common law courts movements of the 1990s, also wanted to “change the world.”

For the Posse Comitatus, this meant, in part, effectively overturning federal authority by pressing the idea that the county sheriff was the “highest law of the land,” the name itself being Latin for “Power of the County.”

This core Posse idea is expressed in CSPOA’s statement that the “The vertical separation of powers in the Constitution makes it clear that the power of the sheriff even supersedes the powers of the President.”

The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, a basis for enforcing federal civil rights laws, upholding the treaty and trust obligations to Indian Nations, and passing national legislation to address poverty and workers’ rights, among other things, clarifies that this is view is false.

As described in detail by IREHR board member Daniel Levitas in his 2002 book, The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right, the Posse Comitatus also had its origins in Christian Identity, a virulently racist and antisemitic pseudo-religion proclaiming whites the true Israelites of the Bible, Jews satanic conspirators and people of color a pre-Adamic, and inferior, “mud race.” Guided by these views, Posse members like  Gord Kahl sought to “change the world” by attempting to create whites-only local governments through force of arms. The violence of the Posse and its militia spawn has continued to date.[6]

In seeking to resurrect the Posse Comitatus idea,  the Arise USA tour has largely substituted the popular fervor of online-rumor-based QAnon-style antisemitism to replace the more esoteric Scripturally-contrived antisemitism of the Christian Identity version of the earlier iteration.

The radical Posse-style attack on core Constitutional civil rights laws, and the centrality of antisemite Robert David Steele in the Arise USA Tour, has not stopped the effort from attracting county sheriffs and other public officials to its stage.

In June, in Elko, Nevada, for instance, the sheriffs of Lander, Eureka, and Elko joined Mack on stage, participants announcing that the Elko County government was officially joining the CSPOA. Lander County Sheriff Ron Unger offered thanks to Elko County for following his county’s lead in joining Mack’s organization.[7]

Eureka County Sheriff Jesse Watts would repeat his previous commentary, echoing the Posse Comitatus idea that, “The sheriffs of the counties and the state of Nevada and the United States don’t answer to the President, we don’t answer to Senate, we don’t answer to Congress, we don’t answer to our governor, and by all means, we really don’t answer to our county commission except for the purse strings.”

Lander County Manager Bartolo Ramos served as emcee of the Elko event. At one point, Ramos introduced Mack’s Arise USA Tour co-organizer, Robert David Steele, as the “driving force behind Mack’s ‘Arise USA’ tour,” as reported by the Elko Daily Free Press. Steele was on hand to warn of the threats to the country allegedly posed by “traitors, Wall Street criminals, and satanic pedophiles,” the Elko Daily reported.[8]

Robert David Steele’s Antisemitism

Promotional material for the Arise USA tour describes Robert David Steele as a “former Marine and Central Intelligence Agency counterintelligence expert,” the “Chief Enabling Officer (CEO) of Earth Intelligence Network,” and the “the Co-Founder of the Information Warfare Conference.” It elaborates that he “created #UNRIG (Arise USA)” as a “non-profit civics education campaign” to “restore integrity to the U.S. Government via an Election Reform Act.”[9]

Arise USA promotions do not, however, point out Robert David Steele’s obsession with Jews. If the brief description in the introduction makes Steele sound Nazi-esque in his antisemitism, it is not an accident – a fact that becomes crystal clear in a cursory browse of his Public Intelligence Blog, subtitled “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs – curated by former U.S. spy Robert David Steele.”[10]

Before even reading an article on the site, the depth of Steele’s antisemitism becomes painfully evident in the fact that a search of “Protocols of Zion” on Steele’s website finds at least forty-two articles that cite this text to expound on the “Zionist conspiracy.”[11]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a 19th-century Czarist-backed fabrication that purported to document the existence of a global Jewish conspiracy for world domination. Antisemites have repeatedly used this document to incite bigotry and violence against Jews, including the German Nazis. The Protocols were also distributed by Christian Identity adherent and Posse Comitatus creator William Potter Gale.[12]

