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FreedomWorks has a John Birch Society problem.

When FreedomWorks head Dick Armey appeared on the March 10, 2010 edition of the Charlie Rose Show, he was asked about which parts of the Tea Party tent made him most uncomfortable. After rightly criticizing groups like the “LaRouchies,” and called them “an embarrassment.” Armey was then asked directly about the John Birch Society (JBS).

Armey’s response: “The John Birch Society has been very little evident in my association with the tea party.  I have not seen anybody, have not encountered anybody who says I’m here and I’m from the John Birch Society. So I mean, I know it’s alleged that they’re there.  I’ve not encountered them. But I do think that John Birch Society historically has had a good deal of people that have regretted them.”

Dick Armey may have some regretting of his own.

New research by the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights highlights how colossally wrong Armey was about the relationship between the Tea Party movement and the John Birch Society. The data in this report shows just how entangled FreedomWorks is with the Birchers.

FreedomWorks and the John Birch Society

As described in IREHR’s October 2010 special report, Tea Party Nationalism: A Critical Examination of the Size, Scope, and Focus of the Tea Party Movement and Its National Factions, FreedomWorks successfully turned Tea Party energy into additional political influence inside the Beltway. Nevertheless, the organization had lagged behind other national Tea Party factions when trying to harness the social networking power of the movement. At the end of 2010, FreedomWorks still had the second smallest online Tea Party membership, with only 19,274 members.

To remedy this failure and  expand their membership, bolster their online street credibility, and compete with the more successful Tea Party factions, FreedomWorks hired the web development firm TerraEclipse.  A new site, FreedomConnector, resulted, which used geo-targeting to help Tea Party activists identify nearby activists, groups and events. It also allows members to connect their FreedomConnector account to popular social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter. Quietly the site went live in January 2011.

Then in February, FreedomWorks staged an elaborate public relations campaign to promote the site.  They had a splashy roll-out event for the new site at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference.  They sent emails to local Tea Party groups promoting site membership.  And far-right commentator Glenn Beck featured it on his Fox News program.

In one respect, the results have been remarkable. FreedomWorks online membership has shot up from 19,529 on February 9, the day before the CPAC launch, to 94,308 members as of June 1.  Such a marked growth rate in membership levels has not been seen since the earliest days of the movement. In fact, the rate for all the other factions has tended to slow down recently, although all groups are continuing to growing.

To attain this rapid expansion, however, FreedomWorks took down what little firewall it had constructed between itself and the farthest edges of the far-right. Indeed, they’ve left a gaping hole allowing the easy access for groups like the Birch Society to the FreedomWorks membership.

As noted in Tea Party Nationalism, of all the national Tea Party factions, FreedomWorks had been the organization least entangled with overt bigotry. For instance, FreedomWorks was the only faction who did not have a “birther” as a national staff member. It was the only group that had not jumped on to the nativist bandwagon and supported Arizona’s controversial SB 1070. It had steered clear of most of the outlandish conspiracy theories and far-right machinations that have consumed other Tea Party groups. Now, that has changed.

For a short-term bump in membership, the long-term costs to the credibility of the organization may be extraordinarily steep.

Dick Armey need look no further than the front-page of his FreedomConnector site to see John Birch Society (JBS) activism in Tea Party ranks. Numerous JBS events have shown up in “Latest Activities” section on homepage of FreedomConnector.  Most notably, the FreedomWorks staff has been busy promoting the Birchers on their social networking site.

Since the launch of the site, FreedomWorks staff and the FreedomConnector web team have posted at least fifty-nine different announcements that advertised John Birch Society events across the country. (See list in Appendix). Even a cursory look at this list of meetings, forums and protests demonstrates quite clearly that this is not an isolated incident or simple mistake that can be easily dismissed. FreedomWorks staff and the web team have posted an average of ten Birch events a month since the launch of this site. They have advertised Birch events in California, Florida, Idaho, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

In addition to the fifty-nine added by FreedomWorks team members, another twenty-two Bircher happenings have been posted by FreedomConnector members like Dawn Epson, the Tucson facilitator for the John Birch Society.  Epson even has been allowed to create a Tucson Bircher “group”–a hub for area Birchers to gather on the FreedomConnector site.  In total, 80 different JBS events were advertised on the FreedomWorks FreedomConnector site between the site launch and June 1, 2011.

Tonya Woodruff, a Michigan activist, provided a perfect example of the problem of the missing firewall when she posted a question on FreedomConnector to a participant in the Ludington Area Tea Party: “I was at the John Birch Society Meeting last night and the Birchers wanted to know if the Tea Party was still interested in a presentation? I will send you an e-mail today about this topic.”  Opposition to the JBS presence inside the FreedomWorks social network has been virtually non-existent.  Instead, these posts have received a warm reception.

Despite Dick Armey’s denials, there has been Bircher participation in FreedomWorks Tea Party events from the beginning of the movement. In fact, a large organized contingent of Birchers attended the big FreedomWorks 9-12 Rally in Washington DC. The Birchers have been quite open on their own website about their participation. One post detailed their activities:

“I think everyone knows by now the the[sic] 912 Tea Party Rally in DC was a huge success and is going to go down as a signature event in the history of the freedom movement. It was an honor to be able to be a part of it. I especially want to thank all the Birch members and friends who came up from Virginia and North Carolina and helped us distribute over 4000 pieces of Birch educational material (DVD’s, New American Reprints and NAU flyers). They were real boots on the ground soldiers for us.”

The John Birch Society Has a Long History

Founded in 1958 with its headquarters in Massachusetts, the Belmont candy manufacturer Robert Welch was both its first president and treasurer.  Although Fred. C. Koch, father of the contemporary ultra-conservatives Charles and David Koch, was on its national council, he was not a member of the founding board of directors–contrary to some of the rumors circulating on the Internet.

Initially, the Birch Society drew its strength from two directions, according to the 1970 book, The Politics of Unreason: Right wing Extremism in America, 1790 to 1970, by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab:  Opposition to changes unleashed by the black freedom movement, and unhappiness with the sitting Republican President Dwight Eisenhower–particularly his inability and unwillingness to turn back the clock on civil rights and on the growth of the welfare state.  President Eisenhower had sent the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 to insure the public peace and the safety of the black students desegregating the high school.  Further, Eisenhower had said in his 1954 State of the Union message: “In a modern industrial society, banishment of destitution and cushioning the shock of personal disaster on the individual are proper concerns of all levels of government, including the federal government.”  It was enough for the Birchers to label Eisenhower a communist or a dupe.

The Birch Society continued to grow in the 1960s, two of its strongest states being California and Texas.  Its official ideology was a well-tuned anti-communist conspiracy theory.  It opposed all civil rights legislation and attracted a number of racists and anti-Semites to its membership and national council.   University of Illinois classics professor Revilo P. Oliver was one of the most vociferous white supremacists on its first national council, regularly using Birch publications to rail against the “Rothschilds,” “Khazars” and “Zionists”–all code words for Jews. Oliver finally lost his perch in the Birch Society in 1966, after making a speech about how “…if all the Jews were vaporized at dawn tomorrow, we should have nothing to worry about.”  Other hardcore bigots stayed on, however, and helped define the Birch Society as beyond the reach of respectable politics.

The Birch Society went into abeyance in the early 1970s, as did most of the far right organizations.    Nevertheless, it was active in the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment in the late 1970s.  And it continued to have a presence, due primarily to its Congressman, Larry McDonald from Georgia, who had joined the society in the 1960s and became its president in 1983. (McDonald died in August 1983 in the plane crash of KAL 007.)

The Birch Society moved its headquarters from Massachusetts to Wisconsin in 1989, and picked up new members again in the mid-1990s, growing alongside the militias and the newly re-invigorated Council of Conservative Citizens, a white nationalist organization.

