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The social media site Telegram has become widely known for offering a smorgasbord of the worst our society has to offer – providing a haven for a wide variety of racists and antisemites booted from Twitter and Facebook as these social media giants have moved slowly, and generally ineptly, to remove crass bigots and misinformation from their platforms.

In the latest episode of Telegram’s service to the cause of racism, multiple accounts popped up yesterday and today to promote “White Lives Matter” marches in cities around the country set for April 11. As of this writing, pages have been set up to promote marches in at least 16 states.  By all evidence, these events are being organized outside the bounds of existing groups and have the capacity to foster alliances between white nationalists and other far rightists as well as to radicalize participants.

In addition to a main “White Lives Matter – 04/11” page, which has 913 members as of this writing, Telegram accounts were created to promote events in the states of Oregon, Alabama, South Carolina and a combined Washington D.C./Maryland/Virginia event. Pages for events in Detroit, Michigan, Springfield, Missouri, Seattle, Washington, Greensboro, North Carolina, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Boston, Massachusetts, Fort Worth, Texas and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have also been created. A Chicago account appeared on March 25, but is no longer active as of this writing. And, a Frankfurt, Germany account also popped up.[1]

Oregon activists have indicated that they are mainly located in Salem and Eugene; Alabama activists named Birmingham and Montgomery as cities they should march in, with Tuscaloosa and Mobile being “viable options” and Montgomery “the most important.” One member of the Maryland/Virginia/DC discussion thread recommend Richmond over D.C. or Baltimore because “We could open carry for protection.”[2]

Online respondents to the event announcement also inquired about marches in the states of Utah and Nebraska; and in the cities of Lansing, Michigan, Indianapolis, Indiana, Memphis, Tennessee, Long Island, New York, Metairie, Louisiana and Stockton, California. The main  page encourages those in areas not presently organized to create a Telegram channel to promote the event locally.[3]

Locations have been announced for two of the events – Westlake Park in Seattle and the Park Central Square in Springfield, Missouri.[4]

While participants in these state and city planning groups are currently small, they appear to be building a large enough core in a number of cities for the purpose of organizing a march. (see Table below)

Racism, Racism, and Antisemitism

In organizing these marches, White Lives Matter – 04/11 is stressing a dominant theme of modern white nationalism – that whites are facing systematic dispossession, and even extinction, in American and around the world. One announcement for the event declared, “It’s time to take a stand – against the anti-white mob – against the anti-white media – against the anti-white government – against the anti-white education system.”[5] “This is a grassroot (sic), worldwide movement for White People,” the main page declared.[6]

Demonstrating the absurd lengths to which this framing can carry someone, and in the face of decades of social science data to the contrary, one participant on the main discussion page  declared that the event “will show that systemic racism exists against white ppl on (sic) large scale.” The event organizers responded, “We already know that. We are close to extinction.”[7]

An Anchorage, Alaska group demonstrates the difficulties of establishing a mainstream-ready public face for such events without dipping a foot into the world of organized white nationalism. Stressing that the events are “simply seeking to EDUCATE the public,” and that participants should carry signs bearing the names of “white victims of Black violence,” the group advised, “As always, wear a mask for anonymity and safety, don’t use inflammatory language in your material, keep it clean and optical. This is a movement that requires a sincere approach and professionalism.”[8]

Despite these “sincere” efforts, WLM Anchorage, Alaska’s recommended background information for the march included an article from the white nationalist American Renaissance and a video by Emily Youcis.[9]  Youcis achieved a moment of infame in 2016 after being involved in a conflict with people protesting the Washington D.C. conference of white nationalist and antisemite Richard Spencer’s National Policy Institute (NPI). As described by Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Enquirer,

“Youcis told me last night that she was at the [NPI] conference as an observer but added that she’s been in thrall with the so-called ‘alt-right’ movement for about 10 months. She called it ‘a white identity movement. This doesn’t mean that we hate anybody — we simply want to find our own identity as Americans … as white Americans, and find our own culture.”[10]

The Philly Voice reported that one month before the NPI event, “Youcis appeared on the ‘The Gavin McInnes Show’ to discuss the ‘preservation of the white race,’ how Jews began the culture of political correctness and the availability of children of color up for adoption.”[11]

Gavin McInnes is the founder of the racist and nationalist Proud Boys.

Attending a 2016 Donald Trump campaign rally, Youcis would offer up an anti-Muslim conspiracy theory alongside the common far right and white nationalist view that the primary battle of the day is between globalists and nationalists. Speaking about Trump, Youcis said,

“He’s honest…And he’s actually fighting for America. He’s a nationalist. We’re anti-globalists. The globalists are trying to take everyone down. He speaks about radical Islamic terrorism, he actually puts it to name. And, as you know, I’ve been talking about Islamic terrorism and the impending Sharia law for a long time now. … Obviously, Obama and Hillary are working with the Muslim Brotherhood.”[12]

In another sign of the racists drawn to these marches, one response to the announcement came from “G**k Slayer,” who asked if an event was being planned near Lansing, Michigan. “G**k Slayer” offered to organize an event if no one else was doing so, but explained that, “I’m banned from most social media platforms so organization is tough.”[13]

White nationalism’s frequent fellow traveler, antisemitism, also reared its head in discussions on the main White Lives Matter – 04/11 page. A commenter claiming to be Hispanic declared that “optics on this [event] is fishy” because the “media has convinced the masses white lives don’t matter anymore.” The solution, the individual wrote, is that “You need a subversive movement that targets the same enemy: the jews (sic). Best way would be with a movement called ‘Muslim lives matter’ and target Israel and Jewish influence in the media.”[14]

Likewise, one participant in the group’s chat argued that the issue of “voter integrity” should be front an center, also offering a crass display of antisemitism:[15]

The need for “voter integrity” was a common Stop the Steal frame and has been a central argument behind the push for voter suppression taking place around the country.