In one example from Robert David Steele’s Public Intelligence Blog, a December 16, 2020 article by “Mongoose,” titled “Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat,” deploys the Protocols to mount a vicious attack on Jews, also using the term “Zionist” in an inept attempt to mask crass antisemitism – a recurring practice on Steele’s blog.[13]

It is instructive to quote the article at length:

IF YOU THINK THE CURRENT PLAN UNFOLDING UNDER YOUR NOSE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ZIONISM OR NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDAISM, THEN THINK AGAIN…The chief aims of Zionism as specified in their ‘holy’ books (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’) are as follows:

Establish the reign of the Antichrist in Jerusalem [THE SINGLE CORE OR CENTRAL AIM OF ZIONISM].

Transfer ALL WEALTH in the world to the Jews and Zionists (who include the ‘Illuminati’ and their Zionist-Freemasonic gophers, who all take orders from the Freemasonic capstone called B’nai B’rith).

Genocide MOST of the non-Jews (goyim-gentiles), leaving only enough of those ‘two-legged beasts’ (as the ‘holy’ books of Judaism refer to all goyim-gentiles) to serve “the Princes of Israel”.

Expand Israel’s core to create Greater Israel (intended to span from the Nile to the Euphrates, as originally indicated by the two blue stripes on the flag of Israel) while genociding or else emptying ‘the remaining Arabs of Greater Israel’ into Europe, in turn setting Islam against Christianity as declared in the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ ideology first promulgated by Zionist super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA in the 1990s.

Create a satanic world regime to be run by Zionism for the sole benefit of ‘the Princes of Israel’” [Capitals and bold in original].[14]

The article continued with a variation on the WWII-era German Nazi theme that “communism is Jewish,” updating its antisemitism by also targeting China and incorporating COVID-19 and Agenda 21 conspiracies into the mix – conspiracy “theories” particularly prominent in the Posse Comitatus-influenced wing of the far-right to which Richard Mack belongs:

“Under the guise of Medical Martial Law to ‘protect’ the public from the Common Flu, the Zionist cabal is currently installing Chinese Communism across the world, most prominently in the ‘advanced’ nations of Europe, North America, Australasia, but under the slicker new brand-name of ‘Technocracy’. Communism was only ever, and still remains, a mask for confiscating gentile wealth. Communism is now planned for the whole world after 2020, but as the very same guise for more confiscation of gentile wealth…

In keeping with Bolshevik-Zionist communism, the ‘Agenda 21 Plan’ is: Destroy all the goyim-gentile middle-class so that only two goyim-gentile person-classes remain (Proletariat or Nomenklatura, with nothing else in between) AND FURTHERMORE destroy all the goyim-gentile ‘Mittelstand’ (small and medium-sized companies) so that only two company-classes remain (either Zionist Mega-Corporation or tiny micro-enterprise like Joe the Plumber Inc, with nothing else in between)…

Although the Zionist gophers (most likely Freemasons and other Satanists), who run your country for the satanic cabal, ALWAYS PREFER TO PRESENT these ‘choices’ as something to do with LEFT VERSUS RIGHT, they are in fact to do with JESUS VERSUS SATAN. So be sure you choose the RIGHT SIDE.

WHY THE ZIONISTS RAN THE COVID HOAX The COVID HOAX scam-demic of 2020 was all about accelerating the twin processes just described, namely the active and passive transfer of all wealth in the world to the Zionists, to the Zionist Freemasons, to the ‘Princes of Israel’ and to any other Satanists, miscellaneous and sundry, who are full-fledged members of the Big Club of Zionism…HOW THE ZIONISTS RAN THE COVID HOAX. There was never a pandemic because a pandemic requires a huge increase in deaths (e.g. up to 5 percent of the world’s population died in 1918-20 from the Zionist binary-bio-weapon branded ‘Spanish Flu’)…They took the existing Common Flu season, they re-branded it COVID, and then they just ran with that… Then the Zionists coerced white-coats into certifying every death (even from being run over by truck, or shot in the head) as a COVID death” [Capitals and bold in original]. [15]

