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A conflict is brewing in the Klamath River Basin in southern Oregon. Ammon Bundy, one of the far-right figures involved in the 2016 armed standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge and his group, People’s Rights, have inserted themselves into the dispute over scarce water resources in the region that could lead to more armed conflict.

Severe drought has gripped the Klamath River Basin. A recurring problem in the irrigated high desert, the current round of limits on water for the Klamath Irrigation Project came April 14 when the Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) released its Klamath Project 2021 Temporary Operations Plan, announcing it would make an “initial minimum” allocation to the Klamath Irrigation Project of 33,000 acre-feet and provide some $15 million in immediate aid to the Klamath Project and $3 million in technical assistance to tribal ecosystem projects. The allocation is at an historic low.[1]

The decision comes as tribes in the Lower Klamath Basin, including the Yurok and Karuk, are facing massive fish die-offs and emergency conditions in their fisheries; and the Klamath Tribes have expressed concern that BoR managed water levels in Klamath Lake be maintained to support its treaty-reserved fisheries. Three fish species in the Klamath Basin critical to Indian Nations are listed under the Endangered Species Act, the C’waam [Lost River suckers], Koptu [shortnose suckers], and the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho.[2]

As a result, water for irrigation has been curtailed. Unhappy with that decision, a group of local irrigators, some of who were involved in a similar conflict back in 2001, are trying to reopen the flow of the irrigation canal. They’ve aligned with Bundy’s People’s Rights network, and are now holding organizing meetings on the property next to the headgates to the canal. Grant Knoll, a Klamath Irrigation District board member and one of the irrigators who purchased the property to stage the big tent People’s Rights protests recently declared, “We’re going to turn on the water and have a standoff.”[3]

With the potential for another violent standoff looming, Ammon Bundy is preparing his followers to use force if law enforcement attempts to stop them. “Who cares if there is violence? At least something will be worked out. Oh, we don’t want violence, we’ll just starve to death.’ Heaven forbid we talk about violence,” Bundy told the New York Times.[4]

Ammon’s Army: Inside the Far-Right People’s Rights Network provides needed background for understanding the group’s efforts nationally and explores many of the ideological strains that run through the movement. This piece is the first in a series that seeks to unravel what the People’s Rights network looks like on the ground in Oregon, where this conflict could potentially erupt.

As emerges in this look at Oregon People’s Rights ideas and activity, Bundy’s group is part of a far-right, nationalist mobilization aimed at overturning the existing government and replacing it with some brand of far-right Christian libertarian republic. The endgame of this “republic” would gut the federal legal basis of civil rights and the capacity of national and state governments to address racial and economic equality and uphold our country’s trust and treaty obligations to Indian Nations.

Bundy drove this later point home in an interview with Talking Points Memo, responding to a query about the rights of tribes and environmental concerns in the Klamath Basin in conspiratorial terms:

“Those are nice talking points…Oh, the tribes have rights, too. Oh, the endangered species, what about them? Oh, the drought and climate change.’ Those are liberal talking points that are there, designed to literally strip the people of their rights and to put the power in the government’s hands.”[5]

People’s Rights activists in Oregon have advanced the centrality of far-right paramilitarism and armed activism. Compatible with this and rooted in ideas drawn from the Posse Comtitatus, they have also repeatedly returned to the notion that violence may be necessary to achieve their ends at some point on the time horizon.

The Oregon Blueprint

A starting point for understanding Oregon People’s Rights activism is an October 2020 organizational structure document produced by People’s Rights Oregon Area 5 (Oregon 5/Area 5) intended to achieve an “end goal of restoration of our foundational values and Republic.”[6]

The framework lays out a set of organizational sub-units broadly built around internal political education on its “constitutional” ideology; preparation for disaster, primarily in the form of confrontations with state and federal governments; an internal communications infrastructure intended to press the group into external activism; and an initial set of issues around which the group would mobilize – in particular COVID-19 and anti-vaccination politics.[7]

The document also stressed paramilitary-style training, including an emphasis on “long-range shooting skills.”

