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IREHR’s president, Devin Burghart, was quoted by the Inlander while the Institute’s newest report, Breaching the Mainstream, was cited.

“”There is that larger shift going on within this wing of the far right, in terms of women taking on leadership roles,” says Devin Burghart, who tracks the far right in Idaho with the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. “You’re looking at a near 50/50 split, particularly on the anti-vax side of it.””

Daniel Walters, Inlander’s senior investigative reporter, writes “This week, the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights released a report indicating that female Idaho state legislators were actually more likely to be members of far-right Facebook groups than men.”

“When you focus on issues around health and children in schools, for instance, like a lot of COVID denial rhetoric has done, it has more resonance, generally, to issues that have traditionally been issues of concern to women,” Burghart says.

“The COVID-denial stuff reminds me of the same kind of impact that the anti-busing efforts had during the 1970s,” Burghart says. “When integration hit the ground and started impacting schools, a lot of the organizing efforts around anti-busing efforts, particularly back East, were led by women.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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