It currently publishes The New American monthly magazine, has a field staff of 20 people, and is omnipresent in the Tea Party movement.  Congressman Ron Paul regularly speaks at its events.  And just this year, the Birchers broke into the ranks of those allowed at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. New American editor William Jasper returned the favor by panning the event, describing it as a “factious, inharmonious affair exposing the deep philosophical divisions and conflicting political goals within the loosely defined “conservative movement.”  Wonder if the Birchers will get invited back next year?

Attempts by some Tea Party leaders to keep JBS-style culture war issues out of the Tea Party agenda are viewed with derision by Birchers and as an opportunity to fill the void. In an April 1, 2010 cover story in the New American, entitled “Tea Party: A Brewing Movement,” Joe Wolverton II opined

“Some key players in the Tea Party Movement could not be less disturbed by the specter of a social conservative diaspora. When asked if she worried that the Tea Party Movement may be essentially stillborn because of the loss of social conservatives, Jenny Beth Martin, a leader of the Tea Party Patriots, commented in the New York Times article cited above, “When people ask about them [social issues], we say, ‘Go get involved in other organizations that already deal with social issues very well.’ We have to be diligent and stay on message.” That message, apparently, is, when it comes to enlisting in the Tea Party Movement, social conservatives need not apply.
Notwithstanding the (more or less) official disdain manifested by self-professed Tea Party luminaries for traditional conservatives and their rock-ribbed devotion to the right side of social issues, there is evidence that the rank and file is staunchly socially conservative and resolved to firmly and fixedly lash economic and social conservatism together with a Gordian knot of strict adherence to the letter of the Constitution.”

Luminaries aside or not, the John Birch Society appears to be growing and winning new layers of acceptance precisely because the Tea Parties have stirred up the waters in which the Birchers swim.

Dick Armey’s Choice

IREHR has previously reported on how the Birchers have piggybacked on Tea Party activities in order to attract news members and gain a larger audience for their ideas.  The recent moves by FreedomWorks to promote the JBS are one indication that the relationship between the two organizations has become symbiotic. Both groups rely upon the other for short-term growth. Given the disturbing history of the John Birch Society, however, FreedomWorks entangles itself with such an organization at it own risk. Indeed, the John Birch Society poses a threat to both the longevity and credibility of the FreedomWorks group and to the Tea Party movement as a whole. No longer is it possible to simply brush off such activity with a quick denial. The evidence is simply too substantial to overlook. Dismissals and denials have given the Birchers a green-light.

Can the John Birch Society possibly be the new “normal” in American political life?

IREHR says no.  What does Dick Armey say now?