The October 2020 document also announced a sub-unit dedicated to the creation of a “Great State of East Oregon,” a project cast in starkly revolutionary terms:

“We understand that the issues we face will never end until we restore our foundational values.  The current state of Oregon is heading in the wrong direction, and we must draw a line in the sand and create a secondary plan if restoration is impossible. This group’s focus is to create and promote the foundational documents and guiding principles that can be used to create a new State if or when the People decide that their only option left is to alter, reform or abolish their current form of government” [italics added] [8]

The document ends with a declaration that “We are quickly becoming a group with strength in numbers, which gives our collective voice much more power politically, legally and physically IF needed” [Italics added].[9]

Such insurrectionary themes have been part and partial of People’s Rights Oregon issue-based activism as well, rooted in repeated admonitions that the existing government is broadly out of compliance with the group’s version of state and federal constitutions; that People’s Rights has the “authority” to disrupt government policy implementation; and that ultimately, a conflagration and conflict with the existing government is coming, People’s Rights repeatedly emphasizing the right to “alter, reform or abolish” the “current form of government.”

As part of the group’s mobilization around COVID-19, a petition sponsored by People’s Rights Oregon state leader B.J. Soper stated, “We declare by the authority given to Us in the Oregon Constitution that all executive orders …related to the COVID 19 virus are unconstitutional, null and void of force…We declare that any action taken against our communities by any government agent acting upon these unlawful mandates will be considered hostile, illegal, and we hold the right to protect ourselves and our businesses by any means necessary against the assault.” [italics added].[10]

The framing of the petition went even further, declaring that, “The People of Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook and Wheeler Counties are formed in a social compact, and declare the power lies inherently upon our shoulders. We are claiming our right to alter, reform, or abolish our government in a manner we think proper… In conclusion, we are a peaceful people who do not want violence, but we are prepared to defend ourselves and our neighbors accordingly.” [italics added] [11]

Likewise, on the topic of gun regulation, People’s Rights in Oregon described a late March presentation by B.J. Soper:

“BJ – Whose Job is It II?  It’s time to accept the fact that the Government has FAILED! We have the right to Alter, Reform, or Abolish our Government and the TIME IS NOW to STOP them. Recently the 9th circuit court ruled that citizens have no right to carry guns in public.  Yet our 2nd Amendment specifically states: [inserts image of 2nd Amendment]. The reason for the Revolutionary War was because the British Proposed removing GUNS from the Public.  Sound familiar?[12]

People’s Rights activism in Oregon is rife with calls to revolution.

People’s Rights, the Far-Right Constitution, and the Anti-Democratic Revolution

In the organizational document, People’s Rights Oregon 5 described that the sub-groups “all have a similar goal in mind, all working in conjunction with each other as we strive for our end goal of restoration of our foundational values and Republic.”

To this end, the group created a subunit on “Constitutional Studies,” which “focuses on education of our constitutions, both federal and state.” It elaborated that “we have group study classes and utilize our own YouTube channel to promote content that helps progress our understanding of these concepts.”[13]

Touting a national identity constructed through peculiar interpretations of the U.S. Constitution has a deep pedigree in the American far-right. In the 1980s, so-called Christian Patriotism emerged as a prominent example. Adherents held that the United States has been, and should become a white Christian republic again; and that in pursuit of this end, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments should be repealed – all three having been, in this view, part of a Jewish conspiracy to end the “real” America.

Christian Identity adherents also often espoused such views. Some, such as Posse Comitatus founder William Potter Gale, argued for a reversion to a government built around some form of the Articles of Confederation that preceded the 1787 ratification of the U.S. Constitution. These ideologies formed tributaries into the flood of racism and bigotry that we now refer to as white nationalism.

While also building a nationalism, in part, through a truncated version of the U.S. Constitution, groups like People’s Rights espouse a broader, not explicitly white nationalist, framework. But, it is only slightly wider.

People’s Rights constructs a national identity built around founder’s mythologies and a distorted version of the U.S. Constitution coupled to brands of religious nationalism; a denial that racism remains a significant factor in American society; ideas about government and political authority drawn from the Posse Comitatus; a libertarian-styled individualism and a gun rights fetishism.