Another commenter made clear that these are not simply Donald Trump sycophants, but include people deeply animated by ideas of race. “NotUrAveNormie” would write that “This is about sticking up for your race, not getting orange man back in office.”[16] “Normie” is a movement term for mainstream individuals.

While event organizers are stressing that the marches are non-violent, participants in discussions raised the need to be prepared to fight and placed the protest in the context of the January 6 nationalist insurrection:[17]

Organizing Strategy and Alliances

Of particular interest, while past “White Lives Matter” demonstrations have been organized by the likes of the National Socialist Movement, White Lives Matter – 04/11 is stressing that the marches are being planned outside the bounds of existing groups.[18] For instance, “NotUrAvgNormie” asked, “Should we coordinate with other organizations to build up presence?…As a southerner, I was considering sharing this with the [white nationalist] League of the South.” In response, White Lives Matter – 04/11 responded, “This is not about organizations. Share it with everyone who is pro-white.”[19]

Others mulled over organizational alliances that may or may not be sought out for the marches. One chat participant using the name “Emma Liddell” offered that “I no longer know who to contact in my state. I don’t trust the proud boys (sic) because they showed they are nothing but weaklings at our last rally and the members of AFA here in MN are nothing but pathetic fat pukes and weaklings as well. Ideas?”[20]

AFA likely refers to the Asatru Folk Assembly, a racialist group that recently garnered national attention after receiving a permit to operate its whites-only “church” in Murdock, Minnesota.[21]

Liddell claims to use the names Kristina Olson, Bristina Kolson and Penny Adams on Facebook as a means of eluding expulsion. “G**k Slayer” offered that the “Proud Boys were infiltrated by the feds. There are members you can trust but you shouldn’t do so with ease.”[22]

The White Lives Matter – 04/11 Chat reiterated to Liddell that, “You don’t need Proud Boys, bikers, or anyone to organize an event. This is not about any organization. This is about our future.”[23]

Despite the concerns about Proud Boys, one chat participant inquiring about organizing in cities operated under the moniker “FWIN Indiana Proud Boy” and displayed the group’s logo.[24]

“Leon Minuteman” would advise that “A Patriot Prayer member might be helpful too. They’re cuckservative, but their entire organization is built around organizing marches.”[25]

In addition to potential alliances, concerns over permits and security came up. While disagreement exists over whether or not permits should be obtained, one discussion participant offered security advice in the context of the January 6th nationalist insurrection, stating that, “A lot of the Jan 6 protestors who are now being prosecuted didn’t take basic security measures.”

In the current period, the boundaries between white nationalists and other parts of the far right are fluid – a fact demonstrated in these “White Lives Matter” marches by the Alaska group’s reliance on the likes of American Renaissance, another discussion participant’s idea of reaching out to League of the South, and others raising potential alliances with Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer.

Events framed around white dispossession can both mobilize people across far right and nationalist constituencies and radicalize those who participate.

As the boundaries between white nationalists and reactionaries are breached, it will be more important than ever to counter such efforts with good research and broad coalitions for racial and economic justice.

Table. White Lives Matter March Chapters on Telegram

White Lives Matter Chapter City State Telegram Members
White Lives Matter – 04/11 (main) 929
WLMSeattle Seattle Washington 15
White Lives Matter – Orlando, FL Orlando Florida 16
WLMDetroit Detroit Michigan 11
WLM Oregon Oregon 17
WLM Alabama Alabama 11
WLMFRANKFURT Germany (country) 6
WLMSouthCarolina South Carolina 7
WLMDMV Washington D.C./Maryland/Virginia 23
WLM SGF, MO Springfield Missouri 6
WLM Anchorage, Alaska Anchorage Alaska 2
WLM Greensboro Greensboro North Carolina 3
This one Tulsa Oklahoma 1
WLMMinneapolis Minneapolis Minnesota 3
WhiteLivesMatterMarch Boston MA 4-11 Boston Massachusetts 2
WLMDFW Dallas/Fort Worth Texas 3
PHL Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1
WLM NYC New York New York 10



[1] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[2] WLM Oregon. Telegram. March 25, 2021.; WLM Alabama. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[3] Taken from discussion threads on White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[4] WLM Seattle. Telegram. March 25, 2021.; WLM SGF MO. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[5] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[6] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[7] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[8] WLM Anchorage, Alaska. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[9] WLM Anchorage, Alaska. Telegram. March 25, 2021.; [9] WLM Anchorage, Alaska. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[10] Bunch, Will. Well-known Philllies vendor in D.C. white nationalism fracas. Philadelphia Inquirer. November 20, 2016. Well-known Phillies vendor in D.C. white-nationalism fracas (

[11] Gaul, Jerry. ‘Pistacio Girl’ feuds with protestors, draws support from white nationalists. Philly Voice. November 21, 2016.

[12] McQuade, Dan. Donald Trump Came to Delco Last Night, And It Was Weird. Philadelphia City Life. September 23, 2016.

[13] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[14] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[15] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[16] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[17] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[18] On past such events, see Stranglin, Doug. “White Lives Matter” rallies: Opponents outnumber white nationalists at Tennessee shout fests. USA Today. October 28, 2017.

[19] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[20] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[21] Hampton, Deon J. After permit approved for whites-only church, small Minnesota town insists it isn’t racist. NBCNews. December 22, 2020.

[22] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[23] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[24] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.

[25] White Lives Matter – 4/11. Telegram. March 25, 2021.


Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

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