Leaving no antisemitic stone unturned, Steele’s Public Intelligence Blog places Jewish conspirators behind the Holocaust as well as other atrocities and tragedies:


150 million Christians genocided in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, planned, financed and executed by the Zionists, after being designed by Satanist Edward VII, who was the Rabid-Zionist mastermind behind both WW1 and WW2;

Up to 40 million German Christians genocided in the German Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, also planned, financed and executed by the Zionists. This was part of the same Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2.” [16]

The article drones on, also placing Jews behind the Armenian genocide, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Spanish flu epidemic, the Rwandan genocide, and many other such events. [17]

And finally, the Public Intelligence Blog declares the idea – common among white nationalists and national socialists – that Jews are engaged in a plot to “wipe out White Christians”:

“Based on all the published Zionist plans to wipe out White Christians, over the past century, Zionism played a clear and unmistakable role in efforts to first legalize abortion and then make it available in most neighborhoods, especially poor ones. And although the Abortion Holocaust (of 1 billion children and counting) was, and still is, based on billions of individual decisions, a huge proportion of it must be credited to the potent efforts of both Zionism and Zionist Luciferian-Freemasonry” [Underline in original]. [18]

In a July 2020 article titled “On the Zionist Parasite,” Robert David Steele completes the picture by placing a Jewish conspiracy behind the NAACP, Black Lives Matter and anti-fascists:

“It troubles me to have you [unnamed individual] suggest that anything about my legitimate professional and civic concerns with respect to the Zionist threat is in any way anti-Semetic.[sic]  I do not believe you are fully appraised of the damage done to the USA  — and to the world — by the Zionists and the Deep State for which they are, in the USA, the virtual secret police.  I refer particularly to the unregistered agents of Israel, a foreign power, the ADL and AIPAC…The Zionists – skilled at contriving race wars — funded the NAACP (with a Zionist President for the first 70 years), they have funded Antifa and Black Lives Matters whose goal is the destruction of the family and with no concern for blacks killed by blacks or Planned Parenthood or the NIH or CDC sterilizing blacks for decades, and they have used illicit methods including cyber-espionage, contrived marriages to controlled males, and profligate use of bribery and pedophilia entrapment blackmail to steal — not earn — control of wealth far in excess of their very small numbers. They violate all U.S. laws and protocols with impunity and are the lead element in Wall Street theft from Main Street, in intellectual property theft from U.S. citizens, and in the trafficking of children for economic and political advantage.”[19]

Lest it be unclear, elsewhere Steele has made clear that his “Deep State” is also part of the Jewish conspiracy, engaging in the practice of avoiding the use of “Jews” or “Zionists” writ large by placing a prominent Jewish family behind the conspiracy – a common choice being the Rothschilds:

“The Deep State begins with the Rothschild family and their centuries-old genius in bribing monarchs and later parliaments and other forms of legislature into allowing them to literally own and control the central banks of all countries. The Federal Reserve in the USA is neither federal nor a reserve. It is a “front” for the Rothschild family and their assigns.”[20]

Based on his “On the Zionist Parasite” diatribe, Steele declared that,

Eradicating the Zionist parasite is priority one. The President will NOT win the Mother of All Landslides without acknowledging publicly this geopolitical and cultural reality and assuring his base – which is much more sensitive to this issue than the Zionist-controlled media will ever acknowledge — and all those who have lost hope in ever unrigging the system — that America First means NOT Israel First. The Synagogue of Satan is well-established among the Zionists, in the Jesuit ranks of the Vatican, and within the Royal Families of most European countries. It is particularly embedded in the banking world and at the highest ranks of the secret intelligence worlds.”[21]

Steele’s Racist Alliances and Charging “Disloyal” Jews with Treason

Given the pervasive place of antisemitism and the Protocols on Robert David Steele’s Public Intelligence Blog, it is of no surprise at all that Steele draws on, circulates, and supports well-known antisemites, Holocaust deniers, and white nationalists.