Their endgame produces a far-right and insurrectionary vision of bringing about a government that would, at the constitutional level, gut the capacity of national and state governments to create policies to address racial, economic, and gender inequality. Undermining federal civil rights and regulatory capacity would enshrine a state built around largely unfettered property rights, constrained only by a drive to press businesses to comply with individualist and other aspects of its ideology. States and individuals would be empowered to violate civil rights in hiring. Commercial activity and white property owners would be elevated to a partly de jure and partly defacto, but certainly hardened, position of domination in American society.

A starting point in understanding this anti-democratic movement is unpacking People’s Rights Oregon’s positions on the U.S. Constitution as expressed by People’s Rights favorite far-right “constitutionalist”–KrisAnne Hall.

Overturning the U.S. Constitution: KrisAnne Hall and People’s Rights in Oregon

As IREHR reported in Ammon’s Army, the People’s Rights network has maintained a close relationship with KrisAnne Hall, the far-right “constitutionalist” who holds that the 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments constitute “unlawful expansion(s) of federal power;” a legal “theory” that, if applied, would gut the basis for a federal role in enforcing equal protection under the law and voting rights for people of color and women.

In particular, under Hall’s version of the 14th Amendment, Vice-President Kamala Harris would be ineligible to be President because her parents were born in other countries – and despite being born in Oakland, California. In addition, Hall argues that former President Barrack Obama and current U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) would also be ineligible to hold that office.

Hall’s radical “legal” assault on these foundational civil rights amendments makes it unsurprising that her ideas serve as a potential bridge between the People’s Rights style of far-right nationalism and white nationalism. Hall appeared at a meeting of the Florida chapter of the white nationalist League of the South in 2019 and alongside former Maryland League of the South leader Michael Peroutka in February.

KrisAnne Hall had also gained some national attention when she inserted herself into Ammon Bundy’s 2016 Malheur standoff as a negotiator.[14]

A look at Oregon People’s Rights activism demonstrates that Hall’s importance to People’s Rights political “thinking” is even greater than our initial assessment. Hall’s ideas are also tied directly to the group’s on-the-ground activism.

People’s Rights in Oregon has hosted Hall on several occasions. Oregon 5, for instance, announced December speaking events for Hall at the Aspen Lakes Golf Course in Sisters, Oregon, including one presentation for all People’s Rights members and another for Area 5 members. Lauding Hall as having “given her life to teaching people about our rights and constitution,” the group announced, “I promise, you will leave the event knowing more and feeling energized to take our State and Country back from the tyrants trying to steal it out from under our feet.”[15]

In January, as the group continued to fill out its organizational structure, it placed Hall at the heart of its activism:

“Members are coming together to create a plan to counter the attack coming out of Salem with regards to the crazy bills coming out of the marble nuthouse. The goal is to melt the phone lines and internet letting the elected know that we will not sit by and watch these bills come to pass without a fight.  Krisanne Hall has also offered to engage in this battle with us, so we have a real heavyweight on our side for this battle.”[16]

Also in January, People’s Rights Oregon 5 announced that Hall would return “to teach our group” in February.[17] After the February event, the group again spelled out the close relationship between Hall’s ideas and the group’s activism:

“The KrisAnne Hall class last night was AMAZING!  If you did not get a chance to attend you truly missed out on a WONDERFUL educational and motivating message. The building was packed to the ceiling and KrisAnne did not disappoint. We will all hear these words a lot in the coming days… EDUCATE, ORGANIZE, AND ACTIVATE!” (capitals in original).[18]

The group also drove home the link between its relation with KrisAnne Hall and its framework for revolution. Quoting Thomas Jefferson’s statement that “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.  I like a little rebellion now and then.  It’s like a storm in the atmosphere,” the group responded,

“This is not a new thought. Our forefathers KNEW this would be a problem again.  They saw into the future and PLANNED with the Constitution that REBELLION against a corrupt government may be possible into the future.  Like BJ’s presentation a few weeks ago and Kris Anne Hall’s presentation, the timelines for our Civil War grew for nearly 200 years.  But they knew it would come again.”[19]

Despite engaging in political strategies ranging from running for office, to lobbying, to protest and open defiance of state law, People’s Rights views a potential civil war on the horizon.

