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On Saturday, August 18, IREHR conducted a three-hour training on the Tea Parties for over twenty members of Kansas City 99, an organization that grew out of the Occupy movement. The training covered the size and structure of the Tea Party movement, the racism and bigotry embedded in it, and productive ways to counter the movement. Hand-outs included a chart on Tea Party numbers in the two-state area: Kansas has 4,126 enrolled Tea Party members with eleven Tea Party Patriots chapters; Missouri has 9,177 enrolled members with 35 Tea Party Patriot chapters.

The training can be duplicated in other regions and around specific issue areas. If you would like a training in your area, please notify IREHR.

Leonard Zeskind

is founder of IREHR. For almost four decades, he has been a leading authority on white nationalist political and social movements. He is the author of Blood and Politics: The History of White Nationalism from the Margins to the Mainstream, published by Farrar Straus & Giroux in May 2009. [more..]

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