Steele’s overall work, including embracing such racists and antisemites, makes clear that he is talking about a variation on classic antisemitic conspiracy theories, including those espoused by the Posse Comitatus. Steele does so by depicting the “Zionist” plot as involved in: abortion rights and environmental activism (Agenda 21), support for the rights of immigrants (“open borders”), supporting transgender people, identity politics, alleged control of the media, the “subversion of sexual morality,” and the “contrived Holocaust myth,” among other things. Steele places Jews behind a wide range of “social ills,” many frequently targeted by the far-right movement to which Richard Mack belongs.

Steele also describes that his “solution” to this conspiracy is a violent crackdown on Jews – describing (see below) that “at best,” it amounts to a plan to investigate, indict, and find guilty of treason all Jews he deems supporting this “Zionist agenda,” or not being sufficiently “loyal” to the Republic. While falling short of expressing open admiration for the German Nazis, Steele’s advocacy of a massive investigation and crackdown on Jews markedly mirrors the ideology and policy aims of Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.

The sentiment also has echoes of Posse Comitatus founder William Potter Gale, who once said, “You’re damn right I’m teaching violence…You better start making dossiers, names, addresses, phone numbers, car licenses, on every damn Jew rabbi in this land.” [22]

A case in point is Steele’s September 2019 review of Kevin MacDonald’s The Culture of Critic. While MacDonald is a well-known antisemite and a director of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, Steele casts the antisemitic book as a “5 Star Brilliant Dissection of Political and Economic History — Reality — that is CENSORED by Amazon and the Mainstream Media.”[23]

Steele elaborated on the non-existent distinction he makes between “Zionists” and Jews and describes how MacDonald has shaped his thinking on the topic:

I have been very diligent about distinguishing between Zionism (the invented criminal genocidal apartheid state of Israel and its 1% elite Deep State backers) and Judaism (the faith). This book challenges that separation. At its worst interpretation, there is no distinction between Jews and Zionists because virtually all Jews are complicit in the Zionist global plan to use open borders and multiculturalism to eradicate all semblance of opposition to their vision of Zionist hegemony and the subservience of all others (including I might add non-Orthodox or “lesser” Jews). At its best interpretation, there is a massive need for national counterintelligence and re-education such that all Jews supporting the Zionist agenda are properly investigated, indicted, and convicted for treason. This would also impact on Democrats and Republicans and Christian evangelicals who have been bribed or blackmailed into supporting the Zionist subversive agenda” [Italics added].[24]

Steele continues, weaving a white dispossession narrative into his antisemitism, even referencing real human rights abuses in U.S. history – though abuses carried out by governments committed to white supremacy, and not by Jews – to argue falsely, and offensively, that white people are being targeted for human rights abuses and genocide by “Zionists”:

“The most important value of this book for me…was in showing me how the open borders and multiculturalism initiatives…are a direct threat to the USA and the red, black, and white people who created this country — as my esteemed colleague Dr. Cynthia McKinney has pointed out to me, the genocidal actions that were taken against the Native Americans; the criminal abuse of the human rights of black people, and now being applied to white people by the Zionists” [Italics added]. [25]

For Steele, the “Core insights from this book” are that,

“Zionism seeks to destroy kinship, community, family, and ethnic cohesion in favor of chaos within which their highly closed and structured tribe can thrive. Apartheid genocidal Israel is the proof positive of their larger vision, only whites are the external target and are to be treated as Palestinians have been… Jewish intellectuals (and non-Jewish intellectuals) too (sic) America away from its hard won consensus across all boundaries culture, toward identity politics and conflict across many contrived divisions.  The current spread of perversion and transgenderism is a direct consequence of Zionist subversion intended to dilute, weaken, and destroy America’s moral fiber…The ‘anti-Semitic trick’ and the contrived Holocaust myth, have been used — in combination with a most extraordinary ability to capture both entertainment and the media and academis — to repress all honest discussion of the internal threat.  Charles Lindburgh is used as an example — he was destroyed for daring to name the Zionists taking America to war against Hitler and ultimately bribing Truman into going against every professional opinion in supporting the invention and imposition of the Zionist state of Israel on the Palestinian people…Hollywood — and the control of television and the shows that serve as alternative education for what has become the idiot class — are central to Zionist control of the culture.  The book is very strong in documenting the specifics of how American culture has been subverted and warped by Jews responsive to Zionist direction. The total subversion of sexual morality culminating in today’s efforts to normalize pedophilia, are completely Zionist in origin but have the full collaboration of elements of the U.S. Government — including regulatory bodies — where Zionists ‘miraculously’ end up being the deciding vote” [Italics added].[26]

