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IREHR’s Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was quoted in Inlander;

Author Nate Sanford writes, “Since at least the 1970s, neo-Nazi extremists have fantasized about widespread blackouts causing chaos and societal collapse — a breakdown of American society that ushers in a new era of White dominance, Burghart says.”

Sanford continues, “In religious terms, it’s comparable to a period of Great Tribulations or a second coming. It’s a common trope not just limited to neo-Nazis, Burghart says.”

“Extremists will also talk about taking out the food supply, banking system or water facilities in an effort to ignite societal collapse, Burghart says” writes Sanford.

“It’s the maximum bang for the lowest amount of risk,” Burghart says

“We certainly are at a much higher level than I remember seeing in a long time,” Burghart says.

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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