Advertisements of John Birch Society Events on FreedomWorks FreedomConnector

Compiled June 1, 2011


5/2/2011 ‘Betrayal of the Constitution’, Expose of the Neo-Conservative Agenda: Talk by John F. McManus Marriott Hotel 189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205, USA John F. McManus, publisher of the New American Magazine and President of The John Birch Society disusses the attempt to derail the Tea Party movement and its political successes. His clearly written and spoken words have helped many Americans to understand and combat our nation’s slide towards tyranny. “Americans must be made aware that neoconservatism is a deadly enemy of our nation. They must be steered toward the U.S. Constitution as the nation’s standard.” Discussion highlights: What is neoconservatism and who were its founders? Are the neoconservatives really big government globalists in disguise? How did neoconservatives seize the real conservative, constituttionalist movement? What media outlets present the neoconservative message? Who are likely neoconsrvative Presidential candidates for 2012? FOR RESERVATIONS: (888) 713-8087 or ; PayPal order on Write: PO Box 134, Schenectady, NY 12301 Donation: $5.00 in Advance or $7.00 at the Door Sponsored by the Capital District Chapters of the John Birch Society and the American Opinion Education Committee Cat Young
4/23/2011 John Birch Society Tucson Monthly Meeting Himmel Public Library 1035 N Treat Ave, Tucson, AZ 85716, USA This month’s Topic is: Effective Strategies in Rolling Back Government at the State Level Our speaker this month will be Charles Heller . Originally from Chicago, he escaped in 1978 to Arizona in order to enjoy the right to keep and bear arms. He is the host of Swap Shop, Liberty Watch, and America Armed & Free radio programs on Sundays on AM 1030 KVOI , and is one of the 4 co-founders of the Arizona Citizens Defense League . He has been an Arizona certified CCW (concealed carry weapons) instructor since 1994. Mr. Heller has two adult children, 30 and 32, is single and resides in Tucson. Don?t miss this one and invite a friend! No fee to attend! Please join us: MEETING DATE: Saturday, April 23, 2011 MEETING START TIME: 11:30 am MEETING PLACE: Himmel Public Library, 1035 N Treat Ave. (South of Speedway between Country Club & Tucson) If you wish to receive notices each month in the mail please email Dawn Epson, Chapter Coordinator, at or call 903-4114 to make the request. If you leave a message, please provide your name (with spelling), your address and phone number. Thank you! Future Meeting dates- all starting at 11:30am at Himmel Library: April 23rd, May 28th, July 30th Note: June TBA ?Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual ? or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.? ~ Samuel Adams (as Candidus), in the Boston Gazette, April 16, 1781 Dawn Epson
5/28/2011 A Closer Look at Public Education and Current Issues with the Ethnic Studies Program Himmel Public Library 1035 N Treat Ave, Tucson, AZ 85716, USA The John Birch Society would like to invite you to our next meeting where the topic will be A Closer Look at Public Education and Current Issues with the Ethnic Studies Program. ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) was created to gain control over government locally one bite at a time?this month we will focus on our own TUSD Ethnic Studies issues with a review of textbooks and the program. We will have several speakers who can explain ICLEI and the TUSD Ethnic Studies controversy. Find out what part you can play in this current news story. Himmel Public Library, 1035 N Treat Ave. (South of Speedway between Country Club & Tucson) Future Meeting dates- all starting at 11:30am at Himmel Library: July 30th, Aug 27th Note: June TBA Dawn Epson
5/28/2011 John Birch Society – A Closer Look at Public Education and Current Issues with the Ethnic Studies Program Himmel Public Library 1035 N Treat Ave, Tucson, AZ 85716, USA Don?t miss this one and invite a friend! No fee to attend! The John Birch Society in Tucson would like to invite you to our next meeting where the topic will be A Closer Look at Public Education and Current Issues with the Ethnic Studies Program. ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) was created to gain control over government locally one bite at a time?this month we will focus on our own TUSD Ethnic Studies issues with a review of textbooks and the program. We will have several speakers who can explain ICLEI and the TUSD Ethnic Studies controversy. Find out what part you can play in this current news story. Himmel Public Library, 1035 N Treat Ave. (South of Speedway between Country Club & Tucson) Future Meeting dates- all starting at 11:30am at Himmel Library: July 30th, Aug 27th Note: June TBA Dawn Epson
3/18/2011 (note: SPEAKER: James Perloff) Holiday Inn 318 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area Holiday Inn 109 9th Ave Runnemede, NJ THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Donations are appreciated Are human beings a cosmic accident? Are we decendents of fish and apes, the product of chance evolutionary processes? Or are we a creation of God, the result of intelligent design? Author James Perloff returns to South Jersey, this time to touch on the topic of his two books Tornado in a Junkyard and The Case Against Darwin. Sponsored by the “John Birch Society” Dave G. Collingswood, NJ 08108 – USA Friday, March 18at 7:30 PM Denise Hudson
3/2/2011 (note: Real Face of the European Union Presentation ) 318 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area THIS PRESENTATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC West Deptford Library 420 Crown Point Rd West Deptford, NJ Presented by the John Birch Society Dave G. What took power-seeking Globalists 50 years to form a Regional Government through a series of ?trade Denise Hudson
3/21/2011 STOP THE CON CON “States Should Enforce, Not Revise Constitution” Collingswood, NJ 08108 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Presented by the “John Birch Society” Dave G. The movement across the country to restore the Constitution via the 10th Amendment, has encountered a fork in the road. The correct path is for States to use the power of Nullification provided to them within our Constitution . The incorrect path is to propose new amendments to “fix” the Constitution bycalling a Constitutional Convention, also known as a Con Con. The Constitution is not broken. it does not need to be fixed. It is ignored. It needs to be obeyed. This presentation will start by reviewing previous attempts of a Con Con and why this is so dangerous to our Constitution. We will alsotouch on the proper way the States can invoke the power already given to them to strengthen the 10th Amendment and take back our country from the runaway train, the Federal government. JBS CEO Art Thompson explains why you need to attend this event. Westmont, NJ 08108 – USA Monday, March 21 at 7:00 PM Denise Hudson
3/31/2011 “Obamacare 101” PRESENTATION (Mullica Hill) 318 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area THIS EVENT IS FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC How will National Healthcare effect the nation?In dollars, one only need to look at the State of Massachusetts. Other issues to cover are the quality of the healthcare, the government and IRS’s involvement, rationing healthcare and losing your freedom to choose. Also, the Constitution & Healthcare and what to do about it. RECOMMENDED READING/RELATED ARTICLES READ Bloomberg News “Judge in Va. Strikes Down Federal Health Care Law” READ “Repealing Obamacare” WATCH: Judge Andrew Napolitano explains NULLIFICATION READ “Federal Judge Rules Against Feds in Virginia Suit Against Obamacare” READ “Minnesota says NO to Obamacare Subsidies” Read “Putting Lipstick on the Obamacare Pig” READ “Thanks to ObamaCare, Some Kids Won’t Have Health Insurance” READ “Federal Medical Snooping – and How to Stop It” The Black Ribbon Calling ObamaCare’s Bluff WATCH: “You are Not Your Neighbor’s Healthcare Provider” lecture by Dr. Yaron Brook given at the University of Pennsylvania on May 11, 2010. CNN “Missouri voters say no to mandatory health insurance” “States Join to Protect Citizens from Federal Government” WATCH: Dr. David Janda on Obamacare ..Presented by Dave G. of the John Birch Society Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 – USA Thursday, March 31 at 7:00 PM Denise Hudson
3/9/2011 (note: “Obamacare 101” PRESENTATION) 318 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area Evesham Twp. Library Meeting Room 984 Tuckerton Rd Marlton, NJ THIS EVENT IS FREE andOPEN TO THE PUBLIC How will National Healthcare effect the nation? In dollars, one only need to look at the State of Massachusetts. Other issues tocover are the quality of the healthcare, the government and IRS’s involvement, rationing healthcare and losing your freedom to choose. Also, the Constitution & Healthcare and what to do about it. RECOMMENDED READING/RELATED ARTICLES READ “Federal judge tosses out sweeping healthcare reform act” READ “12 States have bills to Nullify Obamacare” READ “Idaho ObamacareNullification Bill is Constitutional” READ “Idaho Among States Moving to Nullify Obamacare” READ New York Times Obama Returns to End of Life Plan That Caused Stir READ Bloomberg News “Judge in Va. Strikes Down Federal Health Care Law” READ “Repealing Obamacare” WATCH: Judge Andrew Napolitano explains NULLIFICATION READ “Federal Judge Rules Against Feds in Virginia Suit Against Obamacare” READ “Minnesota says NO to Obamacare Subsidies” Read “Putting Lipstick on the Obamacare Pig” READ “Thanks to ObamaCare, Some Kids Won’t Have Health Insurance” READ “Federal Medical Snooping – and How to Stop It” The Black Ribbon Calling ObamaCare’s Bluff WATCH: “You are Not Your Neighbor’s Healthcare Provider” lecture by Dr. YaronBrook given at the University of Pennsylvania on May 11, 2010. CNN “Missouri voters say no to mandatory health insurance” “States Join to Protect Citizens from Federal Government” WATCH: Dr. David Janda on Obamacare Sponsored by the “John Birch Society” Dave G. Collingswood, NJ 08108 – USA Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 PM Denise Hudson
5/6/2011 States Should Enforce Not Revise The Constitution ! Collingswood Library 771 Haddon Ave, Collingswood, NJ 08108, USA THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. The movement across the country to restore the Constitution via the 10th Amendment, has encountered a fork in the road. The correct path is for States to use the power of Nullification provided to them within our Constitution . The incorrect path is to propose new amendments to “fix” the Constitution by calling a Constitutional Convention, also known as a Con Con. The Constitution is not broken. it does not need to be fixed. It is ignored. It needs to be obeyed. This presentation will start by reviewing previous attempts of a Con Con and why this is so dangerous to our Constitution. We will also touch on the proper way the States can invoke the power already given to them to strengthen the 10th Amendment and take back our country from the runaway train, the Federal government. JBS CEO Art Thompson explains why you need to attend this event . Presented by the John Birch Society/Dave G. Event is Free, Donations greatly appreciated ! Presented by the John Birch Society-Dave G. Disclaimer; The views and opinions of the sponsor of this program do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Collingswood Library Denise Hudson
6/17/2011 Real Face of the European Union Presentation Flying W Airport Resort 60 Fostertown Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA THIS PRESENTATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Presentation is Free, donations are greatly appreciated. What took power-seeking Globalists 50 years to form a Regional Government through a series of ?trade? agreements [starting in 1951 with the European Coal & Steel Community], now known as the European UNION, is well underway in North America. In this presentation, Europeans are warning us “don’t do it!” You will learn about the plan to regionalize countries around the world before joining all regions together to form World Government. This would mean the United States would lose its sovereignty and become a State in the World Government, while still giving the illusion to U.S. citizens that they have control of their country. NAFTA , sold to U.S. voters as a ?trade? agreement, was clarified by Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger when he said the NAFTA agreement was ?the architecture of a new international system.? He also labeled NAFTA as ?the most creative step toward a New World Order since the end of the Cold War.? Following NAFTA , President Clinton signed GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) which became the WTO (World Trade Organization). This was soon followed by GATS (General Agreement on Trades in Service), under President George W. Bush, then CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas). In 2005, Mr. Bush signed the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America) and was pushing for a North American Union prior to leaving office. This agenda is now being promoted by our current president, Barack Obama . In order to better understand what is happening to the United States, we can examine the history of the European Union. As Europeans have found, these are not just ?trade? agreements but are being used to destroy our independence. Their true intentions are revealed by Ambassador Richard Gardner (CFR/Rhodes Scholar) in his article ? The Hard Road to World Order ? in Foreign Affairs magazine describing: ?an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.? -1974 RECOMMENDED READING / RELATED ARTICLES ARTICLE : TNA ” Perot Vindicated as NAFTA causes mass Outsourcing of Jobs ” ————————————————————————————— Presented by the “John Birch Society” Dave G., Hosting Denise Hudson
3/18/2011 Speaker: John McManus Holiday Inn 109 E 9th Ave, Runnemede, NJ 08078, USA “Stopping the New World Order: Overview of America 2” Presented by the “John Birch Society”. Dave G, Hosting? In 1973, Mr. McManus accepted appointment by Robert Welch, the Society?s Founder, as the organization?s Director of Public Affairs. In this post, he became and remains the Society?s chief media representative throughout the nation. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. He is one of the Society?s few authorized spokesmen. Mr. McManus has written and produced numerous audiovisual programs, including the popular DVD Overview of America, which is a moving tribute about America?s Constitutional roots. He has also written several books including “Financial Terrorism” (1993), “Changing Commands: The Betrayal of America?s Military” (1995), “William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment” (2002), and The Insiders 5th Edition (2004). He is in wide demand as a speaker. Denise Hudson

Denise Hudson

5/20/2011 Speaker: John McManus Holiday Inn 109 E 9th Ave, Runnemede, NJ 08078, USA “Stopping the New World Order: Overview of America 2” Presented by the “John Birch Society”. Dave G, Hosting? In 1973, Mr. McManus accepted appointment by Robert Welch, the Society?s Founder, as the organization?s Director of Public Affairs. In this post, he became and remains the Society?s chief media representative throughout the nation. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. He is one of the Society?s few authorized spokesmen. Mr. McManus has written and produced numerous audiovisual programs, including the popular DVD Overview of America, which is a moving tribute about America?s Constitutional roots. He has also written several books including “Financial Terrorism” (1993), “Changing Commands: The Betrayal of America?s Military” (1995), “William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment” (2002), and The Insiders 5th Edition (2004). He is in wide demand as a speaker. Denise Hudson