Steele continues by stressing that Jews must “be loyal to the Republic or go to jail” and that it is necessary to “eradicate every Zionist who refuses to be loyal to their country of citizenship and the rule of law”:

 “I am not ready to make the leap condemning Jews, although I buy into their being an invented tribe, not a race and not a religion, more like a secret society that believes itself to be exempt from all laws and customs of others. For me, in the here and now this book documents the heart of the Zionist agenda of subversion, and the importance of giving Jewish citizens a choice: be loyal to the Republic or go to jail… This book… persuades me that Zionism as a cancer on humanity (and it includes the Synagogue of Satan elements in the Vatican) cannot be eliminated with two campaigns: first, shut down Israel and restore Palestine; and second, eradicate every Zionist who refuses to be loyal to their country of citizenship and the rule of law…In passing, this book also persuaded me that our President Donald Trump is fully away (sic) of the Zionist threat in detail, and this book gave me hope that our President, in his second term, will see to the eradication of the Zionist parasite in the USA” [Italics added]. [27]

Kevin MacDonald is cited and/or his writings promoted more than thirty times on Steele’s Public Intelligence Blog.[28]

Another article by Steele on the Public Intelligence Blog reviews British Holocaust denier David Irving’s book Hitler’s War. Irving is a well-known Holocaust denier and fellow traveler of neo-Nazis and assorted white supremacists in both the United States and Europe, including attending a Munich beer hall event in 1990 on the anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s birthday, as described in IREHR founder Leonard Zeskind’s Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream.

The premise of Hitler’s War is the scurrilous antisemitic lie that Hitler knew nothing about the German Nazis’ deliberate genocide committed against European Jews.[29]

In this article, Steele makes clear his embrace of Holocaust denial. Starting by casting Irvin’s book as “Truthful History That Exposes Zionist-Controlled Lies Across Academia & Publishing,” Steele continued,

“I ‘woke up’ to the reality of my government lying about everything when 9/11 went down and it was immediately obvious to me that this was a false flag event, no airplanes, all pre-planned. Then I encountered the work of Ernst Zundel and found his work — including his legal victory against Zionists defamers and liars in Canada — to be totally compelling…Bottom line up front: Hitler never wanted to wage war on Britain, nor did he order (or allow) any kind of holocaust (sic) against the Jews. His plan was to expel them from Germany to Madagascar” [Italics added].[30]

Ernst Christof Friedrich Zundel was born in southeastern Germany in 1939 and by the mid-1970s had become a “fully-fledged apologist for Hitler,” as described in Leonard Zeskind’s Blood and Politics. Zundel would author pro-Nazi and Holocaust-denying screed under such titles as The Hitler We Loved and Why and Did Six Million Really Die?[31]

In another discussion of the Holocaust, informed by the “thoughts” of Holocasut denier Ernst Zundel, Steel concludes:

“All reasonable evidence, including court cases, suggests…The Jewish holocaust is a myth manufactured by the U.K. and the Zionists (never to be confused with Judaism or Jews loyal to their countries of citizenship).”[32]

And elsewhere, commentary on the Public Intelligence Blog in response to a video by Zundel declared,

“Most of the Jews who died appear to have died by the hand of U.S. allies whose bombing — including the Dresden bombing — killed millions. The actual gas numbers appear to be no less than 277,000 and no more than 1.5 million. As Zundel has suggested often, the Holocaust — which did occur but with the explicit complicity of Jewish leaders and bankers who refused to pay the agreed exit fee for all Jews who were free to leave — has became (sic) a massive propaganda exercise that is used as an extortion racket.”[33]

Outside the world of Holocaust denial, the actual Holocaust was not caused by Jews, Jewish leaders, or Zionists, but rather by a German Nazi party driven by antisemitic conspiracy theories and a vision of punishing Jews remarkably similar to that espoused by Robert David Steele.