The Posse and the Sheriff

Ammon’s Army captured how the Posse Comitatus influenced the People’s Rights ideas of policing and governance. Positing that the sheriff was the highest law of the land, the Posse held that the county sheriff, or any individuals in a Posse, could arrest and put on trial in a “citizens’ jury,” any individuals or government officials who attempted to enforce “unlawful” legislation. Such ideas would spur so-called “common law courts” in the 1990s to issue spurious legal documents aimed at “enforcing” their version of the law and intimidating their enemies.

While rooted in a broader Christian “constitutionalism” than the original Posse Comitatus, Ammon Bundy has voiced a Posse-like view of the sheriff, stating that that “we delegate policing and arresting power to certain people, but who do we, when it comes to law enforcement, do we the people delegate it to?…The sheriff, and only the sheriff…Your city police are not Constitutional policing agents. Your state police are not Constitutional policing agents. And your federal police are not.”

In effect, in common with the People’s Rights view that federal and state governments are broadly out of compliance with the U.S. Constitution, the Posse framework emerges as a means of always potentially seeking to enforce their version of the law against the existing government.

As IREHR described in Ammon’s Army, such views go hand-in-hand with People’s Rights quest to become the government so that such power can be used by the “righteous” against “wicked” liberals, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others.  Absent that sort of intervention, Bundy proposed a type of armed enclave-style “neighborhood” nationalism, a separatism where “righteous” neighbors stand against the “wicked.”

Taking such ideas to their logical conclusion, one longtime Bundy associate, Brand Thornton, even called for replacing police with “constitutional neighborhood militias” and declared, “I live to hear Antifa getting shot all day long.”

If anything, Ammon Bundy also upped the level of his violent rhetoric, using a rambling traverse through his apple orchard to craft a biological metaphor of his political enemies. In a May 27 YouTube video describing that he has “an invasive species that’s attacking my orchard,” Bundy elaborated that

 “I’ve got to be way more aggressive with spraying it and attacking that, because I can’t kill it partial, I gotta kill it all, because otherwise it keeps growing and it keeps consuming my orchard…And…I just want to make the comparison, what’s happening in my orchard, it’s what’s happening in our country. And, if we don’t get serious about destroying the invasive species, it will, it already is doing terrible damage to damage to …our country…I just felt like this is such as great analogy for what’s happening in our country.”[20]

These roots in Posse Comitatus-style activism, the claimed ability to interfere with the implementation of state policies, and the recurring insurrectional language in their public statements, are particularly troubling given People’s Rights success in southern Oregon at attracting local public officials and law enforcement to their meetings. In addition to the alliance with KID board member Grant Knoll, People’s Rights Oregon Area 6 (Klamath County) for instance announced that Klamath County Sheriff Chris Kaber would appear at their March 11 meeting.[21]

Oregon 6 also announced that Klamath City Police Department Captain Rob Dentinger would speak at the group’s March 18 meeting on “His Duties and the Law.”[22]  On at least two occasions, People’s Rights in southern Oregon has sought to coordinate their activity with the local sheriff, including efforts to both support businesses seeking to defy COVID-19 restrictions and pressing complying businesses to disregard mask restrictions. [23]

Oregon 6 has also announced that Malin Police Chief Ron Roussard, Malin Mayor Gary Zieg, and Merrill Mayor Bill Carlson are slated to appear at a meeting at their headgates encampment.[24]

The situation in the Klamath River Basin is volatile. Ammon Bundy has shown a past commitment to paramilitary activism and the armed takeover of facilities when he deems a situation “unconstitutional.” Themes of physical force and the coming effort to abolish the existing government permeate the group’s southern Oregon mobilizations.

People of good conscience and national and state political leaders need to take these activists at their word. We all need to stand up against efforts to overturn democracy and the treaty and water rights of the tribes whose homelands have always been in the Klamath Basin.


[1] Bureau of Reclamation. Press Release. April 14, 2021.
Reclamation announces Klamath Project 2021 temporary operations plan; assistance to Basin stakeholders. Klamath Falls News.; Fu, Jessica. On the Klamath River, agricultural interests are pitted against the needs of tribes and endangered species. High Country News; Smith, Anna. Ongoing Fish Kill on the Klamath River is an “absolute worst-case scenario.” High Country News. May 27, 2021.