Truth Seeker

1/1/2011 (note: New Year’s Day) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Saturday, January 1 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
1/11/2011 (note: John Birch Society meeting) Corpus Christi, TX, USA South Texans for Liberty John Birch Society meeting at Jason’s Deli on Airline in Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX 78412 – USA Tuesday, January 11 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/11/2011 Chapter Meeting Flushing, NY 11358 Long Island JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Join us as we discuss issues outlined in our monthly bulletin. .. Flushing, NY 11358 – USA Tuesday, January 11 at 8:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/13/2011 Delaware JBS Monthly Chapter Meeting Delaware, OH 43015 Central Ohio John Birch Society (JBS.ORG) Freedom Campaign Members Only Event Planning Delaware, OH 43015 – USA Thursday, January 13 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/15/2011 (note: Ammunition Group Buy / Basic Firearm Instruction/ Group shoot) Sarasota, FL, USA JBS – Sarasota Freedom Campaign The Florida Ammunition and Firearm Group Buy Club will be meeting at Waldemere Fire Station 2, for an ammo group buy meetup. A basic pistol class will be offered to qualify individuals to apply for their Florida concealed weapons permit. Ammo group buy distribution to members: 1:00pm to 2:00pm. (Scroll down for more group buy info) -Participation in the ammo group buy is not required to attend. A link to the group buy forum is below. FreedomWorks Staff
1/15/2011 JBS training Oklahoma City, OK, USA Oklahoma Crusade For Freedom Meetup Each Saturday from 9:30- 11 AM, Jerome Montgomery will be hosting an educational session that help you understand the political world around you and make you a formidable freedom fighter. Specific subjects to be announced as we determine them 🙂 Oklahoma City, OK 73115 – USA Saturday, January 15 at 9:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff
1/16/2011 (note: JBS North Chapter Meeting (Educational)) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group JBS Members contact Chapter Leaders Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Sunday, January 16at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/18/2011 (note: John Birch Society meeting) Corpus Christi, TX, USA South Texans for Liberty John Birch Society meeting Corpus Christi, TX 78412 – USA Tuesday, January 18 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/18/2011 Agenda 21 Presentation Riverton, NJ 08077 912 Project- Cherry Hill/Collingswood Area THIS PRESENTATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Agenda 21, the UN blueprint for global transformation, sounds good to many well meaning people. Drafted for the purpose of creating “sustainable societies”, it has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced its alluring visions of social justice and a healthy planet. They hide the lies behind its doomsday scenarios and fraudulent science. Relatively few consider the contrary facts and colossal costs. Information will be given regarding Agenda 21, a United Nations initiative, and how it affects us at the local level. Presented by Dave G of the JBS Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 -USA Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/18/2011 Agenda 21 Presentation (Cinnaminson NJ) Riverton, NJ 08077 South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group MAP to the library THIS PRESENTATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Agenda 21, the UN blueprint for global transformation, sounds good to many well meaning people. Drafted for the purpose of creating “sustainable societies”, it has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced its alluring visions of social justice and a healthy planet. They hide the lies behind its doomsday scenarios and fraudulent science. Relatively few consider the contrary facts and colossal costs. Information will be given regarding Agenda 21, a United Nations initiative, and how it affects us at the local level. RELATED ARTICLES/WESITES WATCH: JohnBush of Texans for Accountable Government Exposes Agenda 21 to Austin CityCouncil. Read Freedom Advocates Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 – USA Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/18/2011 JBS Monthly Video Presentation Massapequa, NY, USA Long Island JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Massapequa, NY 11758 – USA Tuesday, January 18 at 8:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/18/2011 Manhattan Chapter Meeting 20th Rd, Queens, NY 11357, USA Long Island JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Join us as we discuss issues outlined in our monthly bulletin. .. NY, NY 11366 – USA Tuesday, January 18 at 7:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/20/2011 JBS Meeting at Mr Jack Stuarts house Boise, ID, USA Idahoans For Liberty Dear Friends, You are cordially invited to a meeting of the Meridian Chapter of the John Birch Society in my home at above address at 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 20, 2011. Our speaker will be Dale Pearce, regional coordinator of the John Birch Society. Refreshments will be served. On Linder Rd., one block South of Ustick Rd, turn West into Tumble Creek Subdivision, take first left to 3rd house on left. Since the recent alarming expansion of the federal government,its reckless spending, and its abuse of power, and violation of the Constitution, many organizations have sprung up all over the country to protest this problem. However, the John Birch Society (JBS) is the grand daddy of them all, since it has been fighting this problem since it was founded in 1958. It has national headquarters in Appleton, WI, with a huge research library, and competent leaders and staff. It has local chapters holding monthly meetings in most cities and towns in America, and regional coordinators. It publishes a large monthly newsletter, and a bi-monthly magazine, The New American, with a circulation of several hundred thousand, and qualified reporters scanning the world for information on items of interest to patriotic, freedom loving Americans. The John Birch Society isnon-partisan with members from every political party and every religious denomination. It stands for Individual Freedom, Individual Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and with God FreedomWorks Staff
1/22/2011 JBS training Oklahoma City, OK, USA Oklahoma Crusade For Freedom Meetup Each Saturday from 9:30- 11 AM, Jerome Montgomery will be hosting an educational session that help you understand the political world around you and make you a formidable freedom fighter. Specific subjects to be announced as we determine them 🙂 Oklahoma City, OK 73115 – USA Saturday, January 22 at 9:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff
1/24/2011 (note: Christie town hall at 2:30pm.) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Chesilhurst Community Center 501 Edwards Avenue Chesilhurst, NJ 08089 Marlton, NJ08053 – USA Monday, January 24 at 2:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/25/2011 (note: John Birch Society meeting / guest speaker: Ken Hoover) Corpus Christi, TX, USA South Texans for Liberty Corpus Christi, TX 78412 – USA Tuesday, January 25 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/25/2011 (note: TBA) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/25/2011 John Birch Society meeting / guest speaker: Ken Hoover Corpus Christi, TX 78412 South Texans for Liberty John Birch Society meeting / guestspeaker: Ken Hoover Our main topic of discussion will be a Constitutionalconvention. …. We don’t want one and why. Meal 6:30 Meeting 7:00 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 – USA Tuesday, January 25 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/25/2011 Letter Writing Massapequa, NY, USA Long Island JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Join us as we writeletters to the Editor, Senators, Congressmen and local Representaives onthe legislation & issues outlined in our monthly bulletin. .. Massapequa, NY 11758 – USA Tuesday, January 25 at 8:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/27/2011 (note: Constitution Class Gloucester County) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Gloucester County: Robert W. Mills Post 452 American Legion Hall, 141 N. Main Street,Mullica Hill, NJ, 08062, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Thursdays, January 20 through April 7. Though our first Constitution class “outgrew” the Sunday School Classroom at Trinity United Methodist, we have a NEW location with a larger room arranged beginning this week! Thursday night, head for the Robert W. Mills Post 452 American Legion Hall. The address is 141 N. Main Street, Mullica Hill, NJ, 08062. If you are coming from Rt. 55, you take Rt. 322 west into Mullica Hill. At the traffic light, at the corner wherethe Harrison House Diner is, continue straight. Rt 322 will turn left. The road you will be on becomes Rt. 45. The legion hall is about 1/2 mile on the right, just pass the police station. Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/28/2011 (note: Constitution Class (Salem County)) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Peter Boyce gives lecture Peter F. Boyce, a former congressional candidate, will present “Restoring the Foundations of the Constitution of these United States of America,” a lecture series by the Institute on the Constitution. Each class will include a 30-minute DVD presentation, followed by discussion on the beliefs and intent of the founding fathers and practical application ofthe principles embodied in each section of the U.S. Constitution. The class times, days of the week, and locations are as follows: ? CumberlandCounty: Fairton Christian Center, 199 Millville-Fairton Road, Fairton, NJ. 7:00-8:30 p.m., Mondays, January 10 through March 28. ? GloucesterCounty: Robert W. Mills Post 452 American Legion Hall, 141 N. Main Street, Mullica Hill, NJ, 08062 7:00-8:30 p.m., Thursdays, January 20 through April 7. ? Salem County: First Assembly of God in Carneys Point, 380 Georgetown Road, Pennsgrove, NJ. 7:00-8:30 p.m., Fridays, January 21 through April 8. The registration fee is $30 and includes a 262-page student manual. Married couples may register together. Registration is recommended. To register, mail a check payable to Greenwich Patriots to: Greenwich Tea Party Patriots, P.O. Box 234, Woodstown, NJ 08098. Include the names and phone numbers of those attending the course. For information, call Brenda Roames at (856) 451-3747. Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Friday, January 28 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/29/2011 JBS training Oklahoma City, OK, USA Oklahoma Crusade For Freedom Meetup Each Saturday from 9:30- 11 AM, Jerome Montgomery will be hosting an educational session that help you understand the political world around you and make you a formidable freedom fighter. Specific subjects to be announced as we determine them 🙂 Oklahoma City, OK 73115 – USA Saturday, January 29 at 9:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff
1/31/2011 (note: Bellmawr Library – TBA) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Monday, January 31 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/31/2011 Real Face of the European Union Presentation (Bellmawr NJ) Bellmawr, NJ 08031 South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group MAP to the library. THIS PRESENTATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC What took power-seeking Globalists 50 years to form a Regional Government through a series of FreedomWorks Staff
1/5/2011 (note: Agenda 21 (Mantua NJ)) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group MANTUA TOWNSHIP REPUBLICAN CLUB OPEN TO THE PUBLIC VFW 7679 New York Ave & Main St Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Wednesday, January 5 at 7:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/5/2011 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Monthly Meetup Saint Marys, OH 45885 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Meetup Educate intoaction and recruit. Saint Marys, OH 45885 – USA Wednesday, January 5 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/7/2011 Sarasota Tenth Amendment Center first meeting. Sarasota, FL 34231 JBS – Sarasota Freedom Campaign Sarasota JBS member and Sarasota Tenth Amendment Center, Coordinator, Steven Aiken, extended an invitation to all of us to attend the first annual meeting for the Sarasota 10th Ammendment Center. “The Tenth Amendment of Sarasota is pleased to announce that it will have it’s first meeting on Jan. 7 (Fri.)2011 6 Pm. at IHOP at 41 and a little bit South of Bee Ridge Rd. in Sarasota. Please RSVP in order to help Steven Aiken to give IHOP a head count. The IHOP meeting room is free, so we encourage attendees to please order something from the menu. The Agenda will be a discussion of Vacation Liberty School which focuses on educating the school age children, about the US Constitution and other documents, as well as activities geared towards the whole family. As a fund raiser, Steven Aiken, will be collecting used printer ink cartridges and old cell phones Hosted by: Stephen Aiken, coordinator for the Sarasota Tenth Amendment Center. Sarasota, FL 34231 – USA Friday, January 7 at 6:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
1/8/2011 JBS training Oklahoma City, OK, USA Oklahoma Crusade For Freedom Meetup Each Saturday from 9:30- 11 AM, Jerome Montgomery will be hosting an educational session that help you understand the political world around you and make you a formidable freedom fighter. Specific subjects to be announced as we determine them 🙂 Oklahoma City, OK 73115 – USA Saturday, January 8 at 9:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff
12/16/2010 December John Birch Society Meeting Fort Wayne, IN 46808 Ft. Wayne Area Tea Party, 912 & Grassroots Activists Please make time to attend the monthly JBS Meeting. Tom Rice the District Coordinator will be in so plan to come. The venue is ours from 6pm till closing so come early, have supper, and find out what the JBS is all about. Fort Wayne, IN 46808 – USA Thursday, December 16 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
12/25/2010 (note: Christmas Day) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Saturday, December 25 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
12/7/2011 (note: Pearl Harbor Day) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Pearl Harborwas NO SURPRISE:… Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Wednesday, December 7 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
2/1/2011 “The Great Global Warming Swindle” Presentation (Marlton Lakes, NJ) Marlton, NJ 08053 South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group MAP to the clubhouse THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The DVD Presentation, “The Great Global Warming Swindle”, shows how the hysteria over global warming has parted company with reality. This BBC documentary presents overwhelming evidence that the chief cause of climate change is not human activity, butchanges in solar activity. We will show how the “Fear of Global Warming” is the real danger to you. Recently, Snow Hampers Travel in Europe, Forcing Gatwick, Edinburgh Airports to Shut, while Cancun, Mexico experiences record lows during the Global Warming conference! Down south, Farmersin Florida Declare Loses of $273 Million due to December Freeze. Last year was no different, as Britian braced for Heaviest Snow Fall in 50 Years.In December 2009, a cold wave swept Europe (12/23/09). William Jasper, Sr. Editor of The New American magazine and Alex Newman, gave us a peek atconditions at the climate meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009. Former Vice President Al Gore, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize and Academy Award, for his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, said during testimony before Congress in 2007, “the science is settled.” Yet, there was little science in his documentary. The Science & Public Policy Institute points out errors within Gore’s documentary in 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in AlGore’s movie. And when questioned about his theory, Gore has no answer.In Dec (14th) 2009, at the UN Conference on Climate Change, Mr. Gore continued to get caught in Eco-Lies. The United Nations, IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Report is the ‘definitive’ study, the foundation of Global Warming. Yet, 31,000 scientists (9000 PHDs) from the Heartland Institute, do not agree and have formed the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change to challenge these claims. John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, is among those scientists suing Al Gore for fraud. Because of the length of this presentation, please be prompt in attending this meeting. Everyone attending will receive a copy of The New American reprint “Whatever Happened to Global Warming” issue (while supplies last). HERE, Mr. Jasper interviews John Coleman, Founder of the Weather Channel. John Coleman refers to Global Warming as “the greatest scam in history.” OTHER LINKS & ARTICLES OF INTEREST: ARTICLE: “Feds declare 34 Fla. counties disaster areas” due to freezing cold. One CBS-TV story reported: “It’s crazy,” Accursio said. “I’ve never experienced a growing season where we’ve had four frosts in one year.” ARTICLE: “Where is Global Warming?” ARTICLE: “Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting” ARTICLE: “IPCC Chairman Pachauri Resists Calls for Resignation” ARTICLE: “IPCC’s Bogus Claims about Melting Glaciers” ARTICLE: “Copenhagen Report: Obama fails to ‘Seal the Deal'” ARTICLE: “Gore Caught in Eco-Lies” ARTICLE: New World Order Greens Would Use Global Governance VIDEO: John Coleman, Founder of the Weather Channel, explains the Global Warming issue ARTICLE: Carbon Dioxide a “Pollutant”? ARTICLE: “Russian Scientists Forecast Global Cooling” ARTICLE: “Polar Bears Thrive, Contrary to WWF Claims” ARTICLE: “On the Brink of Disaster: the Coming Ice Age” “The Problem with Electric Cars” The Telegraph Co UK “The World has Never Seen Such Freezing Heat”. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO: Not Evil, Just Wrong WEBSITE: I Hate the Media Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Tuesday, February 1 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/1/2011 (note: Ron & Carol Paul 1957) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group 54 years. WOW! Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Tuesday, February 1 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
2/1/2011 Letter Writing Massapequa, NY, USA Long Island JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Join us as we writeletters to the Editor, Senators, Congressmen and local Representaives onthe legislation & issues outlined in our monthly bulletin. .. Massapequa, NY 11758 – USA Tuesday, February 1 at 8:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/10/2011 Delaware JBS Monthly Chapter Meeting Delaware, OH 43015 Central Ohio John Birch Society (JBS.ORG) Freedom Campaign Members Only Event Planning Delaware, OH 43015 – USA Thursday, February 10 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/2/2011 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Monthly Meetup Saint Marys, OH 45885 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Meetup Educate intoaction and recruit. Saint Marys, OH 45885 – USA Wednesday, February 2 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/21/2011 (note: President’s Day) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Monday, February 21 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
2/22/2011 (note: Camden County Library Voorhees – TBA) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Tuesday, February 22 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/3/2011 John Birch Society SW PA National Executive Dinner Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Supporters of Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty: Pittsburgh Wes Thompson needs our help to make this upcoming John Birch Society Executive Dinner a success. For those of you not familiar with the John Birch Society their mission is to… Endorse the principles of the Declaration of Independence. The Society also labors to warn against and expose the forces that seek to abolish U.S. independence, build a world government, or otherwise undermine our personal liberties and national independence. For more info check out their website at Featured speakers and topics John McManus, President, New Revelations: Why The United States Should Withdraw from the UN One reason for joining the UN was to avoid costly wars, butwar has now become commonplace. John McManus presents little-known facts about the UN FreedomWorks Staff