In keeping with all of the above, Steele also promotes the “thinking” of more contemporary racists, posting in a video on his #Unrig account by white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes titled, “MIRROR: WHY IS IT ALWAYS JEWISH GROUPS TRYING TO SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH?” A subtitled at the bottom of the video screen states, “Zionist Criminal – Judaism is a Faith Manipulated by Zionism.”[34]

In this video, Fuentes, an antisemite in his own right, espoused Christian nationalism and advised that if Jews don’t like antisemitism, they should “go live in Israel”:

“I think it’s time for conservatives to say, look, it’s not a Judeo-Christian country, it’s a Christian country. And, what’s more, it’s not Israel First, it’s America First. And if the First Amendment allows antisemitic content, and if Jews don’t like that, well that’s just too bad. Because this is an America First movement, and this is a Christian country, and if you don’t like that, and you don’t want antisemitic content, then why don’t you go live in Israel. And I mean that… …I don’t care about antisemitism.  I don’t care about racism. Anti-racism is not my struggle, I don’t think it’s real, and I don’t care about it… Fighting antisemitism, fighting racism, I don’t think that cracks the top ten [of problems we face]. Because I don’t think those things are real.”[35]

Another article on the Public Intelligence Blog promotes the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to “eradicate” white men by citing the views of British antisemite David Icke. Asking questions such as, “What are we to make of racially themed congressional caucuses, safe spaces, segregated dorms and theme houses, separate graduate ceremonies, and national lobbying groups such as the former National Council of La Raza (‘the Race’)?” the article answers,

“As David Icke so clearly illuminates, this is a Deep State & Zionist propaganda push seeking to incite a violent civil war that disarms and eradicates the white men specifically, and heterosexual men generally.”[36]

David Icke is well known for his bizarre conspiracy theory holding that “a reptilian race has controlled the planet for thousands of years and continues to do so today” and that reptilian “Jewish Rothschilds” lay behind Nazi atrocities against Jews.[37]

A search of Steele’s blog finds at least 105 articles referencing David Icke.[38] In a lauding review of Icke’s book Everything You Need To Know, But Have Never Been Told, Steele wrote,

“There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David Icke I know of no one, anywhere, who actually thinks holistically at all three levels (I fall short at the cosmic level).”[39]

In the review, Steele takes a detour to praise Holocaust denier, Ernst Zundel:

“I will mention here that I knew Ernst Zundel and his wife, both passed now, and found his victory over the Zionists in Canadian court cases compelling – Auschwitz, to take one example, for (sic) forced by facts to reduce from 6 million to 1.5 million the number of dead (still overstated, the Red Cross total is under 300,000), and it is now compelling known that a) most Jews (and Germans) died from starvation, typhus, and allied bombing and b) the Zionists refused to take the Jews offered an exit – all of them – for the bargain price of $3 million – the Zionist leaders WANTED hundreds of thousands of Jews to die so that they could CREATE  the holocaust myth. It merits comment that the Zionist Wikipedia page on Ernst Zundel is full of lies and does not properly credit him with his extraordinary accomplishments at documenting the truth and demonstrating that the narrative about gas ovens is a total fabrication” [Italics added.[40]

Robert David Steele and Richard Mack’s Arise USA Tour has taken the far-right effort at law enforcement recruitment full circle – back to the vicious antisemitic roots of the original Posse Comitatus, albeit with a different vessel to express that antisemitism.

It is no longer possible for Richard Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association to lean on vague denials about the group’s ties to bigotry. Instead, the evidence of Richard Mack’s CSPOA partnership with antisemitism is wrapped around the outside of one of the Arise USA tour buses.

