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On Saturday, January 17, at the United States Embassy in the heart of London, 33 white nationalists rallied in support of Gary Yarbrough, an imprisoned member of the white supremacists apparatus known as The Order.

The Order sought to establish a white “homeland” in the Pacific Northwest, and in 1983 they went on a bank robbing, bombing and murder spree that lasted until 1985.  That year, Yarbrough and nine other Order soldiers were convicted of criminal racketeering in Seattle and sentenced to long prison sentences.  Eleven others pled guilty, and several of those became federal witnesses.  Because of mistakes made by the Colorado criminal justice system, no one was ever convicted of state murders charges in the shooting death of Denver radio talk host Alan Berg, although members of the Order gunned him.  A federal civil rights trial in the Berg murder was a split verdict. Further, Order members, including Yarbrough, were charged with seditious conspiracy and were tried, but not convicted, in Ft. Smith, Arkansas in 1988.

Identity Banner at US Embassy Protest in London

Generation Identity Flag flying at US Embassy Protest (Searchlight)

At the London rally, the British anti-fascist magazine Searchlight identified an organizer for the London Forum and members of Heritage and Destiny among the pickets.  There is also the flag of the World Church of the Creator among Yarbrough’s supporters.  Last year, the one-time Order soldier had his parole date pushed back to 2025, after it was discovered that writing bearing his name had appeared on a couple of white nationalist websites.  Yarbrough contended that he did not have contact with those groups, however; although he still maintains that white people should move to the Pacific Northwest.

NB: The photos above wer taken from the Searchlight website with permission.  Thanks to Searchlight.

Leonard Zeskind

is founder of IREHR. For almost four decades, he has been a leading authority on white nationalist political and social movements. He is the author of Blood and Politics: The History of White Nationalism from the Margins to the Mainstream, published by Farrar Straus & Giroux in May 2009. [more..]

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