[2] Smith, Anna. Ongoing Fish Kill on the Klamath River is an “absolute worst-case scenario.” High Country News. May 27, 2021.; Fu, Jessica. On the Klamath River, agricultural interests are pitted against the needs of tribes and endangered species. High Country News; Smith, Anna. Ongoing Fish Kill on the Klamath River is an “absolute worst-case scenario.” High Country News. May 27, 2021.; Fu, Jessica. On the Klamath River, agricultural interests are pitted against the needs of tribes and endangered species. High Country News; Karuk Tribe. Press Release. Located at Casarez, Iridian. Karuk Tribe Declares Climate Emergency. North Coast Journal. June 1, 2021.

[3] Dillemuth, Holly. “Irrigators Say They Plan to Force Open Klamath Headgates and Release Water.” Jefferson Public Radio. June 1, 2021.

[4] Baker, Mike. “Amid Historic Drought, a New Water War in the West.” New York Times. June 1, 2021.

[5] Shuham, Matt. Ammon Bundy and Co. Are Eyeing Another Standoff With Feds In Southern Oregon. Talking Points Memo. May 28, 2021.

[6] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. How Oregon 5 has organized our group. October 14, 2020.

[7] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. How Oregon 5 has organized our group. October 14, 2020.

[8] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. How Oregon 5 has organized our group. October 14, 2020.

[9] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. How Oregon 5 has organized our group. October 14, 2020.

[10] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Assistance need with our businesses that have opened. December 16, 2020.; Soper, BJ. Protect our businesses by declaring our right to alter our government. Ipetitions. The petition stated, “We declare by the authority given to Us in the Oregon Constitution that all executive orders …related to the COVID 19 virus are unconstitutional, null and void of force… Therefor (sic) any attempt to threaten, fine, force or coerce any person or business into compliance with any rule or regulation that has been instituted under the unconstitutional executive orders will be met with stiff resistance. We declare that any action taken against our communities by any government agent acting upon these unlawful mandates will be considered hostile, illegal, and we hold the right to protect ourselves and our businesses by any means necessary against the assault…We declare that People are free to choose to wear a mask or to not wear a mask. People are free to choose to vaccinate or not, and business owners are free to choose to enact policy as they see fit. In conclusion, we are a peaceful people who do not want violence, but we are prepared to defend ourselves and our neighbors accordingly. We demand that any action taken by this State surrounding these stated executive orders against our people and businesses end now, and that any fine, or legal action instituted against businesses be dropped immediately. Understand that we do not state these matters lightly, and we intend to protect ourselves, neighbors, businesses, and communities from all enforcement attempts”

[11] Soper, BJ. Protect our businesses by declaring our right to alter our government. Ipetitions.

[12] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Highlights from March 25, 2021. March 27, 2021.

[13] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. How Oregon 5 has organized our group. October 14, 2020.

[14]House, Kelly. Who is KrisAnne Hall? Conservative activist joins Oregon standoff negotiations. The Oregonian. February 11, 2016.

[15] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon.  KrisAnne Hall coming to Oregon this month.

[16] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. PRO5 Weekly Update for 1/18/21. January 18, 2021.

[17] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. PRO5 Weekly Update for 1/18/21. January 18, 2021.; People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Weekly Highlights 2-4. February 5, 2021.; People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Weekly Update for February 22nd. February 23, 2021. Volunteer Jennie Anderson was the contact for tickets to Hall’s event while Adam Brown, Grant Lauinger, and Luke Westcott would perform technical support for People’s Rights Oregon 5, including saving one of KrisAnne Halls February events by fixing the sound system and video,” according to the group.

[18] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Weekly Update for February 22nd. February 23, 2021.

[19] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Highlights for March 18. March 19, 2021.

[20] Bundy, Ammon. My orchard has an invasive species in it just like my country, I must do something about it!  YouTube.  May 27, 2021.

[21] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon.  “How to Open Businesses” at Sat. mtg/Sheriff Kaber on Thursday. March 10, 2021.’ Brevada Brewhouse. Our Story. Accessed April 28, 2021.

[22]People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. March 18 Police Captain to speak. March 16, 2021.

[23] People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Highlights from April 1, 2021. April 2, 2021.; People’s Rights. Area News. Oregon. Highlights from April 8, 2021. April 9, 2021.

[24] People’s Rights. Oregon. News. Thurs June 3rd Mtg at Headgates. June 1, 2021.

Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

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