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White nationalists are thinking about the future.  They are holding a conference entitled “The Year 2050,” on May 13-14 in Tallinn, Estonia.  Mark Weber, a one-time staffer for William Pierce’s National Alliance, is speaking at the conference, according to an article on the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) website; where Weber is now the boss.  The IHR was once the prime voice for Holocaust denial. Under Weber’s tutelage, however, it is now a straight-up voice for a Nazi point of view of history, and now the future. (See Leonard Zeskind’s Blood and Politics: the History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream for a complete telling of how Weber won the IHR away from its founder Willis Carto.)

Mark Weber (right) with Holocaust denier David Irving (left)

After World War Two, Estonia became part of the Soviet Union, along with the other Baltic republics, Latvia and Lithuania.  Today, it is part of the European Union.

The event is being organized through Guide to Kulchur, a project founded by Frodi Midjord of the Faroe Islands. Midjord is the founder of both Guide to Kulchur and the Scandza Forum. In late 2022, Mark Weber’s “Weekly Roundup” podcast became a regular feature on the Guide to Kulchur website.

Frodi Midjord of Guide to Kulchur and the Scandza Forum

Event organizers are advertising Ruuben Kaalep as a speaker. He is a member of the Estonian Parliament, elected in 2019, and active in the Conservative People’s Party, which received 17.8% of the vote and had 19 members elected to Parliament.  He regards himself as a poet, philosopher and a writer. His book (with a co-author) Rebirth of Europe: The Ethnofuturist Manifesto, was published in 2020, by Arktos Media, a far right nationalist publisher that is currently trying to turn itself into a think tank.  It was founded by John Morgan, and in 2019 it operated out of Hungary, but published across Europe and North America in English.  Kaalep is considered by journalists to be an anti-Semite. And he is relatively young.

Ruuben Kaalep

The contingent from the United States—F. Roger Devlin, Jared Taylor and Mark Weber—have all worked together in the past and are well interconnected.  Per Blood and Politics, Jared Taylor was the best man at a Mark Weber wedding.  Although Jared Taylor tries to keep himself free of anti-Semites, he used to show up regularly at Weber’s Holocaust denial conferences, and in fact, met his partner Evelyn Rich at one.

Roger Devlin, who advertises himself as a PhD. in philosophy, spoke at Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance conference in 2021. And both Taylor and Devlin spoke at a Scandza Forum in Stockholm, Sweden in 2018. Devlin has also contributed more than 25 articles to the white nationalist website VDare and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the white nationalist website Occidental Observer.

Jared Taylor of American Renaissance at Scandza Forum conference in Stockholm in 2018

These men are all “thinkers,” and the other speakers have similar biographies.

They are Guido Taietti at Kenton & Miles International, an advertising firm, in Italy; Edward Dutton a professor of Evolutionary psychology in the United Kingdom; Frodi Midjord, and Timo Hannikainen from Finland.

Event organizers promise registrars plenty of time to see the city of Tallinn, and to socialize with each other. This camp is distinguished from other white nationalists by their desire to be free of overt Nazi symbols and to move the mainstream in their favor.  Whether they can build a following of any size in the United States will determine the nature of the battle for the future.

Leonard Zeskind

is founder of IREHR. For almost four decades, he has been a leading authority on white nationalist political and social movements. He is the author of Blood and Politics: The History of White Nationalism from the Margins to the Mainstream, published by Farrar Straus & Giroux in May 2009. [more..]

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