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The report, Ammon’s Army: Inside the Far-Right People’s Rights Network, published by the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights and Montana Human Rights Network was cited by Raw Story. 

“A year ago, IREHR and the Montana Human Rights Network (MHRN) released Ammon’s Army: Inside the Far-Right People’s Rights Network, which first documented how the group headed by far-right paramilitary figure Ammon Bundy used politicization of the pandemic to build up a national membership base of 21,851 and a cadre of 153 on-the-ground activists in thirteen states,” the group announced in the fall of 2021. “One year later, the People’s Rights network continues to expand, according to new IREHR data. This report examines the latest membership data on the People’s Rights network. Since the release of Ammon’s Army, the People’s Rights network increased its national membership by 53% to 33,431 members in the last year. Moreover, the group’s official activist base grew by more than 160% to 398 activists in 38 states.”

A twitter thread by Devin Burghart, the executive director of IREHR, was also cited by Raw Story.

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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