2/3/2011 The biggest John Birch Society event held in Pittsburgh in decades!!!!! Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Mahoning County C4L PLEASE ENCOURAGE LIBERTY MINDED PEOPLELIKE YOUR SELF TO CALL EACH OTHER AND CALL ANDY ASAP FOR RESERVATIONS AT Mr. Andy Dlinn (412) 979-5770 I HOPE TO SEE MANY OF YOU THERE CONTACT INFO FOR RESERVATIONS This is the biggest John Birch Society event held in Pittsburgh in decades, conducted by the JBS leaders and members Please attend this SW PA National Executive Dinner Please remember that Dr. Paul was a special guest in JBS 50th anniversary not this longago and is still member as well. Please be liberty member that one night if not longer. Be part of our Liberty movement where the TRUTH will set Us free SPEAKERS Andy Dlinn John F. McManus Arthur R. Thompson – CEO John F.McManus New Revelations: Why The United States Should Withdraw from the UNOne reason for joining the UN was to avoid costly wars, but war has now become commonplace. John McManus presents little-known facts about the UN FreedomWorks Staff
2/5/2011 JBS training Oklahoma City, OK, USA Oklahoma Crusade For Freedom Meetup Each Saturday from 9:30- 11 AM, Jerome Montgomery will be hosting an educational session that help you understand the political world around you and make you a formidable freedom fighter. Specific subjects to be announced as we determine them 🙂 Oklahoma City, OK 73115 – USA Saturday, February 5 at 9:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff
2/7/2011 (note: Chapter Meeting) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Contact Donna for more info 856-693-6490 Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Monday, February 7 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
2/8/2011 (note: The Five Thousand Year Leap & The Making of America) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group by W. Cleon Skousen La Piazza Discotto 29 Mill Street Mount Holly, NJ Special Guest Group Leader: Stanley El FREE except for books Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Tuesday, February 8 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
3/10/2011 Delaware JBS Monthly Chapter Meeting Delaware, OH 43015 Central Ohio John Birch Society (JBS.ORG) Freedom Campaign Members Only Event Planning Delaware, OH 43015 – USA Thursday, March 10 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
3/2/2011 (note: West Deptford NJ) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Wednesday, March 2 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
3/2/2011 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Monthly Meetup Saint Marys, OH 45885 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Meetup Educate intoaction and recruit. Saint Marys, OH 45885 – USA Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
3/31/2011 “Obamacare 101” PRESENTATION (Mullica Hill, NJ) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group For more information (856) 768-5899 MAP to library THIS EVENT IS FREE and OPEN TO THEPUBLIC How will National Healthcare effect the nation? In dollars, one only need to look at the State of Massachusetts. Other issues to cover are the quality of the healthcare, the government and IRS’s involvement, rationing healthcare and losing your freedom to choose. Also, the Constitution& Healthcare and what to do about it. RECOMMENDED READING/RELATED ARTICLES READ Bloomberg News “Judge in Va. Strikes Down Federal Health Care Law” READ “Repealing Obamacare” WATCH: Judge Andrew Napolitano explains NULLIFICATION READ “Federal Judge Rules Against Feds in Virginia Suit Against Obamacare” READ “Minnesota says NO to Obamacare Subsidies” Read “Putting Lipstickon the Obamacare Pig” READ “Thanks to ObamaCare, Some Kids Won’t Have Health Insurance” READ “Federal Medical Snooping – and How to Stop It” The Black Ribbon Calling ObamaCare’s Bluff WATCH: “You are Not Your Neighbor’s Healthcare Provider” lecture by Dr. Yaron Brook given at the University of Pennsylvania on May 11, 2010. CNN “Missouri voters say no to mandatory health insurance” “States Join to Protect Citizens from Federal Government” WATCH: Dr. David Janda on Obamacare Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Thursday, March 31 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
4/14/2011 Delaware JBS Monthly Chapter Meeting Delaware, OH 43015 Central Ohio John Birch Society (JBS.ORG) Freedom Campaign Members Only Event Planning Delaware, OH 43015 – USA Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
4/6/2011 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Monthly Meetup Saint Marys, OH 45885 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Meetup Educate intoaction and recruit. Saint Marys, OH 45885 – USA Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
5/12/2011 Delaware JBS Monthly Chapter Meeting Delaware, OH 43015 Central Ohio John Birch Society (JBS.ORG) Freedom Campaign Members Only Event Planning Delaware, OH 43015 – USA Thursday, May12 at 7:00 PM FreedomWorks Staff
5/4/2011 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Monthly Meetup Saint Marys, OH 45885 Grand Lake St. Marys John Birch Society Meetup Educate intoaction and recruit. Saint Marys, OH 45885 – USA Wednesday, May 4 at 6:30 PM FreedomWorks Staff
8/25/2011 (note: Capt. John Birch captured and executed by Chinese Communists) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group More on JohnBirch Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Thursday, August 25 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
9/8/2012 (note: Flying W Restuarant Car Show?) Marlton, NJ, USA South Jersey JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group Marlton, NJ 08053 – USA Saturday, September 8 at 12:00 AM FreedomWorks Staff
3/18/2011 Save America Convention with Judge Napolitano, Tom Tancredo, Sheriff Mack… Tampa, FL 33602 JBS – Sarasota Freedom Campaign SAVE AMERICA CONVENTION When: Friday-Sunday, March 18-20, 2011 Where: Marriott Waterside in Tampa Cost: $99.00 per person for three day general session Can America Be Saved? With the debt crisis, decline of the U.S. dollar, talk of hyperinflation and the erosion of our personal liberties, the signs are clear- America is in crisis! Discover solutions and receive a blueprint to save both our economy and our country. At the Save America Convention, attendees will share questions with a panel of national experts and like minded modern day patriots and get much needed information. You won’t want to miss this 3 day convention! Itinerary: Friday March 18th 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Arrive early for registration. 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Welcome reception. Cash bar. Live entertainment. Visit sponsors, vendor booths. 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Convention commencement, special announcements. Honor Guard, prayer, pledge. 6:30 PM – 6:45 PM Mark Cross – Florida’s Campaign for Liberty 6:45 PM – 7:00 PM Tom Tancredo – Wake Up America! 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Sheriff Richard Mack – The Victory for State Sovereignty 8:00 PM – 8:15 PM Dr. RichardDavis – Suing the Federal Reserve 8:15 PM – 8:30 PM John Michael Chambersmusic 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM Keynote speaker Honorary Judge Andrew Napolitano:Personal liberties, freedom and the Constitution Saturday March 19th 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Check in. Visit vendors and sponsors. Films. 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM SAF President Fred Brownbill 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM G. Edward Griffin. Asecond look at the Federal Reserve. Q & A session. 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM Break 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM Paul St. John – Great American Coup of 1913. Q & Asession. 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Dr. Richard Davis – Money Crimes; Suing theFederal Reserve. Q & A session. 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Break for lunch 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Steward Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers – New Monetary System. Q & A session. 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Dr. Kirk Elliott – True State of the Economy. Public policy & legislation. Q & A session. 3:15 PM – 3:30 PM Break 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM John Michael Chambers – Solutions for the Escalating Crisis. The 4 Pillars. Q & A. 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM Speaker TBD 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Join us for photo-op cocktail welcome reception with: G. Edward Griffin Sheriff Richard Mack Governor Gary Johnson Stewart Rhodes Tom Tancredo Other Convention Speakers Meet and mingle with convention speakers and fellow patriots. Plated dinner and cash bar – (view menu) – Speakers will do a Q & A session following dinner. Sunday March 20 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Check in. Visit vendors and sponsors. Films. 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Fred Brownbill – Save America Foundation 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Gary Johnson – America Initiative – Solving the Economic Crisis & Civil Liberties. Q & A session. 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM Break 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Tom Tancredo – Immigration. The greatest threat to America today. Q & A 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch 1:15 PM- 2:00 PM Keith Flaugh – From GOOOH; Get out of our house revolution. Q &A session. 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM TBD 3:00 PM – 3:15 PM Break 3:15 PM – 3:30PM Mark Cross – Campaign for Liberty. Legislative agenda in Tallahassee. How to get involved in the process. 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Open panel Q & A Tampa, FL 33602 – USA Friday, March 18 at 8:30 AM FreedomWorks Staff

