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IREHR’s Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was quoted in Inlander;

“More than anything, 2000 Mules has fueled election denial mania across the far right,” says Devin Burghart

Author Nate Sanford writes, “When it came out in May 2022, the film gave new life to an election-denial movement that was struggling for direction post-Jan. 6, Burghart says.”

Sanford continues, “Election conspiracies have prompted self-appointed volunteer groups to monitor drop boxes across the county. Burghart, with the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, says these drop box ‘vigilantes’ are deeply troubling, and he worries they will cause voter suppression, particularly among voters of color.”

“Many groups on the far right have adopted this kind of election denial/ballot box vigilante approach heading into 2022 based on the conspiracies of 2000 Mules,” Burghart says. “To see someone like Matt Shea and his group adopt it is a sign that this is happening in a lot of different places.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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