The participation of law enforcement officers and public officials in this tour is deeply disturbing. There is nothing “Constitutional” about the Arise USA/CSPOA program. Sheriffs and local law enforcement officials are charged under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution with applying the law equally. Their willingness to share a stage with an individual who wants to charge “disloyal” Jews with treason and “eradicate” the “Zionist parasite” is indefensible. It should alarm every person of goodwill and deserves further exposure and opposition and investigation, including examination by federal authorities.


[1] “Dr. Lee Vliet Interviews Robert David Steele and Sheriff Richard Mack” Arise USA Website. Undated. Last accessed. July 2, 2021.

[2] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[3] “Dr. Lee Vliet Interviews Robert David Steele and Sheriff Richard Mack” Arise USA Website. Undated. Last accessed. July 2, 2021.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Arise USA.

[6] Levitas, Daniel. 2002. The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right. New York: Thomas Dunne Books.

[7] Elko Daily. County Gathering Celebrates Local Law Enforcement. Elko Daily Free Press. June 21, 2021.

[8] Elko Daily. County Gathering Celebrates Local Law Enforcement. Elko Daily Free Press. June 21, 2021.

[9] Arise USA. Robert David Steele.

[10] Public Intelligence Blog. Accessed June 25, 2021.

[11] Public Intelligence Blog. Search Results for : Protocols of Zion. Search conducted June 28, 2021.

[12] See Cohn, Norman. 1967. Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. New York: Harper and Row; Levitas, Daniel. 2002. The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right. New York: Thomas Dunne Books.

[13] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[14] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[15] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[16] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[17] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[18] Mongoose. Alert Reader on Zionism/Satanism Threat. Public Intelligence Blog. December 16, 2020.

[19] Steele, Robert David. Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite – America First Demands an End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matte, Pieczenik Video. Public Intelligence Blog. July 4, 2020.

[20] Steele, Robert David. Forward by Robert David Steele. In Hagopian, Joachim. Pedophilia and Empire: Satan, Sodomy & The Deep State. Satanic Empire. October 1, 2017.

[21] Steele, Robert David. Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite – America First Demands an End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matte, Pieczenik Video. Public Intelligence Blog. July 4, 2020.

[22] Levitas, Daniel. The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, p.2.

[23] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[24] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[25] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[26] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[27] Steele, Robert David. Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment. Public Intelligence Blog. September 15, 2019.

[28] Public Intelligence Blog. Search results for “Kevin MacDonald”. Search conducted July 1, 2021.

[29] For a discussion of David Irving’s place in the white supremacist movement and Holocaust denial activism, see Zeskind, Leonard. 2009. Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.

[30] Steel, Robert David. Review: Hitler’s War by David Irving. Public Intelligence Blog. February 1, 2020.

[31] Zeskind, Leonard. 2009. Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.

[32] Steele, Robert. Eagle: Alert Reader on the Alleged Jewish Holocaust, Steele Comment. Public Intelligence Blog. February 2021.

[33] Phi Beta Iota. Holocaust Inquiry II: The Video of Ernst Zundel – He Beat the Zionists in Court with Expert Witnesses

. Public Intelligence Blog. January 31, 2017.

[34] Fuentes, Nick. Why is it Always Jewish Groups Trying to Shut Down Free Speech?. Posted at Robert David Steel #UNRIG. Bitchute. June 27, 2021.

[35] Fuentes, Nick. Why is it Always Jewish Groups Trying to Shut Down Free Speech?. Posted at Robert David Steel #UNRIG. Bitchute. June 27, 2021.

[36]Public Intelligence Blog. American Greatness: The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’. Public Intelligence Blog. August 12, 2019.

[37] Icke, David. The Biggest Secret: The book that will change the world. Scottsdale, Arizona: Bridge of Love Publications.

[38] Public Intelligence Blog. Search for “David Icke.” Search conducted on June 30, 2021.

[39] Steele, Robert David. Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke. Public Intelligence Blog. May 24, 2019.

[40] Steele, Robert David. Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke. Public Intelligence Blog. May 24, 2019.

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Chuck Tanner and Devin Burghart

Chuck Tanner is IREHR's research director. Devin Burghart is the executive director of IREHR.

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