Damon Beaty

1/11/2011 JBS Luncheon with Bill Laggner – Hyperinflation Discussion Richardson, TX 75080 Texas Liberty Campaign – Dallas County Meetup Group We begin the New Year with a return engagement by Mr. Bill Laggner who will be presenting a forth right look at the economic picture facing our country. Amidnumerous claims that we may be nearing the dreaded peril of hyper inflation, Bill will comment on that grim scenario as well as the possibility thatthe new congress may change the dynamics for better provided certain conditions arise. For example the appointment of Congressman Ron Paul to chair the important sub committee for Domestic Monetary Policy could create some fireworks with a long anticipated honest look at the Federal Reserve. Bill was the co-founder of the Bearing Fund back in 2002 shortly after the tech bubble imploded. Their track record has been among the best performing hedge funds this decade. His association with the Ludwig Von Mises Institute demonstrates his solid understanding of Austrian economics. The great Ludwig Von Mises was a friend of Robert Welch and his name appeared for years as asponsor of American Opinion, the forerunner to The New American. Don FreedomWorks Staff

Richard Peters

3/30/2011 Educate our representatives Columbus, OH 43212 Union County 9/12 ?We are their bosses? Instructing our State Legislators on two Constitutional issues: *State Nullification *Constitutional Convention Alicia Healy will speak on: Wisconsin Nullification of the Fugitive Slave Law and its application today Tom Rice (Ohio Coordinator for the John Birch Society) will present: The Details and Dangers of an Article V constitutional convention Questions: call Joseph Healy 614-282-1100 Columbus, OH 43212 – USA Wednesday,March 30 at 7:00 PM Heather Dukette
4/29/2011 Spring National Constitution Party Meeting with Sheriff Mack Harrisburg East Holiday Inn 4751 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111, USA The 2011 Spring National Meeting with Sheriff Mack speaking at the Friday Evening Banquet which you may register seperately to attend. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 29-30 Scheduled to appear Friday, April 29th Robert Owens: State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Ohio, Robert Owens is one of the Constitution Party’s exciting young rising stars! He had them on their feet cheering at the national meeting in Ft. Worth, Texas in November and you can look forward to him kicking off the meeting on Friday morning in rousing fashion! Robert Owens leadership is the primary reason that the Constitution Party is on the ballot in Ohio right now. Be there to give him a big welcome to open the Spring 2011 Constitution Party National Committee Meeting and Conference! Peg Luksik: The woman who put the Constitution Party on the map in Pennsylvania with her dramatic campaigns for Governor in the 1990’s. You will not want to miss her presentation at the Constitution Party Meeting. John McManus: A great friend of the Constitution Party , John McManus is a patriot of the first order and the President of the John Birch Society. His topic will be: T he United Nations. The Constitution Party and the JBS are agreed: Get the United States OUT of the United Nations and get the United Nations OUT of the United States! Chelene Nightingale: The electrifying Chelene Nightingale was the Constitution Party endorsed candidate for Governor of California in 2010 who shattered popular vote records for California’s American Independent Party . She stood up for border security! She stood up for American farmers to use their own water and she stood up for “We The People!” Local media reporters wanted to, and often did cover Chelene’s exciting campaign appearances, often only to have those stories pulled off the air by those “higher up.” Nevertheless, Chelene Nightingale was still the sensation of the California 2010 Governor campaign! Find out why Chelene Nightingale continues to be a sensation as she continues her fight for W e the People and the US Constitution! America’s Constitutionalist Sheriff, Richard Mack, will be the featured speaker at the Friday Evening Banquet. Sheriff Mack has an enormous following all across America and for very good reason… he is reminding the American people that their county sheriff works for THEM, not the government!! He is encouraging Americans to stand up for their individual rights and showing them how to do it! Everyone registered for the entire Spring National Committee Meeting will see Sheriff Mack for no extra charge. Those who are not able to attend the other portions of this meeting may STILL come and see Sheriff Mack on Friday evening, April 29, for the very low admission fee of only $50 …this includes dinner!!! Whether you are attending the entire meeting or only the Friday evening banquet…make your registration NOW to ensure a seat to this memorable event! Appearing on Saturday, April 30 Darrell Castle “The Crisis In The Middle East” The 2008 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Nominee and current Constitution Party National Committee Vice-Chairman, Darrell Castle is considered by many to be the “Conscience of the Constitution Party” and one of its leading spokesmen on foreign policy issues. T he upcoming Constitution Party National Committee Meeting and Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, will put the spotlight on Darrell Castle as provides his expert analysis on the of the madness in the Middle East. Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya–what in the world is going on? Darrell Castle will put it all in perspective Saturday morning, April 30, 2011. This presentation alone will be worth the price of admission! Do not miss it. Victor Chiasson — a Canadian conservative with strong ties to the Constitution Party , Victor Chiasson brings us scary tales of the ” Human Rights” Tribunals in Canada. Are they coming soon to us here, south of the border?? Taylor Haynes — Retired physician, independent cattleman, member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Wyoming, Taylor Haynes is the latest political sensation in Wyoming after his landmark 2010 Campaign for Governor where he received an amazing 8% of the vote as a WRITE IN candidate! Find out why thousands of Wyoming voters fell in love with this great patriot! Don’t miss Taylor Haynes!! And…Last, But Not Least… And Certainly Worth Waiting For… Virgil Goode A veteran member of the United States House of Representatives from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Virgil Goode is the newest member of the Constitution Party’s National Executive Committee. A great champion of limited government, border security, national sovereignty, and a pro-American trade policy, Virgil Goode has increasingly found himself in the national media spotlight…for very good reason! The National Executive Committee meeting will start at 3pm on Thursday, April 28 . A working dinner will be provided. Guests and regular committee members are welcome to sit in and observe the National Executive Committee meeting, but may not participate. The National Committee meeting will start Friday morning at 8:30am. Lunch will be included. After lunch on Friday there will be a tour of the Pennsylvania Capitol , acknowledged by many (especially those from Pennsylvania!) to be the most beautiful capitol building in America. It is rich in the heritage and traditions of America. Transportation will be provided by bus and the cost is included in the registration. A Gala Friday Evening Banquet is scheduled to commence at 7:00 PM. The National Committee will reconvene on Saturday at 8:00 AM and conclude at 2:00 PM. Registration Information The Constitution Party?s Fall National and Executive Committee meetings will be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania April 28 ? April 30 , 2011. The hotel selected for the meeting is the Harrisburg East Holiday Inn located at 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Sleeping room reservations should be made by calling the hotel directly at 717-939-7841 . Please be sure to mention that you are with the Constitution Party group in order to get our special rate of $99 plus tax for singles and doubles. This reservation must be made by April 13, 2011. The regular registration fee– for those whose registration is postmarked or called in on or before April 22– is $175. The late registration fee for those who register after April 22 or at the door is $200 . The Constitution Party, being family friendly and youth oriented, also offers the following bargains for students and children: Student registration is $105 . (12 and over) Registration for Children under 12 is $15 , but no meals are included. ($105 with meals.) Download Guest Registration Form Here Jody Fike
3/30/2011 The Liberty Club of Columbus Associated General Contractors 1755 Northwest Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212, USA The Liberty Club of Columbus (Urban Columbus/Worthington 912) presents Instructing our State Legislators: Nullification Yesterday and Today and Constitutional Convention, Good idea or Bad Idea? Tea Party Activist Alicia Healy speaks on Wisconsin Nullification of the Fugitive Slave Law and current day uses of Nullification and Tom Rice, Ohio Coordinator for the John Birch Society, Presents: Article V Constitutional Convention-Details and Dangers Please join us for this timely discussion of the powers of the States to rein in the federal government and restore the Constitution. Wed., March 30, 2011 7:00 PM Associated General Contractors 1755 Northwest Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212 (Corner of Northwest Blvd. and Chambers Rd., park in back along Chambers or in Kroger parking lot, enter through back door-1300 Chambers) Questions, call Joseph Healy 614-282-1100 Joseph Healy
6/5/2011 An Expose on Agenda 21 and the ICEI Cotuit Center for the Arts 4404 Falmouth Rd, Cotuit, MA 02635, USA An Expose of Agenda 21 and the ICLEI ? Added by Lisa Martin ? Send Message View Events EVENT DETAILS Time: June 5, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm Location: Cotuit Center for the Arts Street: 4404 Falmouth Rd City/Town: Cotuit, Massachusetts Event Type: meeting Organized By: Hal Shurtleff-The Birch Society Latest Activity: just now Export to Outlook or iCal (.ics) Invite More People Like 2 members like this Share Twitter Facebook EVENT Mass LPA is sponsoring this event. Dave Kopaz and I will be speaking on the subject of Agenda 21 and the ICLEI and what can be done about it UNsustainable development – How Regionalization Kills Local Economies & Seizes Property Rights Posted Sunday May 29, 2011 at 4:10 pm by Dave Kopacz (district 1) Jun 5 2011 7:00 pm This seminar is open to the public and designed to illustrate how international policies impact the environment and local land use laws. Through a vast network of unelected counsels and committees, initiatives like Agenda 21, the Wildlands Project, & Smart Growth threaten our local control. The event will include the viewing of a short documentary film and follow up discussion. Attendees will receive a free 5-piece DVD set to share on Community Access TV and other groups. “>DOWNLOAD FLYER GUEST SPEAKERS Dave Kopacz Sr. – Dave is a municipal Conservation Agent, Chair of the Conservation Commission & Chair of his Open Space & Recreational Committee. Dave will share his experiences with regional planning commissions relentlessly instituting unproven global schemes in our local land & environmental regulations. He’ll also explain the hidden role of Land Trusts & environmental activists and how “consensus” and “Visioning” have replaced standard parliamentary procedures in building fraudulent public approval. Hal Shurtleff – Hal is the North East Regional Director for the John Birch Society. Hal has been touring the area educating communities on the UN’s program known as the International Counsel on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), now called “Local Governments for Sustainability” to disguise its origin. Hal will describe exactly why this NGO formed and what its goal is. Mary Allen Bradley
7/1/2011 We the People Convention Columbus Convention Center 400 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215, USA The We the People Convention in Columbus Ohio (Jul 1-2, 2011) features the following: — Candidate / Campaign Manager Training from American Majority! — Friday Lunch Speaker is Jenny Beth Martin, President of TEA Party Patriots — Saturday Lunch Speaker is John Fund, Wall Street Journal “Political Diary” & author — State of Ohio Issues Track from the Buckeye Institute — Four sessions on Health Care Reform, including a panel discussion — Two sessions on Voter Fraud, including one by a former ACORN employee — Fed. Reserve Panel featuring John McManus, Pres. of John Birch Society — Private “Leaders Only” Patriot Group Meeting with political strategist Dick Morris! Also, there is a Friday Night fundraising dinner featuring Dick Morris, and a Saturday Night dinner featuring a Presidential Panel. See the website for full details. Discount pricing through May 31! The one event you cannot miss this year! Paul Baker
3/3/2011 Article V Convention Amendment Debate Franklin Countywide Republican Club / Gala Event Center 42 Prairie Dell Plaza Dr, Union, MO 63084, USA Debate on the pros and cons of the Article V Convention Amendment with a 5 member panel: State Rep and Majority Floor Leader Tim Jones, US Constitution Attorney Dave Roland, US Cosntitution Student and State Rep Paul Curtman, John Birch Society Regional Director Dan Sexson, Missouri Family Network Founder Kerry Messer. RSVP 314-920-7900 Sandra Davidson

