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Devin Burghart, President of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, was quoted by the Kansas City Star;

“McNeil’s resignation doesn’t mean that he’s disavowed the white nationalist movement,” said Devin Burghart

“He’s probably going to try to do like a lot of these other characters — move back into mainstream Republican politics,” Burghart said

“He’s going to try to distance himself from Fuentes, and he’s going to try to find his way back into some semblance of Conservative Inc.”

Judy Thomas, investigative reporter and journalist, writes “Burghart said the split shows that the reverberations from Jan. 6 are still being felt across the far-right movement.”

“But I think those tensions were increased dramatically by stakes getting heightened after January 6,” he said. “When you had the subpoenas come down, when you had a bunch of arrests going on, when you had Fuentes’ money temporarily seized. All of those things created a dynamic inside the movement, where it was going to be challenging for them.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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