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IREHR’s President and Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was quoted in KTVB;

Tracy Bringhurst and Morgan Romero write, “Burghart said that his organization has been following the People’s Rights Network since 2020. He claims it has over 60,000 followers and Rodriguez is a recognized leader within the organization.”

“It is my opinion that Rodriguez will be emboldened to even worse conduct and further threaten the safety of Plaintiffs and their families (and others) – if he is not held accountable for their actions and forced to stop harassing, intimidating, threatening, and doxing Plaintiffs. If Rodriguez is allowed to continue to disregard the legal system and laws, to flout orders of the Court, and target the Plaintiffs and witnesses in this lawsuit, without meaningful consequences, the potential consequences for Plaintiffs and others are significant,” Burghart stated.

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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