gene caldwell

3/10/2011 Avi Lipkin Q&A with the John Birch Society Character Inn 520 W Main St, Oklahoma City, OK 73160, USA * THURSDAY MORNING – OKC AREA – The Business and Professional Chapter of the John Birch Society will host their monthly meeting at the Character Inn, 520 West Main in downtown OKC. The buffet breakfast ($6.00) is served at 7:15 and the meeting begins about 7:40 a.m. Our guest speaker this month will be Avi Lipkin, but he will not be in his regular speaking format. We have asked him to simply do a question and answer session. If there is anything you want to ask about radical Islam and its influences on the middle East and what Israel must do to survive, this is your opportunity. The fellowship before these meetings begin is always great, so arrive early and bring your best questions. We are usually finished by 8:20 or so, but you may leave It’sanytime your schedule demands. Stephen Blakely
5/16/2011 Northern KY Tea Party/ Boone County Chapter Old Union Community Bldg 10087 Old Union Rd, Union, KY 41091, USA We will have Tom Rice, field staffer with the John Birch Society as our guest speaker Terry Donoghue
1/13/2011 The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Monthly Meetup San Jose, CA, USA The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Note: Time is 8:00PM! Agenda: JBS Bulletin Review and Action Items Pending legislation The latest issue of the New American National and local news I’ve got some exciting news regarding hosting an event with Sheriff Mack, so stay tuned for more information! San Jose, CA 95123 – USA Thursday, January 13 at 8:00 PM Web Team
11/11/2010 The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Monthly Meetup San Jose, CA, USA The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Note: Time is 8:00PM! Agenda: JBS Bulletin Review and Action Items Pending legislationThe latest issue of the New American National and local news Please notethat we are meeting at Rich Zerbini’s house as Dan is gone on November 11th. Hope to see you there! 🙂 San Jose, CA 95123 – USA Thursday,November 11 at 8:00 PM Web Team
12/9/2010 The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Monthly Meetup San Jose, CA, USA The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Note: Time is 8:00PM! Agenda: JBS Bulletin Review and Action Items Pending legislation The latest issue of the New American National and local news I’ve got some exciting news regarding hosting an event with Sheriff Mack, so stay tuned for more information! San Jose, CA 95123 – USA Thursday, December 9 at 8:00 PM Web Team
2/10/2011 The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Monthly Meetup San Jose, CA, USA The San Jose Freedom Campaign Meetup Note: Time is 8:00PM! Agenda: JBS Bulletin Review and Action Items Pending legislation The latest issue of the New American National and local news I’ve got some exciting news regarding hosting an event with Sheriff Mack, so stay tuned for more information! San Jose, CA 95123 – USA Thursday, February 10 at 8:00 PM Web Team
Devin Burghart

is vice president of IREHR. He coordinates our Seattle office, directs our research efforts, and manages our online communications. He has researched, written, and organized on virtually all facets of contemporary white nationalism since 1992, and is internationally recognized for this effort. Devin is frequently quoted as an expert by print, broadcast, and online media outlets. In 2007, he was awarded a Petra Foundation fellowship. more...

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