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While Ammon Bundy’s far-right group, People’s Rights, had spent weeks using the January 6 pro-Trump rally in Washington D.C. as a recruiting tool,  Ruby Lefeau, the groups’ Washington State Area 3 Assistant, had something else mind – making the trek from Lakewood, Washington across the country to attend the event that turned into an insurrection assault on the U.S. Capitol Building.

The morning of the nationalist insurrection, Lefeau made Facebook posts declaring “PATRIOTS LETS DO THIS!!!” and “REVOLUTION!!” Also that morning, Lefeau posted an ABC7 news clip from January 5 titled “TRUMP SUPPORTERS CLASH WITH POLICE.” Lefeau’s comment to the post was “FUK YA!! LOVE LOVE LOVE ‘MERICA.”[1] Lefeau’s Facebook profile still features a graphic that reads, “Operation Occupy the Capitol. January 6, 2021.”[2]


Lefeau isn’t done. After the January 6 insurrection, she declared her plan to return to Washington DC on January 20. Driving around Washington D.C., Lefeau recorded herself stating, “It’s our last night here before we come back on the 20th” – the day of the inauguration.[3]

The day after the insurrection, Lefeau circulated the false claim that anti-fascists “instigated the break-in.”[4]

Lefeau had previously attended other national rallies in support of overturning the election results, the mid-December Jericho March and March for Trump in D.C.. During those events, she took the opportunity to display her penchant for hanging out with Proud Boys. Lefeau posted a video to Facebook amidst a cluster of Proud Boys preparing to march and chanting “Fuck Antifa.” She also posted a selfie with an individual in a Seattle Proud Boys shirt.[5]

Ruby Lefeau poses with Seattle Proud Boy

A month prior, Lefeau posted photos of Proud Boys at the Million Man Trump March in Washington D.C.[6] In early November, Lefeau posted photos of Proud Boys at an event in Washington State, adding “Proud Standing with these Patriots – the Proud Boys.”[7]

En route to the December March for Jericho, Ruby Lefeau, and Lindsey Nguyen of United Voice of Washington, a “reopen” group, were kicked off a Frontier Airlines flight, and all passengers were forced to deboard, after the two reportedly refused to wear a mask.

As the passengers exited the plane, Lefeau was videoed spewing racist epithets, including “Have a good day, n****r.”[8] Lefeau later defended her use of the slur in a January 5 Facebook post.[9]

People’s Rights area leader Ruby Lefeau and Lindsey Nyugen of United Voice of Washington

Much like her Proud Boy allies, Lefeau has claimed that Black Lives Matter and anti-fascists are “satanic,” adding that “If you, your leaders, your pastors, Your (sic) teachers still support The (sic) satanic BLM, ANTIFA Anti God mentality or church leaders are partakers of the 501c…God will be holding you baby killing – self loving self serving worshipers of Satan accountable…”[10]

Lefeau has also posted material supporting violence against BLM and anti-fascists, including a meme stating that if they defund police, “Millions of well-armed and capable American Patriots with billions of rounds of ammunition are just waiting for the chance to show you how we feel about people who try to destroy our country! We’re looking forward to it!”[11]

Ruby Lefeau posted a December 23 meme declaring “I am a Citizens of the USA. HERE IS ALL I WANT. Borders: Closed! Language: English…Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare! No Freebies to: Non-Citizens!  ALSO —BALANCED BUDGET! TAX REFORM![12]

In early December, Lefeau took part in an effort, led in part by People’s Rights, to support a Chehalis, Washington business opposing COVID-19-related restrictions.[13]

Beyond her leadership in People’s Rights, Lefeau has been active in other Western Washington MAGA, Stop the Steal, and “reopen” events and actions.[14] Promoting Posse Comitatus-style themes, in May 2020 Lefeau posted a meme titled “HOW TO ARREST A GOVERNOR OR A JUDGE (or anyone) FOR UNLAWFUL LOCKDOWN.”[15]

Lefeau also served as an official contact for an October MAGA Red Wave Washington Takeover, the event listing the same contact phone number for Lefeau that she had used as a People’s Rights area assistant.[16]

[1] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. Accessed January 14, 2020; Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 6, 2020.; Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 6, 2020.; Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 6, 2020.

[2] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. 

[3] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 7, 2020.

[4] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 7, 2020.

[5] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. December 15, 2020.

[6] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. November 14, 2020.

[7] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. November 3, 2020.

[8] Kekatos, Mary. ‘Have a good day, n****r’: MAGA-hat wearing woman forced entire plane to deboard after refusing to wear masks during their Frontier Airlines flight. The Daily Mail. January 1, 2020.

[9] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 5, 2020.

[10] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. January 10, 2020.

[11] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. December 16, 2020.

[12] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. Decemher 23, 2020.

[13] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. December 3, 2020.

[14] For instance, see Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. December 22, 2020.; Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. December 20, 2020.; Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. November 24, 2020.

[15] Lefeau, Ruby. Facebook. May 31, 2020.

[16] MAGA Red Wave Washington Takeover. October 17, 2020.


Chuck Tanner

Chuck Tanner is an Advisory Board member and researcher for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He lives in Washington State where he researches and works to counter white nationalism and the anti-Indian and